Hence, please ensure that you have an SSL certificate installed on your site before moving to the next section. Another way is to do it at the server level, or you can even do it with a free WordPress plugin. All you need to do is enter a password. Let’s have a look at the steps involved. This will add a secure layer of communication over the entire network. In this article, you’ll learn how to do just that. HTTP and HTTPS. Likewise, you’ll also need to enable the Force SSL Exclusively option underneath.This setting will make it so all the pages you’ve configured will load over HTTPS … Here’s all you’ll need to get started: You can force HTTPS with a free WordPress plugin or by updating a single file in your hosting account. Just add .deactivate and the plugin will be deactivated. Requires: WordPress 2.5 or higher On the staging site, you can test if the plugin can properly enforce HTTPS. Modern hosting companies like SiteGround will serve customer sites from Apache environments almost exclusively. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. → Now you can access your staging site. It’s an exact replica of your live site. If there are just too many pages on your website to check manually? Now that you’re serving your WordPress website over HTTPS, it’s time to share the news! Unfortunately, the smallest mistake can lead to catastrophic results, like your website breaking and you losing access to your admin dashboard. If your CDN doesn’t, then it’s best to talk to their support. When all fails, you can hire developers to investigate the matter. Option #1 Another option is to use a plugin such as WP Force SSL, which we discussed earlier. Enabling the Force SSL Administration setting will cause WordPress to load your dashboard over SSL.Just as with your users, it’s the more secure option, so it makes sense to take advantage of it. → And login via the same credentials you use to log into your live site. The following rule in the WordPress .htaccess file will force all your visitors to use HTTPS instead of HTTP for all URLs. With this rule in place, resources requested over an insecure protocol will be served over HTTPS instead. Next, it’ll ask you to go ahead and click on “Go ahead, activate SSL.” Do that and HTTPS will be forced site-wide. By using this plugin, you can enable HTTPS for any page. Note: With this plugin, users will need to add https to the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) parameters under General > Settings. Many websites experience issues while configuring SSL. Installing and testing your SSL certificate, How to force HTTPS without a WordPress plugin, Adding HTTPS rules to your WordPress .htaccess file, Fixing WordPress HTTPS mixed content warnings, Moving your WordPress website to HTTPS is a win-win, Administrative access to your WordPress website, Valid SSL certificate for your WordPress website’s domain name, Trustworthy SSL plugin or access to your website’s files. This plugin can activate the HTTPS for any web page and admin page. The plugins that make WordPress force HTTPS range from inexpensive to free and SSL certificates are just too easy to come by. It doesn’t come with the advanced options of some of the other plugins. Here  are the two steps that you need to take to force WordPress HTTPS without plugin: Take a complete backup of your website before implementing any of the steps below. Notes: • These instructions don't apply to Managed WordPress accounts with an SSL certificate. You should, however, prepare a complete backup of your site as the plugin suggests. Once installed, a valid SSL certificate (short for secure sockets layer) allows your visitors to browse your website over the HTTPS protocol instead of the older, insecure HTTP alternative. Force SSL for administrator and sign in pages. In case forcing HTTPS leads to an issue, come back to this article and check out our troubleshooting section. Solution: The problem was not what I thought it was. 2. Building on top of both AutoSSL and cPanel Market features that make it easier than ever to secure your websites with an SSL, we hope that the Force HTTPS … Additionally, all internal links within the WordPress app and website will be set to their HTTPS … The most important ones include login and admin pages, contact page, cart pages, service or product pages, archive pages, all-important landing pages, and posts. The plugins that make WordPress force HTTPS range from inexpensive to free and SSL certificates are just too easy to come by. →  Open it and enter your FTP credentials. However, if you are feeling adventurous today, then go ahead and try the manual method. ... ('FORCE_SSL… Before you proceed to force HTTPS in WordPress, you need to have the SSL certificate installed. InMotionFan says: August 13, 2018 at 8:45 pm . Conduct automatic scans of your website on a daily basis. Ce site vous donnera toutes les informations nécessaires pour faire vivre notre action. → Open Filezilla and go to public_html > wp-content > plugins. Use one of the tools below to do it automatically. Replacing these insecure references by hand can be tedious, especially if your WordPress website includes many pages or posts. Force HTTPs. La plupart des applications Web comme WordPress et Joomla possèdent des extensions/plugins qui redirigent automatiquement les visiteurs d'un site vers sa version https sécurisée. If you’re a Kinsta client, the easiest way is to use our force HTTPS tool (recommended). Once you do this, your website is now fully setup to use SSL / HTTPS, but you will … This is the part that can easily be done with a plugin. J’ai contrôlé plusieurs fois l’étape 3 – “Rediriger le trafic vers HTTPS”, mais rien à faire. Just activate Force SSL and everything will be configured for you and SSL enabled. Une redirection permet de rediriger automatiquement un visiteur souhaitant accéder à une URL A (ex : https://monsupersite.fr), vers une URL B (ex : https://monsitegenial.fr). After confirming that your SSL certificate is active, you’re ready to create the rules that will force WordPress HTTPS connections across your site. Another way is to do it at the server level, or you can even do it with a free WordPress … Your site’s visitors are more privacy conscious than ever before, and for good reason. It also works on WordPress multisite networks . This article will help you do just that – WordPress Login Not Secure. If not, then consider posting about it on the WordPress support forum and on Facebook groups like WordPress Experts, WPCrafter, WordPress, WPSecure, among others. We are confident that, if you followed our guidelines carefully, you were able to force HTTPS throughout your WordPress website. The redirection loop will prevent you from accessing the admin dashboard. Go ahead and fire up your FTP client of choice or visit the file manager included with your hosting provider’s cPanel tool. */. Comment forcer l'utilisation du protocole HTTPS sur votre site sous Wordpress ? Webmasters passed on SSL certificates for years for a number of reasons. If you carry on logging in without the SSL certificate, the login credentials, if obtained by hackers, can be easily exploited. Most bloggers only need the first type of certificate which we’ll discuss below. If she has, these rules will politely and silently redirect her. With that plugin, you get a checkbox on Posts/Pages to force it to be SSL. Forcer HTTPS (SSL) pour un site Web. There are two ways to force WordPress to use HTTPS: Step 1: Create a staging site. Toute aide, toute idée, toute action et tout défi relevé sera la bienvenue. Different plugins are available for this purpose, but in this article, we are going to use “really simple SSL … Nous espérons que cet article vous sera d’une grande utilité. For instance, the issue could be caused by a  WordPress plugin or theme. Pick HTTPS from the dropdown menu right before your URL. The WordPress login screen includes a “← Back to {sitename}” link below the login form; which may not actually take you back to the site while Force Login is activated. Dans les champs Adresse web de WordPress (URL) et Adresse web du site (URL), remplacez http par https. → Check your website thoroughly. That’s it. → Update Your CDN: Most CDNs are equipped with a built-in feature that allows you to change the URL. You need to take other proactive security measures. Force HTTPS in WordPress by Using Plugin. It could be caused by an image on your site. Many websites have not yet adopted HTTPS. That’s all folks. → Update Your Sitemap: Ideally, SEO plugins like Yoast should automatically update the sitemap. If you are anything like us, you are probably using many web services. It works with any SSL certificate. Il n’y a quasiment rien à faire pour subitement voir votre site apparaître comme sécurisé. It’ll enforce HTTPS  on your website. PHP code doesn't have to deal with SSL at all in such case. How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress. 10 plugins WordPress pour afficher des témoignages sur votre Blog; Conclusion. Search engines like Google use HTTPS … *)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] Read more: Learn how to add an SSL certificate to a WordPress website. Forcing HTTPS is known to cause issues. All I needed to do was enable HTTPS. Guide pour forcer le chargement des média oEmbed en HTTPS sous WordPress et charger les vidéos Youtube depuis le site de Google qui ne trace pas les utilisateurs (pas de cookies pisteurs). Right-click on it and select View/Edit. To force any HTTP request to redirect to HTTPS, you can add code to your WordPress … Disclaimer: We strongly encourage you to back up the data on your WordPress site before you begin. → Select the redirection plugin installed on your site. Still, the problem with WordPress is that it relies on absolute paths/URLs whenever referencing hyperlinks or static resources. You’ll also want to prepare a site backup before proceeding. HTTPS for WordPress: ... AutoSSL and cPanel Market features that make it easier than ever to secure your websites with an SSL, we hope that the Force HTTPS Redirect will encourage users to take advantage of the opportunity to secure their websites and data. Vous avez sécurisé votre domaine avec un certificat SSL et vous voulez maintenant vous assurer que toutes les connexions sont bien chiffrées ? You must also already have SSL … Note them down, you’ll need them. → From your website dashboard, select BlogVault. Reply. The tool will scan your site for a minute or two and will then offer a letter grade or a notice depending on its findings. Il existe des plugins WordPress pour le HTTPS, personnellement je ne m’en suis pas servi mais cela pourra toujours être utile: Really Simple SSL est l’extension tout-en-un, très facile à mettre en place et à configurer; WordPress Https qui force la redirection HTTP vers HTTPS; Wp Force Https … → Inside the public_html folder, you will find the wp-config.php file. And be sure to update your site’s address in Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and in Bing Webmaster Tools if you’re using those services (and you definitely should be)! Manage Service SSL Certificates How to add a new SSL certificate for your different WM services. Or just talk to your hosting provider. Also, make sure to insert the code above the sentence /* That’s all, stop editing! That’s why online shops have been forcing HTTPS on their sites for years. Search for, install, and activate Really Simple SSL by Kostas Vrouvas. It is not sufficient to define these constants in a plugin file; they must be defined in your wp-config.php file. Browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox should show a padlock next to the address bar as you navigate from one page to the next, indicating that the move to HTTPS was successful. Now change the WordPress Address and Site Address URL to HTTPS instead of HTTP. Depending on how you configured your Search Console property, you might need to register your HTTPS address as a new property. Your host likely sent you FTP and cPanel credentials shortly after you purchased your plan. Right-click on it and select View/Edit. If you’re a SiteGround customer, head to the Let’s Encrypt page of your cPanel. Note that your WordPress site will need to be running in an Apache environment in order for these rules to work. You can find your FTP credentials with the help of this guide and this video. – Force SSL Admin and Force SSL Login are easy WordPress security features to set. Another option is to use a plugin such as WP Force SSL… Avec o2switch, il est possible de forcer l'utilisation du HTTPS sur un site WordPress existant en quelques clics. When I first installed my SSL certificate, my initial thought was to only put my administrator and other protected pages behind HTTPS. From there, scroll all the way down and select your WordPress website’s domain name from the dropdown. To ascertain if your site has mixed content, all you need to do is run your site on SSL checkers like Whynopadlock & Jitbit. As far as data is concerned, a credit card number is pretty darn sensitive. It can be free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt or a paid SSL certificate. If the SSL certificate is not active on any page, you’ll get a notification. One of the many functions you can perform via .htaccess is the 301 redirects, which permanently redirects an old URL to a new one. But moving your site to HTTPs alone will not secure it from hackers and bots. An effective security plugin will protect your website by taking the steps below: Secure Your Site With MalCare Security Services, WordPress XSS Attacks: How to prevent them, WordPress Hacked Redirect? Je l’utilise sur tous les sites WordPress que je créé ou gère. That means any information that is exchanged gets encrypted. It works automatically, you don’t have to lift a single finger. Hence, you need to first figure out which server is your site hosted on. Here applies classical SoC principle: if you code doesn't explicitly work with connection (in WP it does not), you should leave protocol checking to … Head that direction and enter your site’s domain name into the SSL Server Test tool. Luckily, our test site had no mixed content issue. The rule can be added immediately below or above the three redirect lines added earlier. It only takes a minute to sign up. WordPress. When forcing HTTPS on your WordPress website, you are likely to come across one  of these three issues: Is your login page and admin area showing the “Not Secure” warning? You probably won’t need to replace any HTTP references as long as your theme was well developed and you’re not adding custom code to your website. Sécuriser WordPress – Forcer le login en https @ Korben — 9 décembre 2016 Ce travail sur WordPress a été rendu possible grâce au soutien d’Ikoula. WordPress Development Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for WordPress developers and administrators. Drop the following lines into your WordPress site’s .htaccess file. → Download and install Filezilla onto your computer. → In the header section, scroll down to find the server of your site. You can activate the feature to force HTTPS … Next, navigate to the root (or topmost) directory of the WordPress site you’re protecting with HTTPS. The entire site will move to HTTPS using your SSL certificate. Follow the below mentioned simple steps to download and install the plugin: Step # 1. Then upload your updated sitemap onto the Search Console. This makes WordPress itself handle the redirect. → Scroll down to the Staging section and select Add Staging > Submit. By using this plugin, you can enable HTTPS … Browsers will trigger a mixed content warning when a site served over HTTPS includes insecure content. So you’ve decided that you’re ready to protect your website with an SSL certificate and HTTPS? Your entire site will be running on SSL in no time. The most important security measure that you can take for your WordPress website is to install a trustworthy and reliable security plugin. The WordPress login screen includes a « ← Back to {sitename} » link below the login form; which may not actually take you back to the site while Force Login is activated. It’s easy to assume that installing an SSL certificate and replacing “http” with “https” in WordPress settings would guarantee a secure connection to your site’s pages, but that’s not the case. To correct all WordPress HTTPS mixed content warnings more quickly, add this line to the top of your website’s .htaccess file. The quickest way to force your website over HTTPS is to install and activate the Really Simple SSL plugin. Dès que vous avez activé le certificat SSL par le biais de votre espace client, il est nécessaire de rediriger toutes les pages en HTTP vers le HTTPS par mesure de sécurité. High letter grades suggest that your WordPress website is ready for HTTPS. This directory should include at least three folders and several files beginning with the “wp-” prefix. Aside from installing an SSL certificate, you can make WordPress force HTTPS sitewide in a variety of ways. Pour imager, on va le forcer à prendre un itinéraire bis, sans que cela ait d’impact sur son temps de trajet. You should find a public_html folder in that panel. Locate the .htaccess file in your site’s root directory then download and/or open it for editing. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered Jobs; Stop WordPress from using HTTPS and just use HTTP. How To Force HTTPS in WordPress . If you’re using cPanel’s file manager and cannot find the file, hit the “Settings” link inside the file manager. This means that we stand to earn a commission Log into your Analytics account, then go to Admin > Property Settings > Default URL. It doesn’t come with the advanced options of some of the other plugins. Note: With this plugin, users will need to add https to the WordPress … Sign up to join this community. You can find your FTP details from your hosting provider. Properties like these are often tied to a specific domain name and protocol pair. Requires: WordPress 2.5 or higher Right when you think you are close to the finish line, there is still some distance left to cover. C’est tout pour cet article dédié aux 10 meilleurs plugins WordPress premium conçu pour vous aider à forcer l’utilisateur à se connecter. Open your website. But if all goes well, then proceed to the next section. Dans certains cas, cependant, forcer WordPress à charger via HTTPS peut entraîner quelques erreurs. Likewise, you’ll also need to enable the Force SSL Exclusively option underneath.This setting will make it so all the pages you’ve configured will load over HTTPS exclusively. You can access these files over FTP using a free program like FileZilla or from your host’s web-based file manager. Step 6: Open BlogVault’s dashboard and go to the Staging section. There are two ways to force WordPress to use HTTPS: Forcing HTTPS using a plugin (easy way) Forcing HTTPS manually (hard way) Let dive into both methods – 1. Then it’s very likely that a redirection plugin on your website is the real culprit. And that’s how you force HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress. On account of these changes, the file paths stated in this guide may change depending on whether your Bitnami stack uses native Linux system packages (Approach A), or if it is a self-contained installation (Approach B). In consequence, their websites broke and access to their admin dashboard was lost. Great! To do this you will need to modify your .htaccess file. Moreover, you can troubleshoot what went wrong and fix the issue on the staging site. → Update Your Social Media Account: It’s good practice to keep the site URL updated on your social profiles. 2 erreurs SSL WordPress courantes (et comment les corriger) À ce stade, vous savez comment vous assurer que tous les visiteurs de votre site profitent d’une connexion sécurisée. →  Open the software and enter your FTP details at the top of the window. Force HTTPS in WordPress by Using Plugin. Block bad traffic from accessing your site with a firewall and login protection features. All good? Toute la procédure étant simplifiée avec l'outil WPTiger : * Connectez-vous sur cPanel. → Add your site to the BlogVault dashboard just by clicking on Add. For a page to be completely secure, all of the items served from it need to be secure as well. The switch from HTTP to HTTPS will probably log you out of your WordPress control panel, but this is normal. Go to your WordPress dashboard > Settings > General. Step 5: Check all pages of your staging site. SSL certificate has been forced on your website. Step 2: Now install and activate the Really Simple SSL plugin on your staging site. The process of installing a free SSL certificate varies from one hosting provider to the next. HTTPS pages build trust in your website visitors. 2. Installing an SSL certificate can seem like a never-ending process. Enabling the Force SSL Administration setting will cause WordPress to load your dashboard over SSL.Just as with your users, it’s the more secure option, so it makes sense to take advantage of it. Auriez-vous une idée ? It no longer makes sense to serve your WordPress website over an insecure protocol. Step 2: Convert all URLs to WordPress SSL. If you receive a “certificate name mismatch” notice or a similar warning, you should review the status of your free certificate before proceeding. Many WordPress plugins will add these rules on your behalf, but Really Simple SSL is (not surprisingly) one of the most simple. Here’s a guide that’ll help you through that – How to Clear WordPress Cache? Clean your website thoroughly and within a few hours. Just log back in again. You don’t have to do much apart from activating the plugin. WP Force SSL. Go ahead and browse pages from the front end of your website as a visitor might. The rules will not take effect until you save and/or upload your modified .htaccess file. Forces all of the things to HTTPS. Utile pour migrer vers HTTPS ! Reply. If you’re a Kinsta client, the easiest way is to use our force HTTPS tool (recommended). Click here to see 8 steps to move your WordPress to https:// How HTTPS Works – A Short Definition ... (Secure Socket Layer) certificate to establish a connection between browser and server. Sa force : vous et vos idées. Félix Maroy says: August 12, 2018 at 12:27 pm. To fix this issue, following this guide on Removing Mixed Content in WordPress. Fortunately for those users, making WordPress force HTTPS without a plugin is fairly straightforward. To force any HTTP request to redirect to HTTPS, you can add code to your WordPress .htaccess file. Happy blogging. A window pops up from underneath. WordPress en HTTPS – Connexion en https avec Chrome. Next, scroll down and save your changes. This line allows WordPress to force SSL / HTTPs in WordPress admin area. 28 Comments Originally posted February 2, 2017. With a backup in place and ready to restore from, go ahead and hit the plugin’s “activate SSL” button. → BlogVault will ask you to create an account. Please ensure that you hire developers from trusted sources like –. There is a plugin that can help with this: WordPress HTTPS (SSL). You can hide this link by adding the following action to your functions.php file. You should find a public_html folder in here. Using the plugin is the recommended way because it’s automated. Protocol-relative URLs are not being recommended anymore by some web experts, because the “secure by default” mindset and rapid adaption of SSL (TLS) over HTTPS has surged ahead in the past few years. There are a couple different options you have when choosing to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress. Right-click and select Inspect. we don't use and love. Dans cet article, nous vous montrons comment vous pouvez rediriger automatiquement vos visiteurs vers HTTPS via une … This will regenerate the sitemap with the changed URLs. Cost is no longer an excuse for not protecting your visitors. Once activated, the plugin will encourage you to replace “HTTP references” and to prepare a website backup before inviting you to activate SSL. Furthermore, learn how to add a secure post. (Refer image) HTTP to HTTPS redirect in WordPress. Le cas des « éléments non sécurisés »sera développé plus loin dans cet article : Gérer le contenu non sécurisé.Il correspond, par exemple, à une page accédée en HTTPS mais dont les images qui s’affichent … It doesn’t come with the advanced options of some of the other plugins. Additional rules are required to redirect users who visit your site’s insecure URLs, and those rules are added to your website’s .htaccess file. The tools will notify you if the SSL certificate is not reflected on any of your pages. A seemingly harmless typo can take your whole WordPress site down when editing files directly. … With this option enabled, the WordPress login is always forced over SSL. sauvegarder les fichiers et la base de données du site par précaution; installer l'extension Really Simple SSL depuis la console WordPress Sometimes this can cause an image or two to go missing, but in extreme cases, the failed upgrade can prevent an essential script from loading. Which WP Plugin can I install to fix it ? → The Remote site panel will populate with WordPress files and folders. → Inside the public_html folder, you will find the .htaccess file. If your site includes references to resources from these sites and your new .htaccess rule attempts to upgrade them to HTTPS, those resources will break. → The Remote site panel will populate with the files and folder of your website. I am using Zevenet CE 5.9, which does not provide the options for x-forwarded-for or x-forwarded-proto, hence to put it behind the reverse proxy we just force https on this way :). Forcing HTTPS … As alluded to earlier, the Really Simple SSL plugin creates rules that send visitors to the HTTPS version of your website. If you don’t know how to find your credentials, this guide and this video will give you step-by-step instructions. Head to your WordPress website’s “General Settings” screen. Our WordPress guide outlines the entire process in greater detail, so be sure to download that for free if you haven’t already! You’re now ready to add the rules required to force HTTPS on your site’s pages. on any sales delivered with the links, but we do not recommend products or services that → So, install and activate BlogVault Staging on your live WordPress website. Scan & Clean Hacked WordPress Site, Broken padlock or padlock showing warning signs (mixed content issue), Your WordPress & Site Addresses are wrong, Wrong redirection instructions in the .htaccess file, Forcing HTTPS without installing the SSL certificate, Configuration issues with a redirection plugin. → The plugin will start taking a backup of your complete website. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https RewriteRule ^(. It is the easiest way to redirect all traffic to https in WordPress. Comment forcer le HTTPS sur un site WordPress existant ? Before such a disaster happens, you need to force HTTPS on the login and admin pages. Please remember to replace domain.com in the snippet with your own website URL. How Hackers Hack WordPress Site & How To Prevent It? It means you have links, images, scripts and/or stylesheets from WordPress plugins and themes that don’t use HTTPS. That means the URL for submitting the login form will begin with HTTPS… A small window pops up from below. Follow this step by step guide to learn how to force wordpress to use HTTPS. WP Force SSL helps you redirect insecure HTTP traffic to secure HTTPS one without touching any code. If you aren’t proficient in working on the website’s backend, you may make mistakes. Using the Code Editor in the File Manager, add these … Later you can merge the staging site with the live one to incorporate the changes without replicating the steps. To easily enable (and enforce) WordPress administration over SSL, there are two constants that you can define in your site’s wp-config.php file. WP Force SSL comes with an SSL certificate testing tool. To do this you will need to modify your .htaccess file. Our free guide walks readers through a WordPress backup step by step. Share Improve this answer Pour passer WordPress sur HTTPS, vous devez modifier l'adresse de WordPress et du site Web : Connectez-vous à la zone d'administration de votre site Web WordPress et cliquez sur Réglages > Général dans le menu. Expand that folder. Pour les offres Hébergement Linux, Hébergement Windows et Serveur Dédié Managed. If you're wondering why your SSL is not working on your website, or still going through HTTP protocol, you may need to force it with an HTTPS redirect. Sign into your WordPress control panel then click or tap the “Add New” item in the “Plugins” dropdown. Force … If you see a green section with the name of a company or website, that is HTTPS as well – just a more secure certificate. Those that are new to WordPress or SSL certificates should start with the basics, while those who are ready to protect their sites can jump to plugin recommendations or .htaccess rules using the links that follow. Go ahead and switch the “http” part of both addresses to “https” without changing anything else in either value. In this post, I’ll show you how to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS on IIS 10 Server with WordPress blog. SiteGround’s installation of your SSL certificate shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to complete. Choose “Let’s Encrypt SSL” over the wildcard alternative then click or tap the “Install” button. In the first way, we teach how to add this feature to WordPress by using the WordPress HTTPS(SSL) plugin. This happens when the SSL certificate is not configured properly. If you do find an issue, don’t panic, there’s a solution. Put simply, yes. In the first way, we teach how to add this feature to WordPress by using the WordPress HTTPS(SSL) plugin. Click to expand that folder. You can redirect traffic from HTTP HTTPS … Until recently, SSL certificates were an additional cost to those paying for website products like domain names, hosting, and more.

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