Arnold enters the clearing and the two embrace. Annoyed by the villager's excitement and encouragement of Leuthold's escape, Rodolphe, the lead guard, begins asking questions. At first, William is outraged, but Jeremy encourages his father to complete the task. The scene changes back to the Lake of the Four Cantons, over which thick storm clouds are gathering. William sees his house burning in the distance, but Jeremy quickly explains why. At nightfall, whilst Gesler’s hunting horn resounds through a deep valley on the Lake of the Four Cantons, huntsmen and shepherds are returning home. Guillaume Tell: freedom for all Rossini was only 31 when he set foot in Paris. Notes Bishop's adaptation of the opera, under the title "Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol" Plate Numbers (in order of appearance) 9461, 6007-6010, 7734, 7935, 6011-6013, 5761, 6014, 6016, 6015, 6017-6019, 9905, 6020-6022, 6018. The fisherman refuses to ferry him across, and it is William Tell who offers to row him to the opposite bank. However, he tells them that Altdorf still stands. William Tell arrives at the boat dock searching for Arnold, but see's Leuthold trying frantically to escape. He retrieves a bow from one of the soldiers and sneakily draws out two arrows from the quiver. Guillaume Tell Synopsis William Tell ACT I Switzerland, 1307. The poor quality of the original libretto by "Jouy" led to the revision by Bis, but even after that there had to be cuts. Arnold knows where his father had hidden a cache of arms and leads his friends off to fight. The representatives of the various cantons gather together and William Tell leads them all in swearing an oath to free their country of its oppressors; dawn breaks, symbol of victory. Guillaume Tell, qui s’inspire de la légende du héros suisse issue de la pièce de Schiller, est une ode grandiose à la liberté. Misc. Seeing Tell, Rodolphe recognizes him as the man who helped Leuthold to escape: Gesler has him arrested and tells him that to save his own and his son’s life he must pass the test of the apple: that is, with his arrow he must pierce an apple placed on his son’s head. Rossini’s final, great, operatic masterpiece is a story of liberation, the oppressed Swiss attaining their ideal of … Tell does not know anything about Arnold’s secret love affair and so cannot understand why the young man is so perturbed and why he has enrolled in the Austrian army; he tries to persuade him to be faithful to the Swiss ideals of patriotism and freedom. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Rossini: Guillaume Tell - Fabio Luisi on AllMusic - 2005 Gesler asks him why he has the second arrow, and without hesitation, William Tell replies that he intended to use it to kill Gesler. Leuthold enters with news that the storm has blown the ship towards a dangerous outcrop of jagged rocks. The general rejoicings are, however, brusquely interrupted when pastor Leuthold runs in, waving the bloody axe with which he has just killed one of Gesler’s soldiers, who had been trying to carry off his daughter. William Tell orders Jeremy to stay completely still. Then he goes off, unobserved. Rossini's final opera Guillaume Tell is a work of tremendous scale and ambition that even today still requires huge musical, singing and stage resources to do real justice to it. Agreeing that they both love each other dearly, they outline the problems and obstacles they will encounter. The celebrations continue, the dancing begins and Jemmy, Tell’s young son, wins the crossbow shooting competition. Cette production, issue du Rossini Opera Festival de 2013 en collaboration avec Unitel, vous est proposée pendant 3 mois sur OperaVision. From offstage the Swiss are heard crying out for arms to free their hero, William Tell. Awaiting the moment of vengeance, Arnold has come to his father’s house. Rossini also prepared a three-act version of this opera, probably in 1831. The first complete DVD release of the works original version finds the Rossini in Wildbad Festival, celebrating its 25th anniversary, performing Tell for the first time in its entirety. His brilliant, brisk style and dizzying vocal numbers had led him to considerable success in Italy. Tell is a choral opera every bit as much as Boris Godunov; under the direction of Renato Balsadonna, the Covent Garden chorus’s work is full-throated but precise. Down on the shore, Ruodi sings a beautiful love song from his fishing boat, while William Tell stands apart from the crowd. JEMMY et HEDWIGE O jour de délivrance! (Chorus) and more). Men from Unterwalden, Schwyz, and Uri meet with William Tell, Walter, and Arnold, and it is decided that they will fight for Switzerland's independence or die. Guillaume Tell, opéra in four acts, libretto by Étienne de Jouy and Hippolyte-Louis-Florent Bis, was given its first performance at the Théâtre de l’Académie Royale de Musique on the 3 August 1829. Listen Gioacchino Rossini - Guillaume Tell (William Tell): Overture 11min 35sec; Welcome to the Daily Download, a handpicked, free, downloadable piece of classical music available every weekday. 4 CDs. Tell is championed by Melcthal, patriarch of the village, and (hesitantly) by Melcthal's son Arnold, who is in love with the Austrian princess Mathilde. The William Tell Overture is the overture to the opera William Tell (original French title Guillaume Tell), whose music was composed by Gioachino Rossini. As dancing and singing commence, soldiers spot William Tell not paying homage to the hat. After learning of William Tell's arrest, Arnold nearly loses faith in their cause. The Royal Opera’s new Guillaume Tell, ... Rossini’s 1829 work, requiring herculean singers, a super-strong tenor and vast forces, is itself far from pretty, despite a happy ending. In despair, Mathilde begs him to save himself by running away, but Arnold is firm in his decision to defend his native land. The moment it gets to shore, William Tell quickly jumps off of it pushes the boat back out to the water. If you continue to browse the site, you authorize us to use cookies on your device. William Tell premiered in 1829 and was the last of Rossini's 39 operas, after which he went into semi-retirement (he continued to compose cantatas, sacred music and secular vocal music). This site uses cookies to provide the best browsing experience possible. However, William Tell, happy to have converted Arnold to his cause, convinces him to wait until after the celebrations and festivities. Listen free to Lamberto Gardelli – Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Guillaume Tell: Ouverture (Andante - Allegro - Allegro vivace), Guillaume Tell, Act 1 Scene 1: No. “Guillaume Tell” by Gioachino Rossini libretto (French English) Personnages Guillaume Tell (Baryton) Hedwige, son épouse (Mezzo-soprano) Jemmy, leur fils (Soprano) Gessler, gouverneur des cantons de Schwitz et d'Uri (Basse) Mathilde, sœur de Gessler (Soprano) Gesler, unhappy with the celebration, orders his men to put together a group of dancers and singers. Performed for the first time in its original uncut version, this production of Guillaume Tell was the jewel in the crown of the 25-year history of the ‘Rossini in Wildbad’ opera festival. Guillaume Tell. Instead, he orders his men to apprehend Jeremy and crafts a plan. "Ah, maestro," exclaimed an enthusiastic admirer of Rossini to that master, "I heard your ‘William Tell’ at the Opera last night!" LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. William and Walter question Arnold, asking him how he can love the Austrian woman. In that instant, William Tell shoots an arrow directly into Gesler's heart, killing him instantly. Whilst everyone acclaims Tell, Arnold comes on to announce that Altorf has been liberated. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, The Story of Bellini's Opera "La Sonnambula", Fidelio Synopsis - The Story of Beethoven’s One and Only Opera, B.A., Classical Music and Opera, Westminster Choir College of Rider University. The Austrian governor, Gesler, as arrived along with his court. Arnold greets them and shows them the large cache of weapons his father and William Tell gathered. Guillaume Tell, together with Semiramide, is easily the best of Rossini's operas, topping even the immensely popular La Cenerentola, Il Barbiere di Sivigli, and Il Vaggio a Reims. With Andrew Foster-Williams as Guillaume Tell; Michael Spyres as Arnold Melcthal; and Judith Howarth as Mathilde. Overcome by the nervous stress of the trial, William falls to the ground, almost fainting, and another arrow falls out of the folds of his jacket: when Gesler demands an explanation William confesses that if he had missed his aim in the test, he would have fired this second arrow at Gesler. Mathilde encourages him to go away, win glory and fame, and come back victoriously to marry her. Moïse et Pharaon, ou Le passage de la Mer Rouge, Matilde di Shabran, ossia Bellezza e Cuor di ferro, La Cenerentola, ossia La Bontà in trionfo. —Fred Cohn A group of women try to restrain Tell’s wife, who wants to join her husband and son to die with them. Princess Mathilde knows that Arnold is following her; she loves him, too. The following year Rossini wrote his long-awaited French grand opera, Guillaume Tell, based on Friedrich Schiller's 1804 play which drew on the William Tell legend. He quickly orders the guards to arrest him. The story is taken from Friedrich Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell (1804). When William Tell and Walter approach and Mathilde quickly departs. Many months ago, while serving with Austrian military forces, Arnold rescued a beautiful woman, Mathilde, from an avalanche. 2010. At this point Mathilde makes her presence felt by taking the boy under her protection, whilst William Tell is led off to die. Instead, he will fight with Switzerland to avenge his father's execution. Guillaume Tell, opéra in four acts, libretto by Étienne de Jouy and Hippolyte-Louis-Florent Bis, was given its first performance at the Théâtre de l’Académie Royale de Musique on the 3 August 1829. Jeremy and the villagers rejoice, which makes Gesler furious. Sa mort termine enfin nos maux. This production of Guillaume Tell is performed in its original uncut version. Meanwhile distant echoes can be heard of a celebration organized by Gesler in the village of Altorf in honour of the Germanic Empire’s more than one hundred-year rule over the Swiss. Arnold reacts angrily to this. Rodolphe takes notice of Jeremy's devotion to his father. After they embark, Gesler's soldiers arrive seeking Leuthold. Within an instant, Gesler's men arrest both William and Jeremy, and they are sentenced to execution. Gesler has even placed his hat at the top of a pole, and his men force the Swiss townsfolk to pay homage to it every time they pass by. Guillaume Tell leads the Swiss resistance against the Austrian overlords, led by Gessler. On the day of the Shepherd Festival, the village peasants prepare a several picturesque Swiss chalet for three newly weds. Whilst every bystander holds his breath, Tell embraces his child, telling him to stand quite still, and then he passes the test triumphantly to the great joy of the people. As the townsfolk look upon the scene in horror, William Tell calmly draws back his arrow and shoots it directly into the apple. As his victory is cheered and celebrated, he spies Leuthold, a shepherd, stumbling into the village. Aaron M. Green is an expert on classical music and music history, with more than 10 years of both solo and ensemble performance experience. Dans son dernier opéra Rossini prend tous les risques pour s’adapter aux nouveaux goûts du public : Guillaume Tell, grande fresque historique inspirée de la tragédie de Schiller, rompt avec l’univers du bel canto et inaugure le genre du « grand opéra à la française » qui va s’épanouir avec Meyerbeer. Rodolphe steps in and instantly recognizes him as Leuthold's abettor. The villagers join in the chorus and sing a song of love, marriage, and work. Jeremy and Mathilda arrive, and after reuniting with her son, she asks for Mathilde's help. He fell in love with her after saving her life in an avalanche, but it is a hopeless passion because of the difference of rank that divides them. The storm dies away, and the heavens resound to songs of victory and freedom. Reviews; Explore; Reviews. As the day passes, Tell's wife, Hedwige, paces up and down the lake's shore where the villagers have assembled. The men craft their plans for properly equipping themselves with the most useful weapons as well as when they will make their strike. The Swiss citizens hold just as contempt for the Austrian ruler as Arnold does. As they make their way to William Tell's home, Arnold is distraught by his father's rebuke. As Jeremy is let go to Mathilde, Gesler announces his intentions for William Tell. Guillaume Tell est un opéra en quatre actes de Gioachino Rossini, sur un livret d'Étienne de Jouy et Hippolyte Bis1, aidés d'Armand Marrast et d'Adolphe Crémieux, d'après la pièce de Friedrich von Schiller2. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Download newsletter to get a bonus download of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture — and so you never miss a free classical track!
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