The order of these top W. C. Fields movies is decided by how many votes they receive, so only highly rated W. C. Fields movies will be at the top of the list. LE MEILLEUR DE W.C. FIELDS EN CINQ FILMS : Le Dentiste 1932, Leslie Pearce - La Pinte fatale 1933, Clyde Bruckman - Le Golfeur 1930, Monte Brice - Le Pharmacien 1933, Arthur Ripley - Le Barbier 1933, Arthur Ripley. FILM: WC FIELDS. I Danmark har Fields altid haft mange fans, og i 1975 stiftede tegneserietegneren Rune T. Kidde Folkebevægelsen for W. C. Fields. What He’s Drinking Moonshine, imported whiskey. W. C. Fields. A renowned gambler and card-shark, a gin drinker, and hater of children, iconic actor- comedian W.C. Fields was known as all these things and more - … Microsoft 365; ... WC Fields. W. C. Fields's highest grossing movies have received a lot of accolades over the years, earning millions upon millions around the world. Shop with confidence. Clark Gable Film actor. Check out what we'll be watching in 2021. En moderne komiker som John Cleese har kaldt Fields for den største af alle komikere. W.C. Fields: Filmografie. "I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol..." Login Sign Up. Films. Films starring W.C. Fields. : 0517. The Art of WC Fields by William K Everson HC DJ 1967 VG VG-. W.C. Fields full list of movies and tv shows in theaters, in production and upcoming films. This release by the Criterion contains 5 short films made by W.C. fields between 1930 and 1933 It also contains a short film made in 1915. Cast and crew. Filmographie. It is a whimsical and often... Sally of the Sawdust is an American silent comedy film, directed by D. W. Griffith, starring... Tales of Manhattan is a 1942 American anthology film directed by Julien Duvivier. The scene where he extracts the woman's tooth may be one of the funniest he made. photo credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images The film was released by … - Achetez W.C. Fields Collection (3 DVD) à petit prix. She became part of Fields' stage act, appearing as his assistant, whom he would blame entertainingly when he missed a trick. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). W.C. Fields: News. On the way he becomes entangled with various police officers the fire brigade including an articulated ladder. W.C. Fields - Collected Shorts - DVD-R (1930) for $5.95 from Comedy Three hilarious short subjects featuring the wit and style of the inimitable W. C. Fields. Includes index. Academy Award winner Rod Steiger plays the quick-witted lead, depicting this comedy giant's ultimate decline and retreat into alcoholism. The greatest W. C. Fields performances didn't necessarily come from the best movies, but in most cases they go hand in hand. Excerpt from full length fiction film. During these times, W.C. Fields' films are the best medicine of all. Directed by: Norman Z. McLeod It's a Gift is a 1934 comedy film starring W. C. Fields, considered by film historians to be one of Fields' best and funniest films. The first film to kick-off the Mankiewicz Family Weekend! Though Fields was a veteran of more than two dozen films by this time, the Sennett shorts—The Dentist (1932; a film seen only in edited form for many years because of Field’s risqué encounter with a female patient), The Pharmacist (1933), The Fatal Glass of Beer (1933), and The Barber Shop (1933)—were the first to fully showcase his comic persona. Highlights: The running gag, where Fields looks out the door and remarks "it ain't a fit night out for man nor beast!" During the sound era he made such films as 'It's a Gift' (1934), 'Million Dollar Legs' (1932), 'The Man on the Flying Trapeze' (1935), 'My Little Chickadee' (1940), 'The Bank Dick' (1940), 'You Can't Cheat an Honest Man' (1939), and 'Never Give a Sucker an Even Break' (1941). Mack Sennett Film director. The Films of WC Fields by Donald Deschner SC 1971 VG-. There is no instance in the human condition we cannot find some solace in the humor of W.C. Fields. William Claude Dukenfield was the eldest of five children born to Cockney immigrant James Dukenfield and Philadelphia native Kate Felton. É conhecido por filmes como: David Copperfield (The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger) (1935), The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938) e The Big Parade of Comedy (1964). W.C. Fields - 5 films. W.C. Fields speaks truth to authority with dignity, respect, and kindness. Most of Field’s films were “acquired tastes”, more often praised by the critics than favored by the public. The Bank Dick is a 1940 comedy film. ! Drat! Bottom line, W.C. Fields made and makes the world laugh - the best medicine of all. Lists that rank the very best movies that have made it into the canon of classic films in every genre. Découvrez sa biographie, le détail de ses 23 ans de carrière et toute son actualité Par la suite il accepte en parallèle dautres petits emplois : livreur de glace, vendeur de journaux, dans un magasin de cigares et une salle de … It's the Old Army Game is a silent film comedy starring W. C. Fields and Louise Brooks. I mange år er filmen Øllet blev hans skæbne blevet vist på DR nytårsaftensdag. He fights for the underdog, the common person. Comedy Films. Still, the Great Man gets away with several amusing moonshine-laced gags, and Fields classic golf routine (which he tacked onto the end of the story) alone makes the film a must-see. Jean Harlow Film actress. W. C. Fields has been in a lot of films, so people often debate each other over what the greatest W. C. Fields movie of all time is. If you think the best W. C. Fields role isn't at the top, then upvote it so it has the chance to become number one. With W.C. Fields, Marjorie Kane, Arnold Gray, Dorothy Granger. This list is arranged by which famous W. C. Fields quotes have received the most votes, so only the greatest W. C. Fields quotes are at the top of the list. He had also carved a niche for himself on radio and became popular for his comedic persona. Find films and movies featuring W.C. Fields on AllMovie. The sound quality is poor, but notching up the volume button addresses that issue and the picture quality is astounding on such old films. Near the end of his career he switched over to Universal. Avec W.C. Fields. W.C. Fields Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest W.C. Fields photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! HOME. Fields was particularly famous for his perpetually drunk comic persona. alle News | Kurznews ... Übersicht • News • Filme • Galerie • Bewerten. All Films ; Fandango US ; Amazon US ; Amazon Video US ; iTunes US ; Upgrade to a Letterboxd Pro account to add your favorite services to this list—including any service and country pair listed on JustWatch—and to enable one-click … In the film "Pool Sharks" 1915, Fields is a pool player and does tricks that defy the laws of physics. Tilda Swinton in neuer "David Copperfield"-Adaption dabei. The film was... You're Telling Me! Product no. Addeddate 2010-08-28 18:03:53 Closed captioning no Ia_orig__runtime 21 minutes 18 seconds Identifier W.c.Fields-TheDentist Run time 21:18 Sound sound. W.C. Fields est un Acteur, Scénariste américain. Official site run by W.C. Fields Productions Inc. plus-circle Add Review. W. C. Fields and Me is a 1976 American biographical film directed by Arthur Hiller and starring Rod Steiger and Valerie Perrine.The screenplay by Bob Merrill is based on a memoir by Carlotta Monti, mistress of actor W. C. Fields during the last 14 years of his life. - Buy The Wc Fields Collection - 17 Films at a low price; free shipping on qualified orders. If you and a friend are arguing about this then use this list of the most entertaining W. C. Fields films to end the squabble once and for all. A great buy. The film is notable for being the film acting and... Janice Meredith, also known as The Beautiful Rebel, is a silent film released in 1924 that is... Have You Got Any Castles? It was Fields's sixteenth sound film, and his fifth in 1934 alone.... more on Wikipedia #454 of 925 The All-Time Greatest Comedy Films #27 of 50 The Best '30s Comedy Movies Biographie de WC Fields - Acteur, Scénariste, Interprète : découvrez sa filmographie, ses dernières news et photos. Si tu ne réussis pas la première fois, essaie encore, mais n'insiste pas plus. I'd love to see a full box set of ALL WC Fields, even the bit part movies, IMO he is important enough for that, and make it blu ray!!! William Claude Dukenfield was the eldest of five children born to Cockney immigrant James Dukenfield and Philadelphia native Kate Felton. If I Had a Million is a 1932 American pre-Code Paramount Studios anthology film. It is a parody of some of the bad, stilted films of the era, and--if you understand this fact--the film is hilarious. The IMDb editors are anxiously awaiting these delayed 2020 movies. At eleven, after many fights with his alcoholic father (who hit him on the head with a shovel), he ran ... Why the Band’s ‘The Last Waltz’ Is the Greatest Concert Movie of All Time, Kurt Vonnegut Describes What ‘Scares the S–‘ Out of Him in Teaser for IFC Films’ Doc ‘Unstuck in Time’ (Video), ‘Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time’ Documentary Bought by IFC Films, Florenz Ziegfeld and the Legends of Vaudeville, Initials and Last Names (Real-Life People), Favorite oft-adapted male literary character from the 19th century. She drove me to drink. This selection of classic WC Fields films is second to none; his antics with props is inspirational and the scripts are extremely funny. The prickly genius of comic curmudgeon W. C. Fields is on display in five classic shorts that showcase his roguish wit and timeless cynicism. Arthur Hiller Director. Ausführliche Filmografie. Fields is at his best when placed in situations that ask him to behave in ways for which he's fundamentally unequipped: In "The Pharmacist," from 6 Short Films, he plays the title character, whose attempts to live up to the motto "the customer is always right" couldn't be more doomed. Oliver Hardy Comic. Directed by Leslie Pearce. He went to school for four years, then quit to work with his father selling vegetables from a horse cart. Wayne and Shuster Take an Affectionate Look At... Charles Dickens: A Tale of Ambition and Genius, Make 'Em Laugh: The Funny Business of America, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break: The Wiseguys, Hidden Hollywood II: More Treasures from the 20th Century Fox Vaults, Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths, Milton Berle's Mad Mad Mad World of Comedy, Screen Snapshots: Memories of Famous Hollywood Comedians. favorite favorite favorite ( 3 reviews ) Topics: w.c.fields, comedy, dentist. This heartbreaking, revealing film is based on the book detailing Carlotta Monti's stormy relationship with the irascible comedic genius W.C. Fields. 17 films in one box, all WC Fields! #454 of 925 The All-Time Greatest Comedy Films#25 of 50 The Best '30s Comedy Movies, Directed by: W. C. Fields, Clyde Bruckman, Directed by: George Marshall, Edward F. Cline, Directed by: Norman Taurog, Ernst Lubitsch, Stephen Roberts, Lothar Mendes, William A. Seiter. Other than becoming a noted film star, Fields had also been a comedy fixture at the ‘Ziegfeld Follies’. Stan Laurel Actor. Die Fields-Filme sind - für meinen Geschmack - mit das Komischste, was die nun wahrlich an Großkomikern nicht arme US-Filmindustrie im Stumm- und frühen Tonfilm hervorgebracht hat. Discover W. C. Fields famous and rare quotes. Hurry Hurry WC Fields. His real-life and screen personalities were often indistinguishable, and he is remembered for his distinctive nasal voice, his antisocial character, and his fondness for alcohol. A list of 19 films compiled on Letterboxd, including It's a Gift (1934), The Bank Dick (1940), The Old Fashioned Way (1934), David Copperfield (1935) and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941). Fields’ first movie was made in 1915 for Mutual; he was thirty-six years old. He had also carved a niche for himself on radio and became popular for his comedic persona. and many more. Biografia, filmes, frases e fotos de W.C. Fields. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion Select from premium W. C. Fields of the highest quality. See reviews & details on a wide selection of Blu-ray & DVDs, both new & used. Il est inutile de … Retrouvez infos & avis sur une large sélection de DVD & Blu-ray neufs ou d'occasion. WC Fields (1880-1946) This is a no brainer for me. Share funny quotes by W. C. Fields and quotations about drinking and comedy. comment. The Dentist is a 1932 American pre-Code comedy short starring W. C. Fields.The film is one of four shorts Fields made with the "king of comedy," Mack Sennett, at Paramount.Although Sennett was near the end of his career, he found good use of the new medium of talking pictures for comedy, as the film demonstrates.It was directed by Leslie Pearce from a script by Fields himself. Memorable drive through town to the maternity hospital by W C Fields. Films et émissions télévisées; Magasiner Entreprises; Plus. Fields didn’t script You’re Telling Me!, and on the whole, the comedy has a softer edge than the classic W.C. Fields films that would follow. The word that solves this crossword puzzle is 9 letters long and begins with C Best Answer for Word In A W.c. Fields Film Title Crossword Clue. One of a number of shorts that W.C. Fields made before he went into feature films. W.C. Fields, actor whose flawless timing and humorous cantankerousness made him one of America’s greatest comedians. They ask that for a reason. Share funny quotes by W. C. Fields and quotations about drinking and comedy. 'I was in love with a beautiful blonde once, dear. List RulesVote for your favorite movies, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was. One of a number of shorts that W.C. Fields made before he went into feature films. Fils de James Dukenfield, immigrant anglais, et de Kate Felton, native de Philadelphie, le jeune William ne passe que quatre années à lécole avant de devoir aider son père, marchand ambulant de fruits et légumes, à subvenir aux besoins financiers du ménage. An unconventional dentist deals with a variety of eccentric and difficult patients in slapstick fashion. Other than becoming a noted film star, Fields had also been a comedy fixture at the ‘Ziegfeld Follies’. Find the perfect W. C. Fields stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Fields married a fellow vaudevillian, chorus girl Harriet "Hattie" Hughes (1879–1963), on April 8, 1900. Hurry Hurry WC Fields. A flask of Fields, Verbal & and visual gems from the films of W. C. Fields New York, [1972] James Smart W.C. Fields in Philadelphia Philadelphia, 1972 : Richard J. Anobile (ed.) Bewertung abgeben Meinungen . "I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol..." "I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol..." Login Sign Up Under her influence, he became an enthusiastic reader and traveled with a trunk of books including grammar texts, translations of Homer and Ovid, and works by auth… is a 1934 comedy film released by Paramount Pictures, and starring W. C.... Six of a Kind is a 1934 comedy film directed by Leo McCarey. 1944 . Hattie was educated and tutored Fields in reading and writing during their travels. ... Roscoe Arbuckle Film actor. Check And Double Check --movies. The scene where he extracts the woman's tooth may be one of the funniest he made. On a dit de lui qu'il était « … Service. - … Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths 2011. Valerie Perrine Carlotta Monti. Pool Sharks is a 1915 silent short film. Buy movie tickets in advance, find movie times, watch trailers, read movie reviews, … Though he made his screen debut in 1915 showing off his slapstick skills in POOL SHARKS, the irascible writer-actor had to wait until the sound era of the 1930s for his distinctive drawl and colorful wordplay to find proper … The Old Fashioned Way is a 1934 comedy film produced by Paramount Pictures. Biografie, Porträt, News und Filmografie zu W.C. Fields. W. C. Fields—Six Short Films W. C. Fields’s prolific career placed him at the forefront of slapstick comedy. Es gibt noch keine Userkritik! ISBN: 0806511362 9780806511368: OCLC Number: 20010603: Notes: Originally published in 1966 as The Films of W.C. Fields. He went on the work for Famous Players-Lasky (later Paramount Pictures) and also began writing his own screenplays. Here are a few examples of ways you can filter the charts: The Top 10 Movies Starring W.C. Fields; The Top 20 Movies Starring W.C. Fields; The Best Horror Movies Of the 1980s Gathered here are six gems that feature the comic genius at his peak: The Golf Specialist, Pool Sharks (silent), The Pharmacist, The Fatal Glass of Beer, The Barber Shop, and, of course, the notorious The Dentist. My go to books on WC Fields are W.C Fields: A Biography by James Curtis and Man on the Flying Trapeze: The Life and Times of W.C. Fields by Simon Louvish. In this film, the matchless W. C. Fields plays Egbert Souse, a bibulous denizen of Lompoc who supports his family by winning radio contests. Komödie, Musical - USA. Still, the Great Man gets away with several amusing moonshine-laced gags, and Fields classic golf routine (which he tacked onto the end of the story) alone makes the film a must-see. Étudiants et parents; Formations et ateliers virtuels; Cartes-cadeaux; Guide de cadeaux; À propos de nos annonces; Tout de Microsoft. That's the one thing I'm so indebted to her for.' W.C. Fields . Find great deals on eBay for wc fields dvd. Follow the Boys. W.C. Fields, Actor: It's a Gift. Fields... David Copperfield is a 1935 American film released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer based upon the... My Little Chickadee is a Universal comedy/western motion picture starring Mae West and W. C.... Poppy is a 1936 film directed by A. Edward Sutherland. List of the best W. C. Fields movies, ranked best to worst with movie trailers when available. The Golf Specialist is a 1930 comedy short subject from RKO Pictures, starring W. C. Fields.... Never Give a Sucker an Even Break is a 1941 Universal Pictures comedy film starring W.C.... Million Dollar Legs is an American comedy film starring Jack Oakie and W. C. Fields, directed... You Can't Cheat an Honest Man is a 1939 American comedy film starring W. C. Fields. Fields Ranked, a list of films by HalfEmpty • Letterboxd "A Citadel Press book." 25,917 26K. An uncut collection of 3 hilarious shorts from W.C. Fields early career..Includes "The Golf Specialist".. Fields was particularly famous for his perpetually drunk comic persona. Born: January 29 1880 Died: December 25 1946. by Peter Tatchell (from LAUGH MAGAZINE #17, 1997) He was arguably the funniest solo performer the motion picture has ever seen … a legend from his heyday in the 1930s, through the “nostalgia boom” of the 1970s, and right up to the present day. This is probably Fields' most bizarre film, a short that is putting you on all the way. Be the first to rate this product Ask question; Description; W C Fields Hurry Hurry . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 16mm Castle film THE GREAT McGONIGLE rare WC Fields silent comedy short movie at the best online prices at … List films include Tillie's Punctured Romance, Have You Got Any Castles? The film is credited as W.C. Fields' first film though he was in a film before this one. He went to school for four years, then quit to work with his father selling vegetables from a horse cart. Fields didn’t script You’re Telling Me!, and on the whole, the comedy has a softer edge than the classic W.C. Fields films that would follow. Million Dollar Legs (1932) written by TCM primetime host Ben Mankiewicz's great-uncle Joseph and supervised by grandad Herman Mankiewicz—longtime friend and devoted admirer of our grandfather W.C. Fields. Rod Steiger W.C. Fields. To this list I now add James L. Neibaur's The W.C. Fields Films as an essential and unique resource for the W.C Fields fan and the film historian. A list of the best W. C. Fields quotes. W.C.
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