210 Confidential: While Vincent stares at people enjoying his work, the Doctor finds Dr Black again, asking if he can summarise where Vincent stands in history in a hundred words. Vincent and the Doctor was the tenth episode of series 5 of Doctor Who. Tracie Simpson, Patrick Schweitzer Auvers-sur-Oise, France, 1-3 June, 1890Paris, 2010 When Amy tells him she wants to see the rest of the paintings, the Doctor tells her that it's a matter of life and death — they need to speak to Vincent Van Gogh! Premiere network: Use the HTML below. doctor who phone cases. Was this review helpful to you? The Doctor takes the sketch and tells Amy to keep Vincent safe. The Doctor and Amy say goodbye to Vincent, and return to the Musée d'Orsay, with Amy believing that Vincent will have lived longer and painted more. Vincent and the Doctor find Amy on the ground. However, the Krafayis does not respond, instead, stopping its attempts to break down the door and everything goes silent. Wondering what is keeping him, the Doctor finds the painter lying in bed, sobbing. The Doctor tries stunning the beast with the sonic screwdriver, but since he can't see it, he can't tell if he has the right setting; Vincent says the attempt to stun the beast pleased it instead. Story number: Vincent and the Doctor is the tenth episode of Series 5. 57:53. If you want to continue to explore the fascinating world of "WandaVision," we have you covered with some inspired recommendations. The painter takes this in stride; he's used to having his works of art refused. Leading them back inside, Vincent whites out a canvas of flowers — much to Amy and the Doctor's horror — and proceeds to draw the creature on it. Release details Amy positions Vincent close enough to hear his response, as Dr Black praises Van Gogh for turning his pain into incredible beauty, calling him not only the world's greatest artist but also one of the greatest men of all time. Her mother pushes her way forward. Inside, the Doctor "fights" the creature, but when his device is destroyed, he prepares to retreat. In the street, they find a young girl has been brutally killed. This one has apparently been abandoned. Amy sees Van Gogh's painting of sunflowers, now dedicated to her. The Doctor learns this is the second recent murder. The Doctor and Amy Pond meet Vincent van Gogh... And an ancient, terrifying monster. Amy knows that when the Doctor looks like that something is wrong that he can't resist getting involved in; she asks what's wrong. It saw the Doctor befriend another famous figure in Vincent van Gogh and, quite darkly, explored the lead-up to his suicide. The Doctor: Oh I’m… new in town. Amy's Choice. While taking Amy to several peaceful locations, the Eleventh Doctor's trip to a museum takes turn for the worse: his interest is caught by a painting of a church by Vincent van Gogh. Annoyed, the Doctor tosses the painting aside; he grumbles that Vincent will have to try painting something better. He also points out she is crying, which she hadn't realised. The Krafayis was lashing out in fear, just like the people who hate Vincent for being a madman. Daily11TVSeries. (, The Doctor has previously tried to ask a companion who has recently left to do something. 27:52. Amy tells him he can do his self-reflection later as they have a pressing matter. Other Products. The Doctor knows evil when he sees it and this face is definitely evil; it may pose a threat to the one who painted this face into the church. The Doctor offers to pay for Vincent; either for the drink or the painting, which would allow Vincent to pay for a drink. eleventh doctor. Vincent and the Doctor at TARDIS Data Core, a canon Doctor Who wiki Vincent and the Doctor at Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Vincent and the Doctor at the Internet Movie Database; Review information Edit. Outside Vicent's room, the Doctor runs into Amy, who wonders what they're doing. racliff. Dr Black is confused and suspects the truth before thinking better of it. The Doctor explains that they're leaving; Vincent has a fragile psyche and will kill himself in just a few short months; trying to force Vincent might accelerate his suicide and cause the disappearance of his final works. As it becomes night, the Doctor becomes frustrated as the Krafayis is not punctual, confessing to Amy that something doesn't feel right. Ecstatic at the prospect of seeing new paintings, Amy happily skips back into the exhibit. Vincent sees the beast in the window. Main enemy: Explaining how he paints, Vincent tells them that he believes that there is so much more than what the normal eye can see. Vincent questions Amy as to if she will follow the Doctor; she responds, "of course," prompting Vincent to tell her he loves her. Vincent and the Doctor. However, right before they can leave, Vincent arrives, calmed and ready. David Tennant, unusual amongst other Doctors, began and ended on special episodes, not regular ones. Another change becomes evident as they prepare to leave. Vincent explains he finds them complex, half-living and half-dying, but it would be a challenge, to which the Doctor responds that he believes that he'll rise to the occasion. Finding a café featured in one of his paintings, the Doctor questions two waitresses cleaning the tables outside. A pointless monster thrown in simply for there to be a monster, or some more interesting subtext on Vincent's depression? Van Gogh works referenced in the episode include: Overnight viewing figures were 5.0 million. Krafayis Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Well, I'm glad to say that I didn't get disappointed at all! They walk into the exhibit filled with the works Vincent van Gogh, who is Amy's favourite painter. Production code: The Doctor shows Amy that the face of the Krafayis is no longer visible in the window of the church. The Vampires of Venice The Doctor tells Vincent that the creature is invisible to them so Vincent paints over one of his completed canvases, to the Doctor and Amy's distress. The Doctor and Amy begin their search for van Gogh. Yet I left it thinking it didn’t quite work. Richard Curtis Amy asks if it's a face, to which he grimly adds that it does not look friendly. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Vincent and the Doctor at Amazon.com. Leaving for home, Vincent hears the TARDIS leave and turns back to see it gone. However, the Doctor's smile is replaced by a grim stare. 5 June 2010 El Doctor se hace amigo de Vincent van Gogh, al cual pide ayuda más tarde. He's practically sobbing as he embraces Dr. Black and thanks him profusely. The Doctor listens in, surprised. Premiere broadcast: Dr Black tells him that it was painted between the first and the third of June 1890, one year before Van Gogh committed suicide. Vincent and the Doctor proves Doctor Who can appeal to everyone, this was an episode that tried to do something that the original early episodes did, took a historical figure, and constructed a story around them. Reading the information, the Doctor feels sorry for the "poor, brutal thing," wishing to see it again soon. BLACK: You're welcome. What troubles the Doctor is that there's a face in the church's window; it's not a nice face, it's a curious, shadowed, creepy face with a beak and nasty eyes. (Black takes a few steps, stops, turn then mouths No.) Unlike most stories in this series, this story focuses much more on characters than plot, and has hints and references to van Gogh's struggle with bipolar disorder and suicide, something the series has not explored deeply before. When the Doctor runs away, it is heard chasing him. She jokes that she's suspicious, to which he defensively snaps that he is always nice to her and that there was nothing to be suspicious about. Il montre le Onzième Docteur et de Amy Pond face au peintre Vincent van Gogh et explore la folie de celui-ci. The Doctor tries to console and encourage Vincent, whose mood becomes more violent. "Doctor Who" Vincent and the Doctor (TV Episode 2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Inside, the Doctor rummages through a drawer full of junk, apologising to the object he is looking for as he thought it was an embarrassing gift from a dull two-headed godmother with bad breath. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The monster wasn't really good, but the episode itself and the portrayal of Van Gogh (whose name was pronounced wrong several times) was simply brilliant! When running through the streets with his mirror, the Doctor screams, "Ahh", but his mouth is not synced with his screaming. However, Vincent explains he's crying out of joy; now he knows that people will love his paintings. Vincent is completely overwhelmed when he sees his exhibition in the future and hears Dr. Black appraise him, not knowing he's there, as "the greatest artist of all time." Vincent van Gogh turns around and demands to know who the Doctor is. With the Tardis wrecked and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, the new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the whole world - and only Amy Pond to help him. Vincent and Amy begin flirting but stop at a scream from outside. Vincent and the Doctor At the beginning, when looking at the painting of the church, the Doctor scratches his head. As it tears the confessionals apart, Vincent appears, brandishing a chair to distract the beast, allowing the Doctor and Amy to escape. Production order She says that something attacked her while she was looking at the paintings. They will have to try finding the Krafayis without Vincent's help, hoping it will still arrive at the church without the presence of the painter. A Brush with Genius Slapping himself, the Doctor explains why the Krafayis is feeling its way around the room, how it has such perfect hearing, why it hasn't simply killed them and why it was left behind by its pack; it is blind, but he yells his deduction. The Doctor quickly takes Amy back to 1890 where they locate the troubled artist that upsets the locals, cannot pay his bills, and is able to see an invisible monster that no one else is able to see. WatchMojo: Top 10 Best Doctor Who Revival Episodes. Visiting a museum, the Doctor and Amy are especially excited with the gallery for Vincent van Gogh. I think it's one of the most wonderful scenes in Doctor Who history. Eleventh Doctor Main setting: When the Doctor keeps asking about the church, Vincent catches this and begins wondering what he's up to. She thanks the Doctor for bringing her to see the paintings. Doctor Who television stories Vincent is reduced to tears by these words and the Doctor starts to apologise, thinking this was too much for him. The Doctor hides behind a wall and using the mirror sees the creature, but it is still beside the TARDIS. He then leaves, happy, and sure he will use his experience to change himself into a new man. He says the creature is making its way around the edges of the room. Vincent And the Doctor ou Vincent et le Docteur en français est le dixième épisode de la saison 31 (saison 5 de la nouvelle série) de Doctor Who. This confuses her, which prompts Vincent to reveal he can hear her sadness and believes that she has recently lost someone. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. He is devastated the Doctor and Amy are prepared to leave him, like everyone else. Later on, when the group are hiding from the monster, she's wearing them again. The Doctor jokes back, saying it would be the "Ultimate Ginger". Official viewing figures were 6.29 million viewers. Featuring: It also marked another of the few times that the Doctor was unable to save a life; although in this case, it was because Vincent was tormented by inner demons that even the Time Lord couldn't reach. Broken Base: The Krafayis. karen. Remember, however, that this list only gives the first year in which an episode from a series was broadcast. The Doctor spends the time talking to Vincent about his past meetings with Michelangelo, who took the job of painting the Sistine Chapel despite being afraid of heights and Pablo Picasso, who he tried getting to paint normal faces. As he cannot see it, the Doctor uselessly swings the stick around to help cover more ground; Vincent wards the creature off. Original theme music by Ron Grainer  Daily11TVSeries. Doctor Who Temporada 5 episodio 10 "Vincent and the Doctor" (español latino) Historias de Trenzalore. However, he puts a pot for coffee on one of his works, prompting Amy and the Doctor to tell him to treat them better as they are precious. The Doctor is shocked by what it looks like and decides that something in the TARDIS can help identify what it is. Vincent and the Doctor Add the first question. You're welcome. All in all, it's an amazing episode and it's definitely one of my favourites! The Doctor, Amy, and Vincent lie on the ground in a circle together looking up at the night sky, and as Vincent describes its colors and details, bits of “A Starry Night” appear before us. Vincent returns with his easel, holding it like a weapon. Likewise, the Doctor notes that he feels like he can actually see the brushstrokes of the artist carving the colours into shapes. By Marcelle Thomas. High quality Vincent And The Doctor gifts and merchandise. The years seen in this section may seem decidedly "off". However, this notion is dispelled immediately afterwards as the chamber windows blow out. Vincent explains that his moods sometimes bother him for months at a time, but they got lucky today; he adds if she can "soldier on," then he can too. amy. They say van Gogh is a mad drunk who never pays his bills, and, when the Doctor says he's a good painter, they laugh heartily. The crowd throws stones at him, and the Doctor, Amy and van Gogh leave hastily. Amy cries as they both laugh. However there is something irregular discovered on the painting - a small alien image within a window pane. doctor who stickers. ← Previous January 17, 2021. Explaining where they are, the Doctor and Amy lead Vincent into the museum, leaving his hat back in the TARDIS to avoid arousing suspicion of his identity. Vincent is returned to 1890, where he comments on what has happened and thanks the Doctor for truly helping him where other doctors have not; the Doctor is equally joyous, bidding his new friend farewell. Amy's comment of "I can't see a thing" helps the Doctor put all the pieces together and he calls himself an idiot for not noticing this sooner, saying he is getting old. Vincent admits that, despite his experiences over the last couple of days, he won't do well on his own. Dr Black is taken aback, as it's a "big question". This was the first episode of the BBC Wales series to have two credited script editors. vincent and the doctor. Visiting a museum, the Doctor and Amy are especially excited with the gallery for Vincent van Gogh. Vincent and the Doctor ( Vincent y el Doctor) es el décimo episodio de la quinta temporada moderna de Doctor Who. Vincent encourages them to see the world as he does (we see the night sky turn into Vincent's Starry Night painting), saying the blackness of the sky is actually multiple shades of blue. Oddly, Emma Freud was credited at the end of the roll, suggesting she was considered more "senior" than Brian Minchin. When the camera is behind the Doctor, he uses his right hand but when the camera cuts to in front of him, he is using his left hand. The Doctor and Amy travel back in time to meet Vincent Van Gogh and face an invisible monster that only the painter can see. The Doctor explains some of the buttons on the console, secretly steering the TARDIS. Cold Blood The Doctor expresses frustration with van Gogh's style, suggesting that this would "never happen with, The Doctor has to stop Vincent from touching the TARDIS', The paper placed on the exterior of the TARDIS is incinerated once it is brought into the, The Retro-version of the TARDIS console has a, Amy briefly handles a knife in Vincent's rooms but sets it down suddenly, as if recalling the incident where Van Gogh cut off his own. I'll step out tomorrow with my easel on my back a different man. Amy, Vincent, and the Doctor lie in the grass outside the church; Vincent says they are lucky to still be alive to see the wonders of the world. However, the Doctor tells him that there is something they wish to show him first. 11th doctor. In "Vincent and the Doctor", both the First and Second Doctors appear on a printout when the Eleventh Doctor has the TARDIS identify him. The Doctor once again mentions that he is ageing mentally, in contrast to his physical appearance. Doctor: First Doctor - Wikipedia Due to its Venetian architecture, it served as a double for 16th-century Venice in The Vampires of Venice , and as a double for 19th-century Provence in Vincent and the Doctor . Or I’ll pay for the painting and you can use the money to pay for the drink. They take him to the TARDIS, which is now covered in circus posters; the Doctor slices through them with the TARDIS key and opens the doors of his time machine. Upon spotting Vincent, who everyone considers a madman, she takes out her grief on him, blaming him for her daughter's death. However, he then notices that Amy is not in the room any more, as he hears her screaming from outside. Thus, his series actually begin in 2005, 2006 and 2007 — not 2006, 2007 and 2008 as is commonly thought. They take refuge in another chamber; Vincent blocks the door with his chair. The cafe owner doesn't have a problem with this, so long as the drinks are paid for. He then tells Amy that should she grow bored of the Doctor, she should return and they will have a big family. Upon seeing the beast's reflection, he calmly says "but not that soon", before running off to escape it. [Olive grove] VINCENT: This changes everything. Led through the building, Vincent looks in awe at the exhibits, then is even more surprised when he is led into the section dedicated completely to his paintings. Amy sees a painting that Vincent has with him and quickly corrects herself when she praises it as one of her favourite paintings. To obstruct the creature's path, the Doctor drops debris behind him to slow the creature as he hides behind a corner. Vincent is amazed by all the Doctor has told him and asks that they come back to the café, and explain more about the wonders of the universe. In the morning, van Gogh offers the Doctor a famous self-portrait as a gift, but the Doctor must decline and leave it for Earth’s appreciation. The TARDIS materialises in Auvers-sur-Oise. Vincent begins screaming in horror and backs away from them. However, the Doctor tells her he's got something like a plan, "only more greatness"; he's armed with overconfidence, a sonic screwdriver and the device in his briefcase. Vincent mourns that he didn't mean to kill it, only wound it, and that he understands its lonely existence. He accepts the thanks awkwardly. Amy questions the Doctor, wondering what his plan is this time. Pulling out a portable device, the Doctor hooks it to the printer on the console. As on The Vampires of Venice, Patrick Schweitzer was double-credited as both producer and line producer. When the Krafayis first appears in the visual recognition system, it is directly behind the Doctor, who is next to the TARDIS. Seeing that it works, the Doctor shows the device Vincent's painting, which it misinterprets as a parrot and polar bear, unable to clearly make out what it is.

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