After dawn prayers Oct. 5, 2013, Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, a wanted al-Qaeda terrorism suspect, returned to his family’s home in Tripoli, Libya. This is the standard that is used to measure vehicle braking performance. So I guess the answer is yes. Although your U.S. driver’s license lets you drive in many foreign countries, the translations in the IDP are intended to minimize language barriers when you drive in countries where English is not widely spoken or understood. Tony Scott, Producer: Domino. ISDA is collecting data to determine the amount of money spent on Executive Protection and Security Driving Training. I have been working in the profession for close to 45 years. Do Training schools that advertise using the term “certification” lead to unrealistic expectations? A mix of magazines for the protection professional from security-related to chauffeur-related, and anywhere in between. May 7, 2020. It was 6:38 a.m. and still dark. The 220-page book was intended for executives and the general public…, A book from International Security Driver Association Member  – Steve Collins As the newspapers and television constantly remind us, violent crime is on the increase,…, Last year, in an attempt to get a better understanding of the Skills Gap that exists in the Executive Protection/Secure Transportation profession, ISDA researched the…, Recently, some comments posted in the Social Media post/blogs got my attention. A related feature to forward collision avoidance is adaptive cruise control, which is typically marketed as a convenience feature. Although there are no metrics that cover “Sharing Knowledge,” in 2019, the amount of information and knowledge shared by the ISDA membership is unsurpassed in the profession. How about two, two-inch-thick books? . The paper was written for the International Association of Chiefs of…, Raffaele Di Giorgio’s book is about protecting our protectors. Tony Scotti
 As 2020 comes to a welcome end, we reflect on the effects COVID-19 had and look into its impact on the profession. This week, the topic is measuring a driver’s skill level. As we have in…, There are conflicting reports about how the attack unfolded – these are some videos and articles supplied by ISDA Members – Mark Caldwell and Gerardo…, First and foremost – WHAT IS NOT SECURITY DRIVING – a security driver IS NOT a person who attended an EP Training program and has a driver’s…. We strongly suggest that anyone who attends a Security Driving training program is measured in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 135. Decision Sight Distance plays an essential role for those that provide secure transportation. Using 80% or above of the vehicle’s capability would more than likely only happen during an emergency (accident or ambush). I have received PM’s, emails, and phone calls concerning training providers using the phrase “The Science of Driving, and OUR 80% standard for measuring driving skill, so I thought a history lesson was in order. He has been married to Sylvie Vartan since June 2, 1984. So for those working in the Secure Transportation profession; some thoughts on backing up. It’s that time of the year – Driving in the Winter Environment. Why do I need secure transportation? The goal of the Member Directory is to get your information out to the ISDA Network. Our frame of reference for measuring time and distance is the speedometer which supplies information in units of kilometers and hours – KPH. Then at least three men, with guns drawn, jumped out of the van as another car blocked Ruqai’s escape and a third vehicle idled down the street. Join Facebook to connect with Tony Scotti and others you may know. 2
 Hello, and welcome to episode 152 of the EPST podcast. ISDA Member News for August 2020 Tires If you have been anywhere near a Scotti School or VDI program, you know the importance we place…. What does a lot of knowledge look like? Our goal was to determine the skills, education and training, and experience that are the most sought after by the Executive Protection job market. By Tony Scotti. There are many secure transportation providers that use those two words as a marketing tool, BUT if a supplier does not comply with the IRS code, they expose their client to financial risk. When TPMS is activated it means 25% less air in your tire which limits the capability of your car in an emergency. The majority of those viewing the video were under the impression that the video was real, but actually, it was an excellent animation. Front crash prevention systems alert the driver when the vehicle is getting too close to one in front of it. IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory Of My Husband ANTHONY "Tony" SCOTTI Aug. 13, 1943 - Oct. 6, 2005 Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts You are loved and missed more than words can say Your Lo Tony Scotti was born on December 22, 1939 in Newark, New Jersey, USA as Anthony Joseph Scotti. Some have used the phrase “Scotti-Certified Instructor.” With some, that may be correct, but the question is “When did I teach them?” So let me set the record straight. October 20, 2020; Xavier Ries, Tony Scotti; Pastor Xavier and Pastor Tony Scotti discuss one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, Amos. Lebanon, died peacefully on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has changed Secure Transportation; the question remains: for 2021, how long the changes will last, and will those changes be permanent. Vehicle Dynamics Institute 2019 Training Schedule. It’s been 15 years since BMW made its first foray into Hollywood…. What Does your Certification Program Cost? July 22, 2020. July 9th, 2020 11am EST. It is ISDA’s opinion that many training providers take liberty with the phrase Vehicle Dynamics. Find Tony Scotti's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. He was the youngest of three brothers, one of whom is fellow film director Ridley Scott. The ISDA 2015 and preliminary data from the 2017 Executive/Security Vehicle Survey indicate a dramatic increase in the use of SUVs for Executive Transportation. Since the Omar García Harfuch Ambush, we (ISDA) have received questions concerning the use of armored vehicles in protective services. It is ISDA’s opinion that many training providers take liberty with the phrase Vehicle Dynamics. But what percentage of the vehicle does a Security Driver use while maneuvering through the day to day mundane chore of moving the boss from Point A to Point B, such as driving up to an intersection and slowing down – stopping at a red light – driving on an off ramp or around a corner? Three Seconds To Safety - In iBooks Knowledge is Power – Sharing Knowledge is Powerful. The Florida-born brothers had moved out West with money earned after David Bellamy composition “Spiders and Snakes” became a million-seller in 1974 for Jim Stafford. 1-855-237-6100, Ext. La production musicale bat son plein et Scotti choisit alors de se diversifier, comme il l’avait fait quelques années auparavant, en fondant une société de production cinématographique. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, dubbed the father of the Iranian nuclear program, held the rank of brigadier general in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). What is the driver experiencing at each of these levels of skill? As you may have noticed, we have been posting Executive Protection and Secure Transportation flash briefings via Social Media. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Tony Scotti - Presenting Tony Scotti at Discogs. and Secure Transportation news brief podcast on April 1st. These are some tips taken from my book Professional Driving Techniques. The goal is to create a new marketing platform that allows our members to take advantage of the growing number of people that use podcasts as a source of news and educational material. Although this more than 40-year loyalty to our brand and methodology may seem unusual to some, it is actually a common occurrence at the old Scotti School and now VDI. Get our latest articles about Secure Transportation and the Executive Protection profession delivered to your email inbox! One of those characteristics is the vehicle’s static stability factor (SSF). Lawrence Snow
 Tony Scotti was born on December 22, 1939 in Newark, New Jersey, USA as Anthony Joseph Scotti. Details Watch Listen Keep It Simple Talk Show: Episode 173 – … To give you an idea of how much time and distance, consider this scenario. The demographics of ISDA are not similar got the profession in general; Hence I would estimate the data is not statistically accurate for the security professional. ISDA receives volumes of information through news and research. The second signal is the vehicle load the driver feels at the back of the seat (their butt), which at the limit of adhesion is high. These were “game-changing incidents”–vehicle attacks that rewrote the rules for close protection and security driving. The Spotlight is created from your profile as it appears in the membership directory. Whether driving down the highway, around corners or trying to navigate out of a potentially dangerous scenario, the vehicle driver combination must operate within the laws of physics and specifically within Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion. Our goal is to help the community navigate its way through the problems created by the pandemic. Once you decide to pass a vehicle in an urban environment, realize, and remember that you and your car will be spending a good deal of time in the wrong lane. Beloved wife for 70 years of the late Anthony Ralph "Tony" Scotti; devoted mother of Jim Sco Here is a couple of reasons why. At the time I found the numbers hard to believe. As a result of his father's career in the British military, his family moved around a lot. An understanding of vehicle dynamics creates the platform for a standard for one of the most important aspects of executive protection – secure transportation. So, consider the following information as…, 56% Of Those Who Supply Secure Transportation Use Rental Vehicles. Part Two, Researching the EP Training Business – an Interesting Metric. Adaptive headlights help drivers see better on dark, curved roads. Does the number of training schools that advertise using the term “certification” lead to unrealistic expectations or assumptions on behalf of the attendee that might lead them into thinking guaranteed placement or success? Our goal is to provide each and every one of our students with the knowledge, skill and ability they will need to survive potentially life threatening encounters while behind the wheel, from motor vehicle accidents to deliberate attacks. The first signal is the steering wheel getting light, which means that it requires less effort to increase steering input (turn the steering wheel). Find Tony Scotti bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic When vehicle violence occurs, the Security Driver needs to have all three side of the ”Security Driver Triangle” working for them. However, there have been scenarios where two sides of the triangle (The Driver and the Vehicle) overcame weakness in the third side (The Environment), none better than the 1995 motorcade attack on Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze. The attached is a picture of one of the books, the table of contents is three pages long for each book. A Skills Gap is defined as the difference between what the market wants and what is available for skill. He was born in North Shields, Northumberland, England to parents Jean and Colonel Francis Percy Scott. . Whether driving down the highway, around corners or trying to navigate out of a potentially dangerous scenario, the vehicle driver combination must operate within the laws of physics and specifically within Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion. Keep in mind that ISDA is relatively new, but our Network is 40 plus years in the making, we have been communicating with that network, via the newsletter for approximately 30 years. Monday, January 23, 2017 By Tony Scotti Leave a Comment. Surveillance Detection – Not Much Has Changed, The Science of Driving – Driving the Equations, The Use of Armored Vehicles in Protective Services – From the 2019 Executive Vehicle Survey, The Results of the International Security Driver Association (ISDA) COVID-19 Survey, Omar García Harfuch Ambush – Some Quick Observations, A quick summary of the Omar García Harfuch’s Ambush, Security Driving Is a Statement of Skill, Not a Marketing Term, ICYMI – Using the Science of EP/Secure Transportation to Develop Lessons Learned – The Cantu Assassination, The Protector: A Woman’s Journey from the Secret Service to Guarding VIPs and Working in Some of the World’s Most Dangerous Places, Videos that can assist with the job search in your geographical location, Secure Transportation and The Risks of COVID-19. 142 records for Tony Scotti. As we come to the end of 2019, we thought it best to share the accomplishments, highlights, and spotlights of the association. The driver was the algorithm that determined the outcome of the event. I have found that my sense of curiosity has not been affected by my advanced years; I still enjoy reading and analyzing the information presented…. Tributes and Sharing An article published in Law Enforcement Today Magazine created a great deal of concern, not only by those that offer training in Virginia but by…, We (ISDA) are in the process of researching the EP training business. The Twelve Commissioned (Mark 6:6b-13) - Xavier Ries September 13, 2020. This is a common problem in all industries. For decades our mantra has been, “When Stuff Happens, You Can’t Be Average.” This is the first in a series of articles that will cover that moment in time “When Stuff Happens.”. He stopped his car in front of the house, nestled in an affluent neighborhood in the coastal capital city. Here’s what been going within the membership. When the information was collected, the results were two, two -inch-thick books. Scotti Wood was the second coach in the program’s history. We looked at a government site that gathers data on Executive Protection Training schools that offered the Post-9/11 GI Bill; the data is from 2018. September 13, 2020. 1960 - 2020 ISDA has created the Member Spotlight Program. In light of the recent publishing of Inspire Magazine Issue 17 which calls on its followers to target trains in the US and Europe. Scotti led KC to a 90-63 record in 6 seasons (1998-2003). This issue of the magazine offers lessons on building a pressure cooker bomb and where, when and how to detonate the bomb for maximum effectiveness. All vehicles have inherent characteristics that, if not understood and monitored, can decrease a vehicle’s performance and create a dangerous scenario for the principal. Although meant for Law Enforcement, there are sections in both reports that would apply to those who supply Secure Transportation. I know it’s not winter yet, but the days and nights are getting cooler, and just a couple of weeks ago in the New England area had its first snow. He is married to French singer Sylvie Vartan. Tony Scotti - Samples, Covers and Remixes on WhoSampled. The driver does not have an hour or a kilometer to make life-saving decisions; in a vehicle emergency, Kilometer Per Hour is an irrelevant unit of measurement. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has changed Secure Transportation; the question remains: for 2021, how long the changes will last, and will those changes be permanent. The scenario…. The reason for this is that the adhesion the tire makes with the road is getting increasingly smaller – quickly. Tony Scotti - President, Taylor Farms; Where & Who Online Webinar for Enterprise Manufacturers. According to intelligence reports, he was responsible for Iran’s development of nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles. 1-855-237-6100, Ext. Scotti and his brother Ben both played football for the University of Maryland.. Acting. ISDA has created the COVID-19 Secure Transportation and EP Information center. The Executive Protection/Security Driving Training Market – How much money do practitioners spend on training with the GI Bill? He has been married to Sylvie Vartan since June … Driving in environments similar to the Middle East can lead to serious issues. The LinkedIn Job App is outdated Overview…, The goal of Secure Transportation is to supply safe and secure transportation for your principal or client. The…. An interesting metric from the ISDA Executive Vehicle & Secure Transportation Survey – Seventy percent of survey participants drive in winter conditions—this aligns with the…, There are a substantial number of EP practitioners working in California and the Gig Economy. Protective driving, accident avoidance and advanced driving skills. Some of the ISDA members from the UK and some of the social media community criticize the Security Industry Authority (SIA). At that time, Fred was the CEO of 7 Trees, a security company…. But there is one new member that I would like to bring to your attention; his name is George Sardelis. Secure Transportation and Executive Protection Podcast, Episode 164 – Vehicle Dynamics and Passing, Episode 163 – Dramatic Increase in Carjackings, Episode 162 – Reflecting on the Effects of COVID-19 on the Profession, Episode 161 – Assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Episode 159 – Cold Weather and Tire Pressure, Episode 158 – Measuring Driver Skill Level, Episode 157 – Vehicle Dynamics and Training, Episode 156 – The Science of Winter Driving, Episode 154 – Business of EP – Social Media Basics, Episode 153 – Surviving Mob Attacks on Your Vehicle, Episode 152 – Security Driver Algorithm and Training. These are the results of the Coronavirus Survey. Porsche feels that chauffeur driven executives are the Executive Panamera market, and they believe that market is in the US and China, they may be correct, but it all depends on Porsche’s definition of “a market.” Our (ISDA) experience and our surveys indicate that it will be a hard sell. Although the response from the agencies is dated, most of the findings are still valid. He was previously married to Susan Denberg. The manual is the platform for Al Qaeda’s and Bin Laden’s training manuals. This opinion is not a criticism but an observation. – A suggestion, Reminder: Update Your Information for the Member Directory, GAO Report – Security Protection Standardization Issues, Attacks That Have Changed the Way We Work and Train, A Summary of the 2017 Executive Vehicle and Secure Transportation Survey and Report, “Surveillance must be conducted up to the time of the attack” – Carlos Marighella, The ISDA Inspire Magazine Collection of Posts, EXECUTIVE SAFETY & INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM, Think Act Stay Safe with the R.E.A.C.T. Details Watch Listen Worship and Recognition (Psalm 33) July 30, 2020; Tony Scotti; MT-626. When a vehicle is approaching its limit of adhesion, a driver has two conflicting signals.

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