Cali-Style Salsa, also known as Colombian Salsa and Salsa Caleña, is based on geographical location of the Colombian City of Cali. It examines Salsa dance history, and focuses on its evolution through New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. Incorporating other dance styling techniques into salsa dancing has become very common, for both men and women: shimmies, leg work, arm work, body movement, spins, body isolations, shoulder shimmies, rolls, even hand styling, acrobatics and lifts. Salsa's tempo ranges from about 150 bpm (beats per minute) to around 250 bpm, although most dancing is done to music somewhere between 160 and 220 bpm. Weight shifts cause the hips to move. Get access risk-free for 30 days, A sauce, a recipe, a dance? It is a style that is practiced around the world, but is rooted in the Latin culture. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The major difference of Miami-style from other North American styles is the "Atras" or "Diagonal", back breaking steps performed backwards diagonally instead of moving forwards and backwards as seen in the New York style. For the condiment in Mexican cuisine, see, Hutchinson 2004, p. 116. Instead, dancers keep their upper body still, poised and relaxed while the feet execute endless intricacies. The Cubans, Puerto Ricans? The name Casino is derived from the Spanish term for the dance halls, "Casinos Deportivos" where much social dancing was done among the better-off, white Cubans during the mid-20th century and onward. Different styles employ this syncopation differently. Modern salsa styles are associated and named to the original geographic areas that developed them. Every instrument in a salsa band is either playing with the clave (generally: congas, timbales, piano, tres guitar, bongos, claves (instrument), strings) or playing independent of the clave rhythm (generally: bass, maracas, güiro, cowbell). Their footwork is intricate and precise, helping several Colombian Style dancers win major world championships. In many Hispanic communities, it remains today the most popular style of dance music. Among the Hispanic community, these musicians found an ideal environment to develop their rhythm into what we know as salsa today; this was especially true in ''El Barrio'', also known as Spanish Harlem. In this pattern, the leader steps forward on 1, steps to the right on 2-3 while turning 90 degrees counter-clockwise (facing to the left), leaving the slot open. The definite rise and jump to fame of salsa happened in the sixties and seventies thanks to Fania Records, which was a record label established in 1964 by musician Johnny Pacheco and Italian-American lawyer Jerry Masucci. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you [1][2][3] Salsa is an amalgamation of Puerto Rican, Dominican and Cuban dances that were popular in the ballrooms and nightclubs of San Juan and la Havana by the end of the 1950s (e.g. Salsa is generally a partner dance, popular throughout Latin America, and also in the United States, Japan, India, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Israel and Eastern Europe.Salsa has its origins in the Cuban Son and Afro-Cuban dance. Melodic components of the music and dancers can choose to be in clave or out of clave at any point. The central feature is the footwork which has quick rapid steps and skipping motions. In Cuba, a popular dance known as Casino was marketed as Cuban-style salsa or Salsa Cubana abroad to distinguish it from other salsa styles when the name was popularized in the 1970s. Cali hosts many annual salsa events such as the World Salsa Cali Festival and the Encuentro de Melomanos y Coleccionistas. While dancers can mark the clave rhythm directly, it is more common to do so indirectly (with, for example, a shoulder movement). Tumbao is the name of the rhythm that is played with the conga drums. Others believe that the term was created by record labels to better market their music, who chose the word "salsa" because of its spicy and hot connotations. Latin dances are rather a large group of dance styles that are united by their place of origin - Latin America and invariably passionate rhythms and performances. study Brief history and origin of Salsa dancing is that it initially developed into a particular style in the 1940s and comes from a tradition of Latin dance styles that dates back to the early 1900s. The lead dancer, usually the male, indicates when to do it. This allows the dancing itself to look very fluent as if the rest of the body is just moving untouched with the legs. What gives the dance its life, however, is not its mechanical technique, but understanding and spontaneous use of the rich Afro-Cuban dance vocabulary within a "Casino" dance. It is strongly influenced by the Latin Hustle, Swing, Argentine Tango, Mambo dancers from Mexico and Latin Ballroom dancing styles. Salsa music borrows much from the Cuban music genre of son.Through the musicians' use of percussion instruments such as the clave, maracas, conga, bongo, tambora, bato, and cowbell—the instruments and the singers often mimic the call-and-response patterns of traditional African songs and then break into the chorus. Some of the most popular regional styles are: Considering such a variety of cultures in Latin America contribute to the vast diversity of styles in salsa, it's only natural that the musical instruments used also change a bit from style to style. The origins of salsa date back to the 1900s in Eastern Cuba, where musical elements and rhythms from various styles were combined. Arm and shoulder movements are also incorporated. History of Salsa Dancing and Music. This is going to be, frankly, quite difficult, because Salsa is a blend, a fusion of many different dancing styles of Latin and Afro-Caribbean origin. just create an account. Latin American dances are a type of ballroom and club dances that spread throughout Europe in the 19th century and became very popular. The definite rise and jump to fame of salsa happened thanks to Fania Records, a record label established in 1964 by musician Johnny Pacheco and Italian-American lawyer Jerry Masucci. Generally, Salsa is considered to be of a Cuban origin, although many argue that it's more Puerto Rican than Cuban. Part 1 of a educational series I'm doing on the history of salsa dancing. Coca-Cola, Dedo, Adios) which is not found in the traditional Cuban-style Rueda. Some dancers like to use the strong sound of the cowbell to stay on the Salsa rhythm. In terms of salsa dance history, it’s interesting to think that salsa is reasonably new, and yet it has musical roots that go back for centuries. In many styles of salsa dancing, as a dancer shifts their weight by stepping, the upper body remains level and nearly unaffected by the weight changes. Tonight we're going salsa dancing! At this time Cuba was a fusion of different Latin dance styles and it was in this climate that a local Cuban studio named Fania named the new music salsa and began playing in on the radio and at clubs. Many of the moves involve rapidly swapping partners. The Cha Cha, Rumba, and Mambo are dances of Cuban origin. As the music traveled to these new regions, … [citation needed] LA style places strong emphasis on sensuousness, theatricality and acrobatics. Some basic steps are: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Select a subject to preview related courses: There are many steps and dance moves used in salsa; four basic steps of the salsa dance are considered to be: Let's take a couple of moments to review what we've learned about salsa dancing. Salsa's roots are based on Afro-Cuban Rumba and Son dancing, and is open to improvisation … In all cases, only three steps are taken in each 4-beat measure (or 6 total over 8 beats). Read on as Elite dives into the history of salsa dance – where it came from and how it evolved into the form we know and love today! Prior to that time, each style was recognized in its pure original form and name. It is probably now closer to the Puerto Rican Bomba tradition than the Mambo/Rumba Tradition. The roots of salsa originated in Eastern Cuba (Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo) from the Cuban Son (about 1920) and Afro-Cuban dance (like Afro-Cuban rumba). Salsa's roots are based on different Cuban genres such as Cuban Son, specifically to the beat of Son Montuno in the 1920s. [citation needed]. Salsa originated in the 1900s in Cuba, where rhythms from the two main existing styles of music in the region (Cuban Son and Afro-Cuban rumba) were combined to create a new dance… The Montuno rhythm is a rhythm that is often played with a piano. Maybe you've already seen it, or even tried it yourself. [citation needed] The lifts, stunts and aerial works of today's salsa shows are derived mostly from LA style forms with origins in Latin Ballroom and Ballet lifts. Rumba is a dance that portrays love, sensuality, and passion. As a general rule, steps are divided into eight movements going along with the music. The basic salsa dance rhythm consists of taking three steps for every four beats of music. The verdict? The word salsa literally means "sauce". Today’s popular Latin dances developed in separate cities and countries in organized social spheres. This article is about the dance. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. These events usually include salsa dance performers, live salsa music, workshops, open dancing, and contests. As people moved to new locations and assimilated into new cultures, salsa evolved into fresh styles. However, as it is a popular music, it is open to improvisation and thus it is continuously evolving. According to most sources, the Cuban són is a large piece of salsa’s foundation. In this way, rather than following a beat, the dancers themselves contribute in their movement, to the polyrythmic pattern of the music. Salsa music and salsa dancing are popular all over the world. 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The Side Step: This step is used mostly when doing solo moves. Cuban son and Afro-Cuban rumba, the two main styles, used diverse musical instruments to create the basis of a rhythm that would later become known as salsa. Pairs of dancers form a circle ("Rueda" in Spanish means "Wheel"), with dance moves called out by one person. The odd number of steps creates the inherent syncopation to the Salsa dancing and ensures that it takes 8 beats of music to loop back to a new sequence of steps. the movement rotates in a figure of eight to cause the hips to move. It is often played with two wooden sticks (called clave) that are hit together. The sensual, energetic moves that are standard in this genre of dance have a relatively short, but robust history. Salsa is a distillation of many Latin and Afro-Caribbean dances. The roots of Salsa are firmly planted in the Afro-Spanish musical traditions of Cuba. Salsa music is based on Cuban music. Arm and shoulder movements are also incorporated. Eddie Torres, the King of Mambo Dancing, performed with Tito Puente, the Mambo King, and his mambo influence helped form modern salsa dancing. "Rueda de Cuba" is original type of Rueda, originating from Cuba. Put simply, salsa is a dance with Caribbean and African roots. Though it is generally performed with salsa music, tropical music is also used in some cases during its performance. Developed by Cuban immigrants to Florida and centered on Miami, this dance style is a fusion of some elements from Casino with many elements from American culture and dances. Visit the Performing Arts Lesson Plans page to learn more. It developed largely in New York City beginning in the 1940s and ’50s, though it was not labeled salsa until the 1960s; it peaked in popularity in the 1970s in conjunction with the spread of Hispanic cultural identity. Many of the artists who signed with this label are now regarded as legends of salsa, particularly the team of ''Fania All-Stars''. Salsa dance socials are commonly held in nightclubs, bars, ballrooms, restaurants, and outside, especially when part of an outdoor festival. Cali is also known as the "Capital de la Salsa" (Salsa's Capital); due to salsa music being the main genre in parties, nightclubs and festivals in the 21st century. © copyright 2003-2021 Different regions of Latin America and the United States have distinct salsa styles of their own, such as Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, Cali Colombia. There are two distinct developments of New York salsa as a music and dance genre: These two developments create a fusion of a new salsa music and dance genre, different from its Latin American and Caribbean counterparts. The salsa rhythm is widely recognized for being catchy, sensual, and easy to learn, yet very difficult to master. Though he did not create New York style salsa, Eddie Torres is credited with popularizing it, and for having the follower step forward on the first beat of the first measure, followed by another step forward on the second beat to change direction (the "break step"). Salsa generally uses music suitable for dancing ranges from about 150 bpm (beats per minute) to around 250 bpm, although most dancing is done to music somewhere between 160 and 220 bpm. In total, the couple turned 180° while the follower moved a distance (about 2meters). | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Historically, Casino traces its origin as a partner dance from Cuban Son, Cha Cha Cha, Danzón and Guaracha. In recent years, this dance has also gained popularity in Europe and in Asia. The music got the label of 'salsa'. In American Spanish especially used of a kind of relish with chopped-up ingredients; the music so called from its blend of Latin jazz and rock styles. Rogelio Moreno, Francisco and Luis Vazquez are credited for the early development and growth of LA Style[citation needed] as well as Albert Torres, Laura Canellias and Joe Cassiniare. You can test out of the A major difference between Cali Style and Miami-style is the latter is exclusively danced on the downbeat (On1) and has elements of shines and show-style added to it, following repertoires of North American styles. Salsa music has its origins sometime in the 1950s to 1970s, with the truly distinct salsa style coming out of New York in the 1970s. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. The category of Latin dances in the international dancesport competitions consists of the cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba, paso doble, and also the jive of United States origin. There, salsa absorbed influences from other local Cuban music and from American jazz and continued to evolve. Hutchinson says salsa music and dance "both originated with Cuban rhythms that were brought to New York and adopted, adapted, reformulated, and made new by Dominican, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City, "Longtime dance instructor talks salsa, both 'Cuban style' and 'Miami style,, Wikipedia articles with style issues from July 2017, Articles needing additional references from August 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Secondary evolution during the late 1970s, Latin Puerto Rican migrants, contributed a lot to the New York salsa development during the "NuYorican" era of, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 11:18.
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