Their greatest challenge remains the villainous Lokar, who has assembled his own teams of warriors know as E - Teens to find the Kairu before the Redakai. Kim Kardashian Reportedly LEFT Kanye West & Is READY For EXPENSIVE … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Redakai: Conquer the Kairu season 2 episode 26 The series focuses on a 15 year old student of ancient martial arts, named Ky, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Yükselişe geçenler. Report. The End Of The Shadow: Part I. When Ekayon was 12 he had no memories of his parents. Ekayon's X-reader is a variation of mostly red and black. Plasma Claw. Ekayon seems to have a different X-reader than most warriors. Another wiki about the Redakai series at w:c:Redapedia was created May 14, 2011 and has grown to 478 pages. Redakai Masters: Master Atoch | Master Quantus. 1 Information 2 Animation 2.1 Season 2 3 Cards in Ekayon's Possession 3.1 Monster Cards 3.2 Attack Cards 4 Trivia 5 Gallery When Ekayon was 12 he had no memories of his parents. The English version of the show is currently airing in Australia and the UK. But in the hands of evil, Kairu can be a destructive force unlike anything else. The Redakai of Earth have assigned their most promising warriors to find and collect Kairu energy. 0:30. There is in fact a Season 2 subtitled "Shadow of Lokar" that was in production and has been completed for some time now. Ky is the leader of Team Stax, and his talent is only matched by his brash nature. Lokar is no where to be found after this. 5 Gallery In Redakai, the battle of good versus evil is fought by warriors who can harness a powerful energy source called Kairu. She's gifted with an extra-sensory ability that allows her to sense when Kairu is nearby, which proves to be very use… Nun Ansehen Jetzt Im Kino Bald Im Kino Kino Aktuelle Anhänger Nachrichten Suchen Movie Beiträge Master Atoch found him and trained him to be a kairu warrior. Meanwhile, Ky and Ekayon step inside the cave… and find themselves face-to-face with a prism “guardian” creature. The series revolves around Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Ekayon made his first appearance in The New Warrior. As the only female member of Team Stax and their voice of reason, she is the 'yin' to Ky's 'yang,' both complementing his skills and balancing his impulsiveness. Those who learn to wield this energy become most powerful Kairu masters: The Redakai. 2. He is a very fast warrior and a fast learner. Created by Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel. Top 11 Cartoons In Our Childhood | Cartoon Network | Tom & Jerry | Scooby-Doo | Pokemon || Boldsky. Redakai: Conquer the Kairu Season 2 Episode 26 [Full Episode] Zeguwizeg. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Team Stax then offer Ekayon to come along with them on their quest. Zane does not take critism very well and appears to want to be recognized as a great warrior. Eventually, Ky comes to understanding that Ekayon is not a bad guy. 4 Polls! It was first shown (in French) on Canal J sometime in 2013. At the tournament, Lokar discovers that it is the Hiverax who have betrayed him. Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, embarks on an epic quest aided by his friends Maya and Boomer. Ekayon assumes that Team Stax is working for Lokar, but when he finds out that they aren't he discontinues the challenge. Kim Kardashian. Redakai: Conquer the Kairu season 2 episode 1 Team Stax travels to Lokar's Lair to stop him once and for all. Meanwhile, Baoddai/Palladion ends up winning the epic battle against Lokar/Drakilar. But they run into trouble and destroy his lair. Preceeded By. It isn't officially stated in the show that Team Hiverax is gone for good. Watch Now For Free Featured Browse more titles ». Playing next. Tidal Force. 26. About Redapedia. ODN. Back at the cave, Ky and Ekayon look like they’re about to lose their battle, when Ky transforms into Platinum Metanoid... and leads himself and Ekayon to victory and the Prism Kairu! Chat with other fans of Redakai by clicking here. And just when it looks like they’re about to be eliminated by the Radikor, they both go Platinum -- and end up winning the day and Baoddai’s monster! Kohdok's Redakai Review: Part 2 - The Cartoon. Nun Ansehen Jetzt Im Kino Bald Im Kino Kino Aktuelle Anhänger Nachrichten Suchen Movie Beiträge Team Stax and Team Imperiaz are just about to battle for a kairu relic when Ekayon steals it and runs. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian reportedly planning to divorce. Zane is very confinident in his own abilities and will go to great lengths to make sure that people know it. Ekayon is a lone warrior in the show Redakai: Conquer the Kairu. Redakai Saison 2 Episode 20 FR: Ekayon will visit Team Stax and will help his friends to defeat Team Imperiaz and Team Radikor,but they will discover a scaring thing: Rated T just in case! Oblivion Blast. This Wikia was created April 3, 2011 and grew to 36 pages. The complete guide by MSN. When Maya hit Hexus with an attack, he falls into a trans like state with his eyes glowing red. Ekayon is still wearing his cloak when he meets up with Team Stax for the second time and Ky challenges him to a Kairu battle. 6:45. Battacor E-Teens: Zylus | Rynoh | Bash Villains: Lokar | Guardian of the Souls | Shadow Kairu | Gihox | Professor Knox 3 Featured Media! Team Stax searches for Ekayon and find him. In S2E4, Ekayon used a Staticore against Ky when he became brainwashed by the obscure kairu. The Redakai website that anyone can edit! With Ekayons help- they beat the Imperiaz. Team Tiro: Apex | Gia | Balistar The tournament must go on. With Martin Hylander Brucker, Austin Dilulio, Jasmine Richards, Eden Gamliel. This is the last episode in the series and there likely won't be a third season. Master Atoch tells Ekayon to go to Africa to get a kairu relic and he sends him off with a warning that others will be searching for what he seeks. Team Imperiaz: Princess Diara | Koz | Teeny In the beginning of this episode he is wearing a cloak and is talking to Master Atoch. Redakai: Conquer the Kairu season 2 episode 23 Battle of the Hiverax : The Hiverax battle team Stax but the Kairu deposit drops into the river and two of the Hiverax jumps into the river to go after it, leaving Hexus to deal with Team Stax. Ky gets jealous of Ekayon and is very suspicious of him. In season 2 he took place as the Kairu Master and wore Lokar’s cloak and gained shadow powers until he is exiled by Lokar in Darkness Rises however he is later reinstated in Tournament of the Kairu Cube. None. Ekayon is the first and only lone warrior in the show so far. Ekayon disappears behind a tree and the two teams see no reason to continue the challenge. Family: Merl | Reeba | Laenna | King Imperiaz | Queen Imperiaz Movies, TV & Showtimes Zane is the most powerful E-Teen, a fact which goes to his head. He just remembers running through a forest. Ky, Maya and Boomer are shocked when a new set of E-Teens, a trio of creepy alien brothers called the Hiverax, appear on the scene. He uses his inner Kairu to put his machine into over-drive -- causing all the world’s pure Kairu to begin being transformed into shadow Kairu! He joins up with Team Stax just to find a kairu relic, then, the Imperiaz capture Ekayon, but Ky thinks Ekayon ran away with the Kairu relic. He is voiced by Lyon Smith. Master Atoch found him and trained him to be a kairu warrior. In the second season of Redakai, many new and different attacks including the all new Shadow attacks created by lokar with shadow kairu. Maya is talented and book smart. Redapedia is a collaborative encyclopedia about the TCG and animated television series, Redakai. Follow. Season 1, Episode 9 September 17, Maya and Boomer will search for them, but a new tournament will start without Ky and Ekayon , because Team Hiverax took the Kairu Cube. Cyclone Snare. Browse more videos. It is kept up-to-date by editors like you, to make sure Redapedia becomes the largest database on Redakai. The End Of The Shadow: Part II is the final episode of season 2 in Redakai: Conquer the Kairu. 1 About 2 Featured Card! In the REDAKAI universe, good and evil struggle for the same mysterious energy force: Kairu. Travon Brennon. This likely has something to do with how the three communicate and further shows how connected the three are. Electro Burst. Furious, Lokar makes an example of the Hiverax – and “deactivates” them! And with no other choice but to battle it, Ky and Ekayon enter the challenge of a lifetime! And though he’d like to take back the Kairu Cube and the X-Drive Palladion that is stored within it, the RedaKai say no. So Baoddai challenges Lokar to a Master Showdown, fighting Lokar for the cube and for his monster, Drakilar! Baoddai is Redakai’s masterful guru of good who has been battling Lokarforever, and he handpicked K… And when they give it to Baoddai and he returns to normal strength, we soon realize that Lokar is still determined to fight! Whirlwind, Part 1: Part 2: You are here Ekayon thinks it's a good idea but would rather stick to being what he is, which is a lone kairu warrior. Zane seems to be to a certain extent insane and over the course of the series has bee… Episode Number. Nun Ansehen Jetzt Im Kino Bald Im Kino Kino Aktuelle Anhänger Nachrichten Suchen Movie Beiträge A ship similar to Mookee's crashes at the monastery; with this knowledge and hints in the show we can assume that the people on that ship were also from Mookee's home planet - Nervod. 13:45 . Back at the tournament, Maya and Boomer begin round two. This episode was left on a cliffhanger. Zane's go-to monster is Bruticon and Bruteron , with his mechanical Anti-Matter Beam attack. 1:16. Promo Cartoon Network USA: Redakai Conquer the Kairu. Click here and start watching the full season in seconds. Massive brimstone. But before he can finish, Ky and Ekayon show up. Later, back at the monastery, something unexpected happens -- when a spaceship that looks suspiciously like Mookee’s crash-lands nearby! 5 years ago | 265 views. Followed By. In the hands of good, Kairu is a living force that guides the universe. Ky uses his newfound prism power to blast the shadow Kairu. But that doesn’t stop Lokar. And as Lokar disappears once again in a powerful blast of energy, the world’s shadow Kairu is transformed back into pure Kairu and everything is right in the world once again! It was first shown (in French) on Canal J sometime in 2013. I do not own Redakai nor do I have any English episodes. Ky's father was a Kairu Master, and was the one who sent the Kairu Vessel to Earth in order to get it away from Lokar’s hands. His second appearance was in Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part I when he was seen entering the tournament arena with the Redakai council. When Team Hiverax are shown to be robots we see red, green and blue buttons just above their eyebrows. He also appeared in Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part II where he battled Maya in the semi-finals of the tournament but lost to her. Season 1; Season 2; Be the first to review this item IMDb 5.1 2012 7+ Team Stax continues their worldwide quest to keep the Kairu from falling into enemy hands, but Battacor has different plans as they race Ky, Maya and Boomer from Norway to New Zealand in search of Kairu relics. Ky and Maya must save Boomer, as well as Team Imperiaz members, before a volcano erupts, destroying not only a mask containing kairu energy, but also the island they are all on. Season 2. Watch RedaKai season 2 full episodes. He then explains his story about coming to find Master Atoch. The End Of The Shadow: Part II is the final episode of season 2 in Redakai: Conquer the Kairu. Ky pops the solid chunk of energy into the center of his monster’s chest and feels its power! Allies: Ekayon | Slanva | Kieran McCann | Nanook | Cayoosh | Aldo | Kreel Back at the monastery, just as Master Baoddai is about to show Team Tiro one of his inner Kairu/water-levitating moves, a shadowy energy reaches Baoddai and … Zane has the ambition to rule the universe and is patiently waiting for an opportunity to seize it from Lokar's grasp and wants to become a Kairu Master/Redakai. Team Radikor: Zane | Zair | Techris Team Hiverax : Nexus | Hexus | Vexus Redakai came in with a lot of fanfare but fell by the wayside in the United States after just a few months due to overwhelmingly negative reception. Kohdok's Redakai Review: Part 2 - The Cartoon. He just remembers running through a forest. Zane says "I would have shut them off myself" indicating that they could still be somewhere but they are disabled at the moment. Redakai: Conquer the Kairu season 2 episode 11 Shadow of the Shadow : Team Stax is in the midst of their latest quest. Ekayon is a lone warrior in the show Redakai: Conquer the Kairu. BoldSky Telugu.
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