160 Film KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 160 Film features a significantly finer grain structure for improved scanning and enlargement capability in today's workflow, while retaining the exceptionally smooth and natural skin tone reproduction that the PORTRA Film family is renowned for. (Availability info from B&H). Portra loves to show off yellows, oranges, and reds. Kodak Portra can be bought in the UK for £5 a roll for 36 exposures (£25 for a 5 pack of Kodak Portra 1… Portra 160 is the finest grain of the three Portra’s, Its low iso makes it great for daylight shooting and it’s warmth makes it ideal for portraiture. The Portra film lines are known for their their natural warmth (Portra 160 has red and brown undertones while Portra 400 has undertones of orange and yellow). The reproduction of the colors is restrained and quite refreshing, without really looking cool. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Lenses: 80mm f/2.8 N, 150mm f/3.5 N, 300mm f/5.6 N-ULD, Lighting (Portrait Only): 2 Profoto B1X with diffusers. Portra Strengths. Samples of Kodak Portra 160. Unsurprisingly to me, I didn’t really care for most of the examples of Portra 160. I actually think that Portra 160 does a better job with indoor portraits where as Portra 400 is wonderful outside. Do you think the 400 will have fine enough grain for an 11x14 or should I stick with the 160. New Kodak Portra 160 Kodak's Portra 160 website Kodak's FAQ Kodak's Tech Pub E-4051 (PDF) 135-36 propack (5 rolls)Catalog# 6031959 120 propack (5 rolls)Catalog# 1808674 220 propack (5 rolls)Catalog# 8273773 10 Sheet 4 x 5 inchCatalog# 1710516 10 Sheet 8 x 10 inchCatalog# 8493751 RULES: 1) Only post photos in the pool with the new Portra 160 film or … In the original article, I used the exact same camera and lens for each series, changing only the back to rotate between the 3 film stocks. Under-exposed images take on the dreaded green shadows so familiar to color negative shooters. Kodak Portra 160 and 400. Madison is a mathematician turned statistician based out of Columbus, OH. PORTRA 160 Film is the ideal choice for portrait, fashion Kodak Portra 160 is a versatile film and does incredibly well in situations like snow, desert, and beach scenes. Portra 400 vs. 160. Then, at the end of 2010, Kodak merged the two emulsions together to create the New Portra 400. To accomplish this, 3 different film backs were used, each loaded with a different Kodak Portra film. For exposure testing data on Portra 400, Portra 400 shot and developed at 800, Portra 800, and 8 other film stocks, please refer to this article. Portra 160 has the same color saturation and contrast as 160NC and finer grain than NC or VC. (please add 'portra' to your photos' tags) Digital photos with VSCO filters are NOT ALLOWED! The reproduction of the colors is restrained and quite refreshing, without really looking cool. For 35mm film I use Kodak Portra 160 and for medium format film normally Kodak Portra 400 and more recently Fuji Pro 400H again. Other than the big two, B&H carries Agfa, plus two other, Cinestill and Lomography, neither of which I've heard of. As for pushing film, pushing is when you rate the film HIGHER than the box speed. Kodak Ektar VS Kodak Portra 160. Kodak Portra 160 is a versatile film and does incredibly well in situations like snow, desert, and beach scenes. Originally created in 1998, Kodak Portra film was made for portrait and wedding photography. Discussion in 'Film and Processing' started by mike_gammill, Feb 9, 2012. CineStill 50D vs Kodak Portra 160: Here is a non-scientific comparison of 35mm CineSill 50D film vs. 35mm Kodak Portra 160 film. We have seen examples of Portra 400 pushed, even 3 stops. For Fuji, it looks likes the only choice you have is Superia 400. Soft colors, tons of detail and a dynamic range even better than Ektar. All told, we took 3 different sets of portraits (though only posting one) and in all 3, Portra 800 was far too saturated. I am using a pair of Mamiya 645E SLR's so I will be using 120 film. Compare Kodak Portra 400 vs Kodak Portra 160 vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Kodak T-Max 400. For exposure testing data on Portra 400, Portra 400 shot and developed at 800, Portra 800, and 8 other film stocks, please refer to this article. Where Portra 800 tends to disappoint is when it’s under-exposed. Surprising Encounters in Landscape Photography, The Death of the Entry-Level DSLR Is Upon Us: Nikon Calls Time on the D3500 and D5600, 7 Editing Techniques Landscape Photographers Should Know, A Beginner's Guide to Effectively Using ISO for Better Photos, An Essay Only Nikon Shooters Will Appreciate. The original Portra 400 recipe is one of the most frustrating recipes I’ve created, but it also produces great results sometimes. Portra 160 is the finest grain of the three Portra’s, Its low iso makes it great for daylight shooting and it’s warmth makes it ideal for portraiture. I have a client who wants her daughter's wedding shot with film. Slide - Kodak E100G ... Vintage - Technicolor 2 (Approx.) ( Log Out / For me, the most interesting shots came from the Portra 400. Slide - Fuji Provia 100F. I’m not sure that my opinion between the three is really going to change. Special thanks to Matt Seal for being generous with letting us use his studio, Dr. H for being an uncomfortable model, and Nevin Johnson for his help with the scanning. Fujifilm X100T + RNI Kodak Portra 160 Samples. Anyway, let’s look at some samples of the Portra 160 so you can get an idea of its look. The last update in our recent history occurred in 2011, when Kodak updated their Portra 160 series. This article is going to compare Kodak films Portra 160, Portra 400, and Portra 800. Cos its ace. As the name implies, it’s intended for portrait photography, but can be used for many other types of photography. Images made with 800 look more like a traditional color negative film, which is welcome considering how close to digital perfection images from Portra 160 and 400 can be. It has medium contrast and low saturation making a great alternative to the more saturated Ektar 100. Mike Gammill. You will be banned! Since 1998, Portra 400 has evolved from "VC" and "NC" into what we know it as now. We have seen examples of Portra 400 pushed, even 3 stops. The same streamlining happened with the ISO 160 Portra a year later, while the ISO 800 Portra … In photographic terms, this infusion of VISI… The film stock is made in three speeds: 160, 400, and 800. This film has very good exposure latitude which means it does well with overexposure. 4 seconds at f45, 1 stop soft GND filter. Kodak Ektar 100 Vs Portra 400 In Greece – By Aukje August 25, 2016. I will continue to shoot more and more 800 in and around Ohio (or at least on trips where I’m not flying) and I will shoot Portra 400 as an old reliable. Cos its ace. The same updates that were implemented to Portra 400 in 2010 were now being made for Portra 160 and although Kodak was stopping the production of the variety of these films (NC & VC), they were now producing the highest quality stock showing that quality … Photographer and fellow member of the club, Morgan Roberts, also supplied these two images for before and after comparison using the Kodak Portra 160 preset in RNI Films 4 PRO. And of those films, the 400 speed is the most popular as it lets in more light than a film like Kodak’s Portra160. The Kodak Portra 160 is tuned to the reproduction of skin tones in the northwestern culture, he is primarily a portrait film. Since releasing the film in 1998, Kodak has also updated the Portra 160 and Portra 400 films to improve image and scanning quality. Under-exposed images take on the dreaded green shadows so familiar to color negative shooters. Thus, the Kodak Portra 160 can be excellently scanned. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ISO 50 vs ISO 400 = CineStll 50D requires 300% more light that Kodak Portra 400 … At first, Portra included speeds of 160 and 400 in two variations: Vivid Color (VC) and Natural Color (NC). Long exposure and a high-speed film are always somewhat of a contradiction. In the vines sample, I think 800 blew the other two out of the water. Both of these films are around the same ISO but quite different in contrast and saturation. For street photography, Kodak Portra 400 is the best 35mm film. Portra 160 and 400 Reciprocity Failure Surprisingly, the reciprocity failure for 160 and 400 seem to follow the exact same curve. For the tower, all three returned a pretty distinct color palette – so much so that I went back and rescanned each with the expectation of getting more uniformity then but the scans came back virtually the same as the first pass – that all 3 are distinctly different. Portra 400 offers a solid balance between creative colour variability and consistency, but is most certainly behaving in a way inconsistent to Portra 160. Kodak Portra is said to produce the best skin tones and I did agree but now I am starting to prefer the pinky-green tones of Fuji Pro 400H vs yellow-orange tones of Portra. This means that colors will be rendered differently than other films such as the well-known Fuji 400H. (please add 'portra' to your photos' tags) Digital photos with VSCO filters are NOT ALLOWED! I do expect that I could have remedied a good deal of that in settings in the scan or in PS after but again, all of the presented images are straight out of the scanner’s software. Portra 160 rated at 320 and pushed one stop is pretty incredible. Anything shot on Kodak Portra film, whether 160, 400, 800, VC or Tungsten, 35mm or 120 or LF - we want it all. Kodak Portra 400 and CineStill 800T or Kodak VISION3 500T 5219– the film that provides the base for CineStill 800T – are modern photographic films designed to be used as part of a digital workflow. FPP Gang at Macs Diner - New Portra 400 shot @ 6400, 2-stop push! But just then, new Kodak Portra 160 hit the market! 2 12 Share Tweet. I happen to really like the Porta 400NC myself, and have found it Admittedly, this is by no means a scientific test- if I wanted to be more accurate I would need to test Portra 400 and 800, side to side under the same conditions. Later they would release an 800 speed Portra and a C-41 B&W Portra. Those who need more film speed may be relieved to know that Kodak still offers Portra 400 and 800, both of which are fine films in their own right. Going much easier on this “slower” emulsion, I didn’t do too many crazy things to the new Portra 160. This has been available since mid-2011 in 135, 120, 220 and sheet format. At true ISO 400 speed, this film delivers spectacular skin tones plus exceptional color saturation over a wide range of lighting conditions. It has a great dynamic range, deals well with direct sunlight, and the color and smoothness of the grain is just absolutely beautiful. We primarily shoot with Fuji 400H and love how it renders, so we don’t tend to shoot Portra 400 during the day. Admittedly, this is by no means a scientific test- if I wanted to be more accurate I would need to test Portra 400 and 800, side to side under the same conditions. Thus, the Kodak Portra 160 can be excellently scanned. View fullsize "Prairie Homestead" - Portra 160 example showing the delightful color palette. So in 2010, Kodak Portra 400 NC and Kodak Portra VC 400 both ceased to exist as they merged together and became the simple, singular Kodak Portra 400 we have today. ( Log Out / Of the three, it is the most saturated and felt over the top in some of the comparisons. For those that don’t already know, Kodak offers two other variants in the Portra family: Portra 160 and Portra 800. The new Portra 400 recipe is a little more accurate to the film, in my opinion. Mike Gammill. I put the data into Excel and cleaned it up a bit (for example, 8 seconds metered exposure time certainly needs more correction than 4 seconds, contrary to the data I got from Peter) and found a best-fit curve. It has a great dynamic range, deals well with direct sunlight, and the color and … And then, to make decisions harder, Kodak introduced the Ultra Color (UC) film in ISOs of 100 and 400. Portra 400 rated at 800 and pushed one stop is also equally great. While I know a lot of people love the film, I can count on one hand how many shots I liked from an entire pro pack shot in Banff (albeit, the three I got that were winners were my absolute favorites from the entire trip). ( Log Out / For those that don’t already know, Kodak offers two other variants in the Portra family: Portra 160 and Portra 800. It’s similar to Portra 160, but with more contrast, saturation and grain. Having shot through nearly 100 rolls of Portra 400, I’m rarely surprised how those shots turn out and as I expected – its middle of the road saturation, low grain and its dynamic range still make it the film to beat. I honestly expected Portra 160 to shine here but I honestly thought all of the scans turned out equally as pale. For Kodak, you now have the choice of Portra 160, 400, or 800 or Ektar 100. Continue reading below to find out more about Kodak Portra 400 vs. Kodak Portra 800 film stocks. Overall, I preferred Portra 800 over 160 and 400 in most situations with a strict exception to portraits. KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 400 Film KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 400 is the world's finest grain high-speed color negative film. Do you think the 400 will have fine enough grain for an 11x14 or should I stick with the 160. Samples of Kodak Portra 160. Kodak Portra 400, 35mm // Leica M6, Leica 35mm f/2 Summicron. Portra 400 was introduced by Kodak in 1998, and was redesigned in 2006 and again in 2010. Is this based on experience or just some thought that 400 film must be? Slide Film vs Color Negative: Portra 160, Provia 100F & Velvia 100 July 26, 2018 By Morgan 5 Comments Film is on the resurgence as of recent and we … As perhaps could have been expected, I didn’t prefer one film over the rest in all contexts. Still, the grain in 400 Portra is not 250% larger than in 160 Portra, so the 6X9 is the right choice if grain is your concern. Kodak Portra. Kodak Portra 160 Film Review by Sarah Collier. PORTRA 400 Film is the ideal choice for The two other film stocks in the Portra lineup, 160 and 800, offer similar color palettes that generally produce pleasing skin tones but their saturation and dynamic range is vastly different. CineStill 50D is a relatively new film whereas Kodak Portra has been around for years (in various forms). VISION3 500T was baked from the ground up to be a flexible, hybrid process motion picture film capable of handling extreme punishment by filmmakers and Kodak Portra 400 and 160 both have VISION3 DNA as part of their makeup. I actually think that Portra 160 does a better job with indoor portraits where as Portra 400 is wonderful outside. If you talk to film photographers, they probably either shoot Fujifilm or Kodak film and usually not both. PORTRA 160 Film is the ideal choice for portrait, fashion Still, for completeness, I evaluated Portra 800 in this test as well. I first fell in love with it after photographing Daniel one morning in our bedroom. So pushing Portra 400 one stop (+1) would be shooting it at 600 iso. (please add 'portra' to your photos' tags) Digital photos with VSCO filters are NOT ALLOWED! Anyway, let’s look at some samples of the Portra 160 so you can get an idea of its look. So thank you for showing!Drew Chambers is a former high school teacher and current master's student at Harvard University. In addition, the Kodak Portra 160 is intended for digital processing. He fell back in love with film years ago while living in Charleston, SC and hasn't looked back since.
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