On me, it is mostly caramel with a country touch (maybe the mix of the berries and the immortelle?). Luna by Nina Ricci is a Oriental Vanilla fragrance for women. Ricci L'Eau. Découvrez l'univers de la Maison Nina Ricci : le prêt-à-porter couture et ses dernières collections, les accessoires de mode, les parfums … Very sweet and also somewhat musky and powdery. Luna est semblable à un songe mystérieux et son aspect énigmatique ne fait que la rendre plus captivante. I purchased some cosmetics and the sales person gave me a variety of samples, including this absolutely delicious perfume. A blind buy for. Luna est le parfum des femmes qui se moquent du qu'en-dira-t-on. Zelfs de strijkstok van de fles is zo vloeiend en licht als roze zijde, en de geur is net zo rooskleurig … Celle-ci se nomme Luna et nous plonge à son tour dans un univers enchanteur. Cliquez sur notre lien ci-dessus ↑. On the whole it's a powdery sort of sweetness, so I can understand the 'kool aid' accusation but Luna is more than just a berry blue. Nevertheless, I wore this fragrance almost daily until the snow had completely melted before moving onto something more floral for spring. 1,248 votes. A huge nothing! 1 seller for ladies in my country. Black leather and blue bottle is very masculine. Fruit notes are so well blended with midnote floral that its hard to tell when it moves into that stage. Flowers...caramel...berries mixed in...a little vanilla action thrown in...and...then...ya get a light...sweet licorice "vibe"...(not full on)...and then to my nose...almost an herbal-ish undertone...?? Cliquez sur notre lien ci-dessus ↑. It's easy to wear... sweet peppery and soft in the mornings, so not offensive when you're trying to wake up while many other perfumes punch you in the face before you're ready for it. There are perfumes I have that I really like but only a few transport me away with their fragrance. Enfin, la saveur de Luna s'achève par une véritable caresse. Luna szett I. eau de toilette hölgyeknek 20 270 Ft / 80 ml eau e toilette + 100 ml testápoló Kosárba rakom Megnézem Nina Ricci Luna szett III. Somehow they met a feminist perfume with a girly one, the girly one it does not have the power to cover the feminist but does not let it breathe either...It had to be called: Nina Ricci The war between two forms. This is more complex than I expected. For a supposedly gourmand scent, I find it barely sweet. Cette Eau de … It's not so sweet on me. Vanilla can be quite cloying, although I think one of the greatest achievements of contemporary perfumery is the way vanilla is used in quite a few fragrances. On me smells so much like LVB. Luna Eau de Toilette NINA RICCI. This fragrance actually evolves and takes some time, not within 5 minutes that it goes from top notes to the bottom notes. I wonder if anyone else gets this as well? No vanilla sweetness, but something sharp and unpleasant. It's a gentle, inoffensive, mass-market sweet thing made mostly of caramel and vanilla, but not quite as dull or as cloying as that might sound. It is not your run of the mill fruity floral. That detail alone would've probably resulted in increased sales as this would be more of an aesthetically pleasing ornament. Oh and just a fab little bottle too. It's a light fragrance and wears close to the skin. longevity was very good.I wish to get it as valentine gift so I wish that my boyfriend reads this. Will theses fragrances be one day great classics we are longing for? I usually loathe sweet generic scents but this was ... OK ... when sprayed lightly, with juuuuust enough woodiness to keep it from being terminally boring. Hello, little Lolita Lempicka smellalike! Luna est une essence très audacieuse et créative. Luna was created by Christophe Raynaud and Marie Salamagne. I tried it today. I don't like it, it's overdone in my opinion. De plus, … It's quite sweet but has more character than the more recent 'sweets'. It was a blind buy that I’ve come to enjoy! If they would have let Marie S. to work alone, what feminist piece of jewelry would have come out. @STARISH: I totally agree with you. Still, the beginning of LPRNI is really nice but the drydown puts me off. One word - ethyl malthol. Online right now: 1860, Fragrantica in your language: Not overly sweet, fine overall, but don't expect fireworks. Longevity is quite good. Maar ook de nieuwe parfums van Les Belles de Nina zetten dit verhaal voort om de essentie van vrouwen en hun diepste verlangens te vatten. So cute, and I love the shade of blue with the black and gold! Each hour was a suprise and I imagine it would layer well. What the hell- zingy, sherbet notes ? Ohh, the packaging may lead you to think it smells berry, maybe fresh, aquatic but it was sooooo sweet I couldn't detect any other notes than sugar sugar and sugar. A previous reviewer mentioned a coffee note and I get something like that too although I think it may be coming from the caramel. out of It is not very original, but apart from that, i don't have anything negative to say about it. It's a possible option to those who miss the beautiful liquorice in LL after its reformulation, because Luna's liquorice is more present and lasts longer than in the reformulated LL. Why there are so many houses which makes non-characteristic sugarwater fragrances? Maybe you'll be surprised by it's quirky vibe too. I could easily wear any of them. Well blended and just adds a layer of depth to this great scent. It is part of the collection "Les Belles de Nina" and tells the story of inseparable friends, lived by two real models: Frida Gustavsson and Jac Jagaciak. opium black and si gave me nausea. Try it. I hate to say this.....but I can't stand this. For anything of this kind to be even wearable for me is quite a coup so anyone who does like forgiving, girly sweet things may even find it exciting. It has more complexity than it seems like at first. I tried it several times but I always end up in the shower. Un lien de cuir vient enserrer son col tandis que l'ensemble est surmonté de deux feuilles d'or. I love blue bottles !! It is such a disappointment! The dry down is almost soapy, definitely powdery but still beautiful with the vanilla, sandalwood and musk with just a hint of licorice, which makes even the dry down unique among my collection of perfumes as I don't care much for licorice and have tended to avoid it. I don’t pick up on any of the blueberry at all. It dried down to smooth, woody and sweet herb cosiness. Un parfum féminin qui pour la première fois, combine une immortelle blanche avec une overdose de caramel. I could smell it the whole day on my skin. There is a teensy bit of powder which I actually like and it gives me more of an adult feeling rather than staying in "I am a teen girl who is wearing sweet like candy scent. it reminds me of those over bearing scents from the 80s or 90s that everyone at the time loved and now thinks is disgusting. Il aura ainsi fallu attendre 10 ans pour que l'emblématique Nina ait une petite sœur. Sticky and burned sweetness overpowers everything else in the top and heart. It's well balanced with woody herbs and crisp citrus... but it remains crisp and deep... stays away from fresh and bright. But the licorice is more than interesting - sometimes I can detect it in the opening, other time in the base. 3.65 Luna by Nina Ricci is a Oriental Vanilla fragrance for women.Luna was launched in 2016. Ainsi, elle joue sur les contrastes et laisse derrière elle un sillage follement addictif. Longevity about an hour, weak projection. When I got home I couldn't figure out what the nasty smell I kept smelling was....yeah it was this. The fruity notes add for some light freshness. On me it smells complex and lovely. Elle forme cette fois un flacon à l'intensité bleutée. Then there's a pleasant amberiness, although musk but not amber is listed here, enriching the woodiness, to which it seems particularly to connect. Nina et Luna, les deux amies dans un conte de … 15 butikker Sammenlign Nina Ricci Nina Gift Set EdT 80ml + EdT 10ml 3985 Gaveæsker, Damer fra 419 kr. I can't believe all these raving reviews. Puis, la fleur d'oranger vient illuminer le teint de porcelaine de la jolie Luna. The aroma is delicious, warm, with notes of vanilla. Its fruity gourmand basically and its lovely. There are sensual florals too. Worth buying if you want a gourmand that is not aggressively sweet! There's an element to it that I've always felt was lackinf from the original. Luna smells like blue Kool Aid for faeries, a wonderful thing if you can embrace liquid whimsy. Une complicité unique où Luna fait écho à Nina. Too sweet and cloying, simply annoying. I normally love the notes and main accords that Luna has. Read about this perfume in other languages: Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Русский, Polski, Português, Ελληνικά, 汉语, Nederlands, Srpski, Română, العربية, Українська, Монгол, עברית. This one absolutely needs testing on skin more so than anything else I've ever tried, on cardboard strips it smells absolutely disgusting for some reason. Generic caramel, nothing memorable to me but it's ok on skin. Become a member of this online perfume community and you will be able to add your own reviews. Amazon.fr: parfum luna nina ricci Choisir vos préférences en matière de cookies Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de … I love the bottle, though, it's a little piece of art. I would not favour this if that were not so, but the upshot with it TMM is that it becomes rather woody. I want a bottle because the flacon itself is nice and the perfume is very wearable. Unfortunately, another 4 months in storage hasn’t improved matters. L’eau de parfum pour femme Nina Ricci L’Air du Temps capture dans la moindre de ses gouttes la rareté de chaque instant et l’intemporalité de la féminité. Nina de Nina Ricci, Luna, Bella ou Premier Jour à petits prix sur notino.fr. To me it´s blueberries mixed with caramel and vanilla at first. Colored in blue, decorated with gold leaves and black leather around its neck, it represents the night, the moonlit version of the fairytale fruit. It's just awfull. Pretty linear from start to finish. The intense caramelly sweetness is there alright - but not, I think, quite to the degree that the notes-voting here would have it - but it's so well buffered by the other elements in this against becoming cloying. Nina est née en 2006 et apparaît comme étant une essence lumineuse, pétillante et sensuelle. I tried this today with fairly low expectations given the reviews and was very pleasantly surprised. I sprayed this on myself today and it kept getting better and better with time. It is sweet but not overwhelming sweet. La styliste Nina Ricci a su mettre beaucoup de féminité, de noblesse et de … Nina isn't as fun or spicy, but she is more tame and cosy! The longevity was pretty poor lasting just 1-2 hours, and the only compliments it received came from hungry women. Le bois de santal enveloppe le tout d'une sensualité absolument vibrante et exquise. Luna was created by Christophe Raynaud and Marie Salamagne. Took mother for a gift for the new year. The opening a fresher fruity jasmine and the dry down becomes more caramel jasmine. It's sweet and adorable, but I wouldn't have this as a fragrance to sport so much as just something I would want to keep smelling all day, all the time. Le parfum Nina par Nina Ricci, un conte de fée moderne et séduisant « Une jeune femme placée sous une bonne étoile », voilà comment la marque nous décrit ce parfum Nina . Something a little softer and lighter for those easy girly days. Every time I smell it, something different emerges. Découvrez la noblesse et le romantisme des parfums français Nina Ricci ! It's true that it have her signature and it's really a fragrance with a feminist shade, but it turns out that someone put his tail in and made it more sweeter than it should have been, a little less deep and felt the need to emphasize the gourmand side. A Nina Ricci céget 1998-ban a Puig vette át, továbbra is az elegáns divatot képviselték, de ezen felül már férfi és női illatokat is gyártottak. When I was of an age for girly things I wanted to wear something more mysterious. And it's this smooth vanilla and woody mix (ha, ha, that sounds a bit naughty) that convinced me to purchase it. Best I've tried so far from the brand. Ascultați-vă instinctele și porniți în expediția în care vă conduce apa de toaletă Nina Ricci Luna. Une création intense, mystérieuse, et envoutante, imaginée par le duo Christophe Raynaud et Marie Salamagne. Nina Ricci, le parfum de la romance L’univers de la mode et de la cosmétique est surtout dominé par les styles et les produits féminins, car on sait que les femmes sont très méticuleuses dans la recherche de la perfection et de … It seems as though the majority of the newer perfumes are like this. Luna was launched in 2016. Luna is actually very nice, despite the horrible bottle and the other scents from Nina Ricci. Schon seit den 1930er Jahren ist das Modehaus Nina Ricci bekannt für seine romantischen, fast märchenhaften Entwürfe. Donnez votre avis. eau de toilette hölgyeknek 17 170 Ft / 50 ml eau de … Luna est … no, I dont...but it smells attractive,and it isn't boring either, it it is better than Viva la juicy, it isnt a cheap sweet vibe, it is like delicate yet more grown up in a sense.it does get that powdery sweetness fairly fast..I like it, it is nicely done, without being mesmerizing! Good longevity on me and moderate sillage which is good because you will want to be near the person wearing this. I wandered around the long table and tested the various perfumes and was excited to get to Luna. Luna is a gourmand through and through. Un échantillon Nina offert pour l’achat de ce parfum afin de pouvoir découvrir un nouveau parfum et apprécier une nouvelle senteur ! Maybe I received a bottle from a bad batch, who knows. It takes you on a journey through the day but there's no abrupt changes. Nina is one of my favorite fragrances so I was really excited to try it's sister perfume. Met dit parfum van Nina Ricci begint een moderne romantiek, aangenaam en teder. Il est un parfum, aux courbes exquises et aux accents gourmands, où … Please read the Terms of Service and Privacy policy. I think I also smell some coffee. Parce qu'il est impossible d'évoquer la nouvelle Luna sans parler de son aînée, sachez que ces deux fragrances ont été imaginées pour former un duo inséparable. It is well made, it is not sickening, it has appeal. The sweet top notes of this fragrance are tolerable, especially once you get past them, you're in for a delectable experience. At the end of a long day I'm left with a very soft smokey fem powdery scent after the crisp richness wears away. Créativité, élégance et insolence se devinent dans les émanations de cette essence orientale florale. Annoying, faceless, sticky mess. I guess the staying power is good, but I am not going to test it, because I cannot wait to rub it off. Sweet with depth, full, slightly spiced. L'écrin de Nina Ricci est travaillé ici de manière très contemporaine. I'm so so glad I gave this one a shot, it was a gamble blind buy and it is quickly becoming my go-to scent this fall. Ensemble, Nina et Luna semblent couvrir toutes les facettes de la féminité. I picked this fragrance up from the 19.99 shelf at Shoppers Drug Mart. I’m not saying it’s a dupe but on my skin there are definitely some similarities. I'm so disappointed. Luna was released in 2016, a decade after the release of its other half, Nina. The sweetness is just right and very gourmand. It definitely is a vanilla and caramel gourmand with a bit of a smokey twist to it. When Luna first came out, I absolutely HAD to test it since a) Nina is one of my all-time favourite perfumes and b) I LOVE a good vanilla/gourmand. Inspiration continues to be the universe of the young, with their temptations, laughter and emotions. Nina Ricci Luna Blossom EdT 50ml 3891 Eau de Toilette, 50ml, Damer fra 257 kr. Celui-ci incarne l'image d'une femme urbaine, contemporaine, … This fragrance smells like Manifesto; the only difference is that this one is less overwhelming. … Un parfum féminin qui pour la première fois, combine une immortelle blanche avec une overdose de caramel. Celle-ci associe à merveille l'élégance et l'impertinence. My favourite of all the ninas I've tried. Licorice is also quite dominant and pushes the caramel in a darker, heavier, slightly burned direction. Top notes are Wild … They are not interesting as well. Its sweetened woody-floral composition begins with notes of wild berries and sensual orange blossom. The juice I find horrendous, nauseating, and not original at all. La combinaison de … The caramel slowly goes to the background, and then it's all about sweet, herbal, powdery liquorice. So this is a nice every day scent. Luna Nina Ricci Perfume by Nina Ricc... (37.73 GBP), Buy it online BIG SALE on or Many items for sale on, Perfume rating Eau de Toilette - Nina - Nina Ricci 4.3 / 5 136 avis Fiche Produit Tous les avis Donnez votre avis Discussion forum 136 membres ont donné leur avis Présentation Fragrance Tenue Rapport … I'm shocked by how many facets this perfume has. Cute! Luna keeps the symbolism and shape of an apple. If the neck needed to be longer why not just elongate the gold stem? Flash forward to January 2020 when I rediscovered this adorable little bottle in my collection. 80 ml. My slightly more experienced nose is finding this to be predominantly jasmine. 10 ans après … I enjoyed this from beginning to end, which is unusual for me. Perhaps, the major difference is that Manifesto has a strongest note of vanilla and black currant, but the simialrity between the two fragrances is evident. 5 with What I found to be the most interesting thing about wearing Luna is that all day I kept thinking that someone near me was wearing Hypnotic Poision, it turned out to be me! Ricci Ricci est un parfum qui a été créé en 2009 et qui fait aujourd'hui parti des jus les plus célèbres de l'enseigne Nina Ricci. I think the other notes turn the licorice into something much more sensual. There's some lightness like all Nina Ricci apples have. It's nice! Update. The box is white with an apple motif in blue.Models of the campaign are Frida Gustavsson as Nina and Jac Jagaciak as Luna. While out shopping I found this sprayed it on my wrist and sleeve and walked around. In fact, I almost didn't get this perfume because of it (together with the caramel and the citrus, I wasn't too sure) but I loved Luna Blossom so much I had to try it and I'm glad I did! C'est en 2016 que la maison Nina Ricci a décidé de nous dévoiler sa nouvelle princesse olfactive comme sortie tout droit d'un conte de fées. Definitely missing depth here. Sounds nice even though it's nothing original but that bottle is a must have. Agree very much with Bruno57. However, after letting it settle for about an hour, a soft, woody, absolutely velvety scent developed on my skin. This is perfect for day wear. On a tester strip it smells sweet of caramel berry's and less unique, more sweet and predictable. un parfum The licorice in this is nice, soft and barely noticeable. Would never buy an FB of this, but it's broadly, blandly, all right. Too bad, it would have been the first feminist perfume released by Nina Ricci in recent years, and Ricci, once a source of feminist power, deserves it, but no change of leadership yet, the company is still dominated by those 80s old trolls who got their hands on it and did their best to destroy it feminist spirit, and I can believe them, when in 80-90 some women sprayed with Ricci blew their business in front of them and demolished their plans, very probably they may have been left with some sequelae. Découvrir Nina Ricci maintenant dans l`Import Parfumerie! Des baies sauvages, quant à elles, viennent saluer toute son audace. And the bottle is so cute. The top notes are a delight - a mix of caramel, berry, licorice and an odd patchouli-like menthol note. So some years later I'm revisiting this. Gratis levering vanaf 50€! Anyway, it’s safe to say I will not be giving Luna another chance. I can barely detect any of the fruity and floral notes until the licorice calms down after a few hours and gets replaced by some vanilla that finally softens the scent. It smells the same as all the other sweet scents that have been coming out for the past few years. I have Hypnotic Poison, and that is a crazy stong licorice, not this. I really love both though I'm not a fan of the original Nina. A wonderful perfume that surprisingly has sensual mid and base notes. Il invite à se laisser aller à la tentation et à croquer la pomme. The notes listed and what it actually smells like are nothing alike. How is that even remotely celestial ? Parfumdo vous propose sa gamme Luna de Nina ricci au meilleur prix en cumulant avantages fidélité et frais de port offerts dès 49€ d'achat. Luna is close to Lolita Lempicka without the violet and with a lot of caramel. Especially since it starts out sweet and I'm not a fan of syrupy sweet (yuck) scents. À l'écran, Luna est alors représentée par Jac Jagaciak, une mannequin faisant face a la jolie blonde Frida Gustavsson, déjà égérie de la marque Nina Ricci. I wouldn't call this a mysterious scent at all, more childlike and cute. Prix constatés sur ces sites le 24-11-2016, essence lumineuse, pétillante et sensuelle, Politique de protection des données personnelles. Découvrez VITE notre Eau de Toilette Les Sorbets de Luna de Nina Ricci en 1 clic ¤ Chez vous en 48h ¤ Livraison gratuite dès 60€. Beauty Almanac |, Copyrights © 2006-2021 Fragrantica.com perfumes magazine - All Rights Reserved - do not copy anything without prior written permission. My bottle liquid is a slightly golden colour in the blue glass and it's got pretty good projection and longevity. This smells like a lighter, fresher version of La Vie Est Belle. First the bottle is lovely! Like another reviewer mentioned, this is similar to La Vie est Belle, except brighter and less suffocatingly sweet. ?...and sweet woodiness...not dry...not spicy...the mid-drydown goes gourmandy for sure on me...the the final drydown is very blissful.A very interesting and misleading composition to the nose. At first I was thinking that it is for child girls.caramel and fruits like Victoria secrets and viva juicys but then I smell woody notes and something powdery,a little bitter but also delicious.this woody,vanilla,caramel,mysterious powder was very interesting and not for kids.this blue apple is very different from red and pink apples. Fragrantica® Trends is a relative value that shows the interest of Fragrantica members in this fragrance over time. S'appuyant sur des valeurs fortes de romantisme et un esprit parisien, Nina Ricci exprime au travers de ses créations toute la poésie et la féminité d'un imaginaire qui fait rêver ! Overall, its a step above fruity vanilla scents that are so popular and everyone and their mother is wearing them. I've always bypassed Nina Ricci. Son cœur ose un accord à base de caramel et d'immortelle, une fleur très odorante possédant des reflets bleutés et se chargeant ici de gourmandise. Vanilla, caramel and fruit on a Lolita - ish base. This smells slightly different each time I have worn it...?? And I think the jasmine has its say also, and it's a quite-on-the-skanky-side jasmine. I also lucked out at shoppers and picked up a 50ml for $20. Now that I'm more mature I feel I may have aged out of the princess and faery demographic. Looks great and I enjoy reaching for this little work of art some mornings. I think the bottle matches the juice--Luna strikes me as a cheery, pretty, sparkly sort of perfume, like midnight in an enchanted forest or A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yummy fragrance. In this fragrance, though, what I get is a beyond cloying scent I cannot relate to any nice natural note I know, not the least vanilla, although I must say thismtype of scent is very common these days, its not even being original the least.

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