The Expressionist school dominated modern dance for several decades. While Merce was still a baby, C. D. Cunningham prosecuted members of the radical labor union, the Industrial Workers of the World, for their participation in the Centralia Massacre (an incident between two groups … During his nearly 70-year career, Cunningham received numerous honors. He was notable for frequent collaboration with artists of other disciplines, including musicians John Cage, David Tudor, Brian Eno, and graphic artists Robert Rauschenberg, Bruce Nauman, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, and Jasper Johns; and fashion designer Rei Kawakubo. Choreography created expressly for videotape, which included Blue Studio: Five Segments (1975–76), was still another innovation. The sequential arrangement of the component dances in Sixteen Dances for Soloist and Company of Three (1951) was thus determined, and in Suite by Chance (1953) the movement patterns themselves were so constructed. Lihs, Harriet R. Appreciating Dance: A Guide to the World's Liveliest Art . Merce Cunningham, 1981. "I started as a tap dancer," he told the Los Angeles Times. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, Washington. Later Cunningham collaborated with other artists, including Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. The following year, Cunningham left Graham's troupe to branch out on his own. Print. Merce Cunningham was a respected dancer and choreographer. The career of Merce Cunningham (born 1919 in Centralia, Washington; died 2009 in New York City) was notable not only for its major achievement in contemporary dance but also for its many strong collaborations with major artists, designers and composers. He was married to John Cage. "It was my first theater experience, and it has stayed with me all my life.". Summary of Merce Cunningham. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In 1953, Cunningham formed his own company and garnered wide acclaim over the decades for his innovations while also collaborating with other artistic visionaries. Merce Cunningham was an American dancer and teacher, most remembered as an innovative and influential choreographer Merce Cunningham - Choreographers, Timeline, Facts - Merce Cunningham Biography … The Expressionist school dominated modern dance for several decades. The Expressionist school dominated modern dance for several decades. Merce Cunningham (1919-2009), 1981. Cunningham created several more dance pieces before his death. Merce Cunningham was a famous American dancer and choreographer, who was born on April 16, 1919.As a person born on this date, Merce Cunningham is listed in our database as the 67th most popular celebrity for the day (April 16) and the 41st most popular for the year (1919). Merce Cunningham was an American artist who was born in 1919. Although he left the performance stage soon after Cage died in 1992, he continued to lead his dance company until shortly before his own death. Martha Graham is considered by many to be the 20th century's most important dancer and the mother of modern dance. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, Washington, USA as Mercier Philip Cunningham. Merce Cunningham, born Mercier Philip Cunningham in Centralia, a small town in the state of Washington, was the son of a lawyer Clifford D. Cunningham and Mayme Joach Cunningham. The American Merce Cunningham (born 1919) was a solo dancer of commanding presence, a controversial choreographer, an influential teacher, and an organizer of an internationally acclaimed avant-garde dance company. Merce also attended the Mills College and w… He subsequently studied at Mills College (1938) with dancer and choreographer Lester Horton and at Bennington College (1939), where he was invited by Martha Graham to join her group. He also began working with film and created Locale (1979). Inspired also by the pursuit of pure movement as devoid as possible of emotional implications, Cunningham developed “choreography by chance,” a technique in which selected isolated movements are assigned sequence by such random methods as tossing a coin. He died on July 26, 2009 in New York City, New York, USA. Born in Centralia, Washington, on April 19, 1919, Merce Cunningham studied modern dance under Bonnie Bird in Seattle. Cited texts Allain, P. & Harvie, J. Merce Cunningham. Merce Cunningham is best known as a Choreographer. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, Washington. I didn’t mention that John Cage was the romantic and artistic partner of Merce Cunningham who also incorporated the use of I Ching into his art form of dance.. Biography. A seminal figure of the twentieth-century avant-garde, American choreographer Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) engaged the boundaries of dance for more than seventy years. Also in 1944, Cunningham debuted some of his solo works that he choreographed, including Root of an Unfocus, featuring music by Cage. The Merce Cunningham Trust was established to preserve his works, including more than 150 dances, and his legacy. “You have to love dancing to stick to it. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Kennedy Center - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Stanford Presidential Lectures In The Humanities and Arts - Biography of Merce Cunningham, - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Praemium Imperiale - 2005: Merce Cunningham, - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Merce Cunningham - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). From 1939 to 1945, he was a soloist in the company of Martha Graham. Cunningham also liked to incorporate chance into his choreography, using dice and The I Ching to determine how the dancer should move. Short Biography. Symphonie pour un homme seul (1952; later called Collage) was performed to Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry’s composition of the same name and was the first performance in the United States of musique concrète, or music constructed from tape-recorded environmental sounds. His namesake dance company went on a two-year tour after his death as a tribute to the great choreographer. Andy Warhol was one of the most prolific and popular artists of his time, using both avant-garde and highly commercial sensibilities. After high school he attended the Cornish School of Fine and Applied Arts in Seattle, Washington, for two years. Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) is widely considered to be one of the most important choreographers of all time. He passed away of natural causes on July 26, 2009 at his home in New York. He was a director and writer, known for Variations V (1966), Deli Commedia (1984) and Merce Cunningham (1998). His seven-decade career was distinguished by constant innovation in which he expanded the frontiers of contemporary art, visual arts, performing arts, and music. His company wowed audiences in London in 1964 during their first international tour. Merce Cunningham, (born April 16, 1919, Centralia, Washington, U.S.—died July 26, 2009, New York, New York), American modern dancer and choreographer who developed new forms of abstract dance movement. To mark Cunningham’s 90th birthday, the Brooklyn Academy of Music premiered his new and last work, Nearly Ninety, in April 2009. Like his partner and collaborator John Cage, Cunningham used elements of chance to select the structural aspects of his dances. He took up dancing at a young age. dance: Merce Cunningham. Suite by Chance was also the first modern dance performed to an electronic score, which was commissioned from American experimental composer Christian Wolff. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919, in Centralia Washington. Later dances included Duets (1980), Fielding Sixes (1980), Channels/Inserts (1981), and Quartets (1982). He danced as a soloist in her company for six years, where he met personal and professional partner, composer John Cage. His career was the subject of the documentary Cunningham (2019). Merce Cunningham with dancers from multimedia project Hand-drawn Space, San Francisco, April, 1997. Merce Cunningham is turning 90 this week. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. From the 1940s onward, however, there was a growing reaction against Expressionism spearheaded by. Bill "Bojangles" Robinson was an iconic African American tap dancer and actor best known for his Broadway performances and film roles. (2018) Merce Cunningham American Dancer … Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) accepting the Nellie Cornish Achievement Award, Seattle, 1996 Increasingly involved in a relationship with the composer John Cage, Cunningham started collaborating with him, and in 1944 he presented his first solo concert, with music by Cage. In 1953 Cunningham formed his own dance company. Cage composed the music for many of the company's productions. Archive catalogue: DS/UK/1847. The American Merce Cunningham (born 1919) was a solo dancer of commanding presence, a controversial choreographer, an influential teacher, and an organizer of an internationally acclaimed avant-garde dance company. His avant-garde dance performances and innovative choreography earned him plenty of fans and lots of critical acclaim. He died on July 26, 2009. Born on April 16, 1919, in Centralia, Washington, Mercier Philip Cunningham became one of the most innovative and influential choreographers of the 20th century. Merce Cunningham was an American choreographer whose works focused on randomness and unaffected human movement. Acclaimed choreographer Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) was a leading figure in dance for more than half a century. Cunningham celebrated his eightieth birthday with a special duet with Mikhail Baryshnikov at New York's Lincoln Center in 1999. He started his life in Centralia, Washington and ended his days in the Big Apple. Corrections? Read More on This Topic. "Mercier Philip Cunningham." We strive for accuracy and fairness. Merce Cunningham fait partie d'un courant artistique, l'art moderne, qui a affecté le monde des arts plastiques, de la musique et dans une moindre mesure celui de la danse. While receiving his formal dance and theatre training, he was spotted by the great dancer, Martha Graham, who offered him a chance to work in her company. Merce Cunningham was one of the greatest American dance artists. Here, he pursued formal dance and theatre training. He also was granted several honorary degrees from such schools as Bard College and Wesleyan University. One of the most innovative artists of the 20 th century, Merce Cunningham employed a range of tactics to create his sometimes difficult dance productions that confounded and delighted viewers. Then in 1953, he established the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. N.p. An unparalleled innovator in the realm of avant-garde dance, Merce Cunningham began his training at the Cornish School in the 1930s, where he was discovered by Martha Graham. Omissions? He spent several years with the group, performing lead roles in such productions as El Penitente in 1939 and Appalachian Spring in 1944. Biography: Choreographer. In 1985, Cunningham received the Kennedy Center Honors and a MacArthur Fellowship. While receiving his formal dance and theatre training, he was spotted by the great dancer, Martha Graham, who offered him a chance to work in her company. He told the Los Angeles Times: "The computer allows you to make phrases of movements, and then you can look at them and repeat them, over and over, in a way that you can't ask dancers to do because they get tired.". Updates? Independent choreographer who focused on what he called pure movement. He choreographed his first dance pieces while at the school. He later joined Martha Graham's dance company and choreographed his own works using music from composer John Cage, who became his partner. Cunningham began to study dance at 12 years of age. Among his early works were Root of an Unfocus (1944) and Mysterious Adventure (1945). All images courtesy of Beth Weinstein.] Mercier Philip "Merce" Cunningham (April 16, 1919 – July 26, 2009) was an American dancer and choreographer who was at the forefront of American modern dance for more than 50 years. He later joined Martha Graham's dance company and choreographed his own works using music from … After the tour, the company closed its doors. The early filmdances weren’t yet perfected, so it wasn't until his third filmdance, Locale (1979-1980) that film was shot continuously with no cuts. Gordon Parks was a prolific, world-renowned photographer, writer, composer and filmmaker known for his work on projects like Shaft and The Learning Tree. Works that he produced with these … He let chance dictate many of his choreographic decisions and believed the music should be created separately from the movement. : Dance Horizons,n.y., 2009. In his teens, Cunningham studied with Maude Barrett, a circus performer and vaudevillian. 2014. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. He started to choreograph using a computer animation program in the 1990s. Cunningham danced with Martha Graham (1940–55) and formed his own company in 1950. Mercier Philip "Merce" Cunningham (April 16, 1919 – July 26, 2009) was an American dancer and choreographer who was at the forefront of the American modern dance for more than 50 years. In 1974 Cunningham abandoned his company’s repertory, which had been built over a 20-year period, for what he called “Events,” excerpts from old or new dances, sometimes two or more simultaneously. Like Cage, Cunningham was intrigued by the potential of random phenomena as determinants of structure. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Photo by Terry Stevenson, Courtesy Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Jerome Robbins was one of the 20th century's most popular ballet and Broadway musical choreographers, known for gems like West Side Story and Fiddler on the Roof. He briefly attended George Washington University before enrolling at the Cornish School of Fine Arts in Seattle in 1937. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. Born in Centralia, Washington, on April 19, 1919, Merce Cunningham studied modern dance under Bonnie Bird in Seattle. Merce Cunningham, Director: Variations V. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, Washington, USA as Mercier Philip Cunningham. There he met composer John Cage, who eventually became his partner in life and work. © 2021 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. He was born in April of 1919 and passed away during the summer of 2009. By this time, he had become physically fragile but was still as imaginative as ever. He created the choreography for his pieces separate from the music. Encouraged by Graham, Cunningham began to choreograph in 1943. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Cunningham first found great acclaim for his avant-garde works abroad. As the years progressed, Cunningham kept looking for new ways to innovative. He has often collaborated with American artists, including Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella and the composer John Cage. Merce Cunningham, (born April 16, 1919, Centralia, Washington, U.S.—died July 26, 2009, New York, New York), American modern dancer and choreographer who developed new forms of abstract dance movement. He collaborated with a number of prominent artists including Robert Rauschenberg.His brothers became lawyers, just like their father. He attained his college education at George Washington University for a year and Cornish school of fine arts for two years. In a previous post I wrote about the musician, John Cage and his use of the I Ching in his work. As a soloist for her company, he created many important roles, and his incredible jumps were showcased in Graham’s “El Penitente” (1940), “Letter to the World” (1940), and “Appalachian Spring” (1944). The two elements were only combined during final rehearsals or at the time of the performance. When arthritis seriously began to disrupt his dancing in the early 1990s, Cunningham turned to a special animated computer program, DanceForms, to explore new choreographic possibilities. Merce Cunningham was an American modern dancer and teacher, most remembered as an innovative and influential choreographer. Merce Cunningham was an American modern dancer and teacher, most remembered as an innovative and influential choreographer. Marie M. Daly is best known for being the first African American woman to receive a Ph.D. in chemistry in the United States. He was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, WA. Cunningham’s abstract dances vary greatly in mood but are frequently characterized by abrupt changes and contrasts in movement. Birthplace: Centralia, Washington Dancer and choreographer whose avant-garde dances focus on pure movement and chance. Their work was featured in numerous exhibitions at key galleries and museums, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Museum Ludwig, Cologne.Merce Cunningham's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from $75 USD to $30,000 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Cunningham debuted Biped that same year, which incorporated computer-generated imagery alongside his dancers. Artist Robert Rauschenberg worked as a designer early on. Oxon:Routledge. From the 1940s onward, however, there was a growing reaction against... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Emerging from and expanding upon traditions of theater, classical ballet and modern dance, Cunningham radically rearticulated the semiotics of the dancing body and created a distinctive language that survives him. MERCE CUNNINGHAM MERCE CUNNINGHAM, born in Centralia, Washington, received his first formal dance and theater training at the Cornish School (now Cornish College of the Arts) in Seattle. He also continued to develop numerous solo pieces with himself as the dancer. MERCE CUNNINGHAM stood at the nexus of classicism and modernism the way Russian-born choreographer Michel Fokine stood at the nexus of classicism and romanticism. Cunningham changed majors during his time at Cornish, switching from theater to dance. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. A gifted dancer known for his powerful leaps, Cunningham was invited to join the Martha Graham Dance Company in 1939. Alvin Ailey was an American choreographer and activist who founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York in 1958. Over the years, Cunningham developed his own unique choreography process. [Photo by Terry Stevenson. George Balanchine was a ballet choreographer who co-founded and served as artistic director of the New York City Ballet. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! He had two other brothers who unlike him followed their father’s line of work. In 2005 he received the Japan Art Association’s Praemium Imperiale prize for theatre/film. After leaving Graham’s company in 1945, Cunningham worked with Cage on numerous projects. Being the collaborator that he was, Merce Cunningham hired filmmaker Charles Atlas to join his technical staff when he opened the Westbeth studio, and it was Atlas who played a large role in honing in on how to best film these filmdances. (2006) The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. They collaborated on annual recitals in New York City and on a number of works, such as The Seasons (1947) and Inlets (1978). Works. Courtesy Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Merce Cunningham, Ellen Cornfield, and Charles Moulton, Signals.Photo by Jack Mitchell 1970 Merce Cunningham Biography. Mexican-born dancer and choreographer José Limón is recognized as an important figure in the American modern dance movement of the 1930s-1960s. Often working with his life partner, avant-garde composer John Cage, Cunningham banished dance's traditional reliance on emotive narrative and instead infused it with a … His parents were Clifford D Cunningham and Mayme Cunningham. Merce Cunningham was a dancer and choreographer known for his long-time collaboration with avant-garde composer John Cage. Many of his works have been associated with Dadaist, Surrealist, and Existentialist motifs. He won two Guggenheim fellowships—in 1954 and in 1959. Merce Cunningham (de son vrai nom Mercier Philip Cunningham) était un danseur et chorégraphe américain né le 16 avril 1919 à Centralia (en) dans l'État de Washington aux États-Unis, et mort le 26 juillet 2009 à l'âge de 90 ans, dont l'oeuvre a contribué au renouvellement de la pensée de la … Merce Cunningham was an American choreographer known for his avant-garde approach to composition and the music-dance relationship.
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