This fits your . (14) 14 product ratings - 5 Rolls Kodak TMY-120 TMAX-400 ISO 400 Professional Black & White Print Film. These films are designed around significantly different technologies. Mactitan Member. The scene was setup and illuminated with one movie-style light set at 3200 K. The kitchen lights were also on, providing a small fill for the shadows. Kodak TMax 400 120 film. T-MAX Professional Films offer the best of both worlds: high speed and fine grain. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. Kodak's Professional T-Max 400 is a high-speed panchromatic black and white negative film featuring a unique T-GRAIN emulsion to provide a very fine grain structure with a high degree of sharpness and edge detail. Deal. The film used was Kodak TMY, or T-Max 400 Black & White film, rated at EI 400. (It’s been a long while since I’ve been able to say that twice in one week! Cigarette taxes went up about 100%, why not the same for cigars? This film features high speed (ISO 400/27° in most developers), very high … Ich habe den neuen KODAK 400-2TMY (Randbeschriftung) mit den alten KODAK 400TMY verglichen. Well I for one will shoot this film as my NEW primary film at box speed (400) – but it is nice to know that in a pinch I can push this film to meet my needs no matter what they are… I am going to continue my exploration of different developers (stay tuned!!) 3 Rolls Kodak TMY-2 Tmy 120 Iso 400 Black & White Film EXP 03/2013 Lomography $29.99 kodak 115 3659 Tri-X 400 Professional 120 Black and White Film 5 Roll Propack (Scanned on an Imacon Scanner at 3200 dpi, 16 Bit, wet mount, no sharpening.). Our Price: $41.55. 400TMY-2 120 Roll film dev. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27 along with a wide exposure latitude for rating the film up to EI 1600 and push developing. The New Kodak TMAX 400 (TMY-2) – Pushed to 1600, Processed in XTOL! Quick View. I've been using the stuff for a good couple of years. Tri-X is a cubic emulsion. Shot on Kodak T-MAX 400 (TMY-2) at EI 100 Black and white film in 120 format shot as 6×6 Hasselblad 16E extension tube (0.7 stop compensation) Crisp. 49 watching. C … This tech page is for Kodak Professional TMAX 400 Film, or 400TMY, which is it’s film code. Kodak TMax 400 TMY Black & White 620 Roll Film is respooled on demand using fresh film! We can blame this on a silver conspiracy at Kodak, or to changing photographic tastes, or to tabular vs older dimensional grain, or to cosmic rays. Black and white film high EI shootout part 2: Kodak Tri-X 400, T-MAX 400 and ILFORD HP5 PLUS, Delta 400 at EI 25600 February 4, 2016 Curated resources EMULSIVE is a space for film photographers of all backgrounds to spread knowledge, experience and thoughts about everything related to film photography. 37785 Special order item. KODAK TMY-2 NEW TMY ISO 400 0000 000 00/0000 Encoche au niveau du code du plan-film 11/29/07 . 2. It is sold in three speeds: 100 (TMX), 400 (TMY-2) and 3200 (TMZ).The 100 and 400 speeds are given as ISO numbers, but the 3200 is sold as a multi … C $54.75. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27° along with a wide exposure latitude for rating the film up to EI 1600 and push developing. Lot of 3 Rolls Kodak 200 ISO 35mm Color Print Film 24 & 1 Roll Gold 100 Expired. 49 watching. At the heart of EMULSIVE is the concept of helping promote the transfer of knowledge across the film photography community. Make Offer - 3 Rolls Unopened Kodak 400 Tmax Black And White 135 35mm Film Expired 24 exp. Price $9.49. of 1600 and processed in Xtol Straight using Kodak’s suggested time/ temp . Keep up to date with all things Lomography! Kodak Kodacolor Gold 400 (3-Pack: 2-24 + 1-36) Expired 1993- Two 3-pks (6 rolls) $28.95 of 1600 my exposure was still 1/8 at F1.4 (hand-held.) Improved sharpness TMY-2 is a T-Grain. Earn 416 U-REWARDS Loyalty Points. 1:4,5. Improved sharpness; Maintains subject detail in prints at … Its versatility benefits working in … Lang: Ich habe Vergleichsaufnahmen mit zwei Leica M7 gemacht: 1.) Price: £99.00. 1 2 Next. Thanks Kodak announced on 2/21/11 that Portra 160NC and 160VC were discontinued and being replaced by the new Portra 160. Photo Paper. It is also useful for scientific and biomedical work, especially when fluorescence photography is required. T-Max 400 film has a high efficiency, multi-zone T-Grain emulsions, raises the bar for 400 speed black and white film performance. $29.95 +$4.80 shipping. We close every Friday evening to Saturday evening for Shabbos. Believe it or not, ISO 400 was considered “high ISO” by many … The ability to see is given only when the observer allows ... 5. It’s similar to Portra 160, but with more contrast, saturation and grain. Aber der (nicht entwickelte) Film ist viel dunkler als früher. Languages. The article is on Diafine Developer but the scanning info is universal. Serv. Of course there is more grain than the 400 speed test I posted a few days ago (click here) but not a lot considering this is a 2 stop push! Just don’t blow the smoke into the tank. Nice, I’m currently experimenting with pushing various black and white films to an ISO of 51200. Languages. The sharpness is also very good if not better and the grain very fine for a 400 film but this must have something … Pentax 6×7 105mm Kodak Portra 400 Austin Armbruster. It has a great balance of classic grain and also great latitude. Hasselblad 16E extension tube (-0.7 stop). Only when I’m sitting around a campfire somewhere but if I have my choice….Montecristo #1, That being said the last one I smoked was 2 years ago! Hasselblad 16E extension tube. Note: The developers and exposure indexes in bold type $3.48 1d 11h +$5.00 … 1 2 Next. 1. The main technical difference between TMY 400 and Tri-X is density range, and this has been discussed many, many times here on Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. and make your own decision… I for one use both but for different reasons/ looks. 20 Rolls Kodak T-MAX 400 35mm Film TMY 135-36 B&W Black & White Negative 8/2020 5 out of 5 stars (2) 2 product ratings - 20 Rolls Kodak T-MAX 400 35mm Film TMY 135-36 B&W Black & White Negative 8/2020 #0907905; Sec. This tech page is for Kodak Professional TMAX 400 Film, or 400TMY, which is it’s film code. Stephen. Film: Kodak 400-2TMY Trending Recent Popular. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Kodak Professional T-Max 400 is a fast, medium grain black and white film suitable for sports/action and lower light situations, sharpest 400-speed black and white film with Kodak's T-Grain emulsion. Once again in my opinion – Kudos to Kodak! Black and white film in 120 format shot as 6×6. That puts a bigger load on the fixer than B&W materials. XTL-2: Kodak X-omat TL film, ready pack, 50sheets, 10 x 12, ~ 1996: XTL-5: Kodak X-omat TL film, sheets, ~1996: X-TRA 800: Fuji Superia X-TRA 800, ASA 800 Color Negative, ~2002: C-41: XV-2: Kodak X-omat V film XV-2, (ready-pack), 50sheets, 33 x 41cm, ~ 1996: Anscochrome Daylight 200 Color Reversal: Kodak Royal-X Pan, Recording Film Bulk 35mm - KODAK PANCHROMATIC 2238 BW - 35mm x 30.5m (100 ft roll) C $95.51. Damn sharp and contrasty (still prints nicely on grade 2 with cold light head) The only situation where the first film I reach for is TMY is night photography. Removes a tool (camera), not a photographer. This fits your . The 400 speed films were shot at f/4 while the TMZ was shot at f/8. You're currently viewing this page in English. Kodak's Professional T-Max 400 is a high-speed panchromatic black and white negative film Its versatility benefits working in … I’m all for suffering a bit for the kid’s health care, but this is nuts. Quick View. Image Aperture Shutter Frame Comment; Inside the Monk’s cave: f/8: 1/200s: 8: Page header. Kurz: wenn es nicht angekündigt wäre, hätte ich an den Bildern wohl nicht gemerkt, daß die Emulsion neu ist. Shot on Kodak T-MAX 400 (TMY-2) at EI 100. Cease to favor the shadows and you may need another 1/3 to 2/3 stop again. Lot of 3 Rolls Kodak 400 ISO 35mm MAX Color Print Film 24 & 36 Exposure Expired. I find that a big robust Honduran with a deep Maduro wrapper works for any film/developer combo. Kodak TMY 120 T-Max 400 Professional Black & White Negative (Print) Film (ISO-400) You May Also Like. So what does this mean??? TMY has great reciprocity characteristics. Once they have adjusted to 400-2TMY (hereafter TMY2), existing TMY users should also be well pleased. Now we return you to our original programming….. PS I like the informative work that you do. TMY and TX were exposed at 400, while the TMZ was exposed at 800. 4.5 out of 5 stars 129 ratings | 4 answered questions Price: £35.99 & FREE Delivery: New (7) from £35.99 + FREE Shipping. Its versatility benefits working in difficult lighting conditions and with moving subjects, and its fine grain profile, broad tonal range, and high resolving power benefit scanning and enlarging applications. We are now going to look at KODAK TRI-X 400shot at 400. Kodak's Professional T-Max 400 is a high-speed panchromatic black and white negative film featuring a unique T-GRAIN emulsion to provide a very fine grain structure with a high degree of sharpness and edge detail. It doesn’t take long to see that it’s much more contrast compared to T-MAX. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Kodak must have introduced the new emulsion right after I stopped using this film type. Gen. #0907906. (14) 14 product ratings - 5 Rolls Kodak TMY-120 TMAX-400 ISO 400 Professional Black & White Print Film. The moment of observation is the real find ... 6. 3. - Après exposition Nouveau papier protecteur - Préexposition Après exposition Litho existante Nouvelle litho Kodak T-Max 400 TMY B & W Film. Both good films and developers although I have no experience of TMY-2 in TMax developer. Item information. Details about KODAK TMAX 400 TMY 2 SHEET FILM 8X10 SEALED. What kind of cigar do you find best? TMY-2 is a T-Grain. and I found these times to be very good, especially for scanning! You can change your language preferences any time you like — just select your language from the dropdown list! Lomography Films Kodak 400 TMY-2 Photos. Store #0906712 Elec. Black and white film in 120 format shot as 6×6. The developer used was XTOL 1:1. As the name implies, it’s intended for portrait photography, but can be used for many other types of photography. Experience allows him (instrument) less and less to limit their capabilities. Kodak Tri-x 400 sure is contrasty in some ways or another. 3. Each product has its passionate supporters, and it takes a lot for a photographers to make the jump from one to the other. The light was very, very low as even at an E.I. 3 Rolls Unopened Kodak 400 Tmax Black And White 135 35mm Film Expired 24 exp. Focus was on the Color Checker. Kurz: wenn es nicht angekündigt wäre, hätte ich … In a nutshell, it seems to do all that Kodak claims, and more. This is a continuous-tone panchromatic black-and-white negative film for general outdoor and indoor photography. Even though at the moment I shoot mostly Fomapan 100 Classic 120 film (due to the low cost and reliable results) I still shoot the occasional roll of Kodak TMax 400 120. Shot on Kodak T-MAX 400 (TMY-2) at EI 100.

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