ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes are three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. ISO 3166-2:FR is the entry for France in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.. Toute modification apportée à cette table est mentionnée à la rubrique Evolution des codes de pays. Throughout the world, hundreds of countries and territories serve as unique pockets in the global mosaic of wonders, but these distinctions do present some … ISO 3166-2:FR is the entry for France in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.. 1 Mises à jour; 2 Régions métropolitaines. ISO 3166-1 est une norme internationale de codification des pays. ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3; Deutsch ; English ; Español . Things included in ISO 3166. ISO 3166 Country Codes Below are ISO codes for countries in GeoIP legacy databases, with the addition of MaxMind-specific codes for Europe , Asia Pacific Region , Anonymous Proxy and Satellite Provider . The main change is putting … ISO 3166 sī Kok-chè Piau-chún-hòa Cho͘-chit (ISO) só͘ chè-tēng ê chi̍t thò hō-bé, choan-bûn tāi-piáu kok-ka, i-lōa-tē, tē-lí siōng ê te̍k-sû khu-he̍k kap ISO 3166-2:ZW: AN Antiye za Nederilande; KO Kosovo; TB Tibeti; ZR Zayire; Last edited on 15 April 2013, at 01:32. La table des codes alphabétiques sur 2 caractères pour les noms de pays, en usage dans le Sudoc, s'appuie sur la liste des codes de pays ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. ISO 3166-2 Newsletter number II-1, dated 2010-02-03, has changes to the listing for France, but nothing that affects data reported on this site. See the ISO 3166-3 standard for former country codes. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 1: Country codes.There are three sets of country codes: ISO 3166 countries by region — AMER, EMEA & APAC. Country Code List: ISO 3166-1993 (E) This international standard provides a two-letter alphabetic code for representing the names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of special geopolitical interest. Lisitry ny firenena ISO 3166-1 AD Andaoro AE Emirats Arabes Unis AF Afghanistan AG Antiga sy Barbady AI Angoila AL Albania AM Armenia AN Antilles AO Angola AQ Antarktika AR Arzantina AS Samoa Amerika AT Aotrisy AU Aostralia AW Aroba AZ Azerbaijan BA Bosnia sy Herzegovinina BB Barbady BD Bangladesh BE Belzika BF Borkina Faso BG Biolgaria BH Bahrain BI Borondi BJ Benin BM Bermioda ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 ISO 3166 numeerisk TLD IOC Iindialang efter ISO 3166-2 UN/LOCODE; A Afghanistan: AF AFG 004 .af: AFG AF: AF Egypten: EG EGY 818 .eg: EGY EG: EG Åland: AX ALA 248 .ax: Albanien: AL ALB 008 .al: ALB AL: AL Algerien: DZ DZA 012 .dz: ALG DZ: DZ Amerikanisch-Samoa: AS ASM 016 .as: ASA AS: AS Amerikanische Jungferninseln Биринчи жолу 1974 - жылы жазылган. Created table is named "countries". GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. English short name Comments AD AND 020 Andorra 020 Andorra AE ARE 784 United Arab Emirates 784 United Arab Emirates AF AFG 004 Afghanistan 004 Afghanistan AG ATG 028 Antigua and Barbuda 028 Antigua and Barbuda AI AIA 660 Anguilla 660 Anguilla The source of this code set is the "Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries (ISO 3166 … SQL Query with countries in ISO 3166-1. Alpha-2: FR Alpha-3: FRA Numeric: 250 Java Locale Code: fr_FR.Net CultireInfo Code: fr-FR PHP Locale Code: fr_FR Current ISO 3166 country codes. ISO 3166-1 ul ISO 3166 standardnıñ öleşe bulıp, illärneñ wä bäyle cirlärneñ kodlarnı berketä. Please use the following address: ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency c/o International Organization for Standardization Chemin de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 1214 Vernier, Geneva Switzerland. For France, its changes are mostly just reorderings. provides you with the Europe ISO code and continent code, plus a complete list of all European countries with their ISO country codes (ISO-3166), including the Germany ISO code, UK ISO code, and France ISO code, and ccTLDs (country code top level domain).. Europe (change continent) The continent code for Europe is EU. ISO 3166 (ICS n° 01.140.30) est une norme ISO de codage des pays et de leurs … Currently for France, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for the following subdivisions: Code ISO 3166 (2 et 3 lettres) + codes numériques des pays Ce tableau présente les codes des pays en fonction de la norme ISO 3166. Tous les pays du monde. 2.1 Depuis le 1 er janvier 2016 (13 régions) Celle-ci identifie un pays par le biais d'un code alphabétique de deux lettres ou trois lettres ou par un code numérique. ISO 3166 a standard developed for the current names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of lists of country names obtained from the United Nations and maintained by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency established by the ISO Council, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently for France, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for the following subdivisions: ISO3 Code Country ABW Aruba AFG Afghanistan AGO Angola Bookmark/share this page The ISO country codes are internationally recognized codes that designate every country and most of the dependent areas a two-letter combination or a three-letter combination; it is like an acronym, that stands for a country or a state. F. France; Nom de pays France Code pays selon la norme ISO (ISO-3166) ISO 3166-1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 'nu sisteme a doje lettere, ca téne de le codece riservate, téne assaje 'pplicaziune. FRA Alpha-3. ISO 3166-2 Newsletter II-3 is dated 2011-12-15. Pour des codes complémentaires (code Insee et Eurostat/NUTS), voir également l’article : codes géographiques de la France) ISO 3166-2:FR. L' ISO 3166-1, cumme parte d'u stàndàrd ISO 3166, déje le codece pe le nome de le naziune.A state pubblicate 'ò prima vote jndr'à 'u 1974 d'a l'Organizzazione 'Ndernaziunale pe le Standardizzazioni e dìce ttrede differende codece pe ogne zone: . Tables des codes de pays (ISO 3166). FR is the two-letter country abbreviation for France. This table will contains each countries in ISO 3166-1 with associated codes & translations. Sommaire. Ар бир өлкө үчүн үч башка кодду аныктайт: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (англ. FR Alpha-2. Correspondence table ISO 3166-1/UNCTADstat (EN) Alpha-2 Alpha-3 Num. ISO 3166 frá International Organization for Standardization (ISO) er ein millumtjóða standardur fyri landakotur, har ið londini fáa eina bókstavakotu við tveimum ella trimum bókstavum ella … The sortable table below contains the three sets of ISO 3166-1 country codes for each of its 249 countries, links to the ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes, and the Internet country code top-level domains (ccTLD) which are based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard with the few exceptions noted. ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use … ISO 3166-1, is part of the ISO 3166 standard.It gives a code for the names of countries and dependent territories, and is published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A World of Places with a World of Names. Le nom de pays à deux lettres de France est FR, le nom de pays à trois lettres est FRA. ISO 3166 codes contain 3 different parts given below: Code for countries ; This part may consist of a 2-letter code known as general purpose code, a 3-letter code which is closely related to the country’s name and a 3-digit which can be useful to avoid Latin script. ISO Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and Numeric Country Codes. The standard that specifies country codes, ISO 3166-1:2020 – Codes For The Representation Of Names Of Countries And Their Subdivisions – Part 1: Country Code, has been revised. SQL-Countries-ISO-3166-1. Telephone: +41 22 749 01 11 E-mail: ISO-3166 Alpha-2. This page was last edited on 15 April 2013, at 01:32. Bu tezmäneñ ISO tarafınnan berençe märtäbä näşri buluı 1974. yılda uzdı. tabela de paÍses - codificação norma iso 3166 608 ph phl filipinas philippines, republic of the 246 fi fin finlandia finland, republic of 250 fr fra franca france, french republic 266 ga gab gabao gabon, gabonese republic 270 gm gmb gambia gambia, republic of the 288 … Europe ISO Code, Continent Code, & ccTLDs. What are the ISO-3166-1 codes for France?. ISO 3166 стандартын өзүнө өлкөлөрдүн жана аларга караган аймактардын аттарын камтыган бөлүгү. ISO 3166-2 – Données pour la France. English short name Num. Contact the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. So Metropolitan France can be coded as FX/FXX, and this excludes areas such as French Guyana (GF/GUF) which are included in the code FR/FRA. ISO 3166 was first issued in 1974, and the three digit numbers were mostly added in 1981. The ISO 3166/MA should be contacted through its secretariat. Départ.

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