Parcs naturels d’Espagne The Peace Museum is located in the center of Guernica, at the Fueros Square, right in front of the Town Hall. We have hand selected a few great hotels in Guernica and its surroundings. PLANE – The airport of Bilbao is located 35 km away from Guernica, but there isn't a direct bus from the airport to Guernica. Une des étapes obligées est la visite du Reina Sofia, qui abrite depuis 30 ans l’œuvre la plus célèbre de Picasso, Guernica. Commence alors pour … The remains of an older Guernica Tree can also be found in the gardens that surround the Biscayan Assembly. Le palais Monteforte ou Alegría, du 18ème siècle, abrite le Musée de Euskal Herria, qui est divisé en diverses expositions illustrant l’histoire, les traditions, le sport, et le folklore des régions basques. Public School – A survivor of the bombing. This work is a commission. militaire que représentait la ville et de l'énorme disproportion entre les capacités de riposte des défenseurs et la violence de l'attaque. Son portail merveilleusement sculpté porte la date finale de sa construction 1499. Le premier et le dernier lundi du mois d’octobre  a lieu une grande foire populaire avec concours de bétail, et  tout un échantillon de machines et de produits agricoles. As its name indicates, the highlight of this room is the enormous stained glass that covers the entire ceiling. Guernica-Lumo, situé dans la vallée de la rivière Oka, à côté de l’estuaire du Guernica, a été déclaré «symbole de la ville de la paix» en 1987. En 1882, les petits villages de Lumo et Guernica se réunirent, donnant ainsi naissance à la ville actuelle. TRAIN – Euskotren has a train service that runs every half an hour between Guernica and Bilbao (every hour during the weekend). That same train continues all the way up to Bermeo. All Rights Reserved. But the market is much more than just a place to exchange food items. Ville de Paris "Menu" Services; Municipalité ... Expat Paris teams up with Que Faire à Paris to bring you the best of Paris! Gernika est également bien connu pour être le centre politique de la Seigneurie, où se tenaient les Juntas de Bizkaia (Assemblées), le premier conseil d’administration du territoire, réuni depuis le 15ème siècle. Stephen Roberts is a U.K.–based freelance writer and author. L’église de Santa María la Antigua, XVe –XVIe siècle de style gothique Renaissance, est l’édifice religieux le plus important du centre-ville. À Guernica convergent  aussi les chemins allant de Bermeo à Durango et de Bilbao à Elantxobe. Vous pouvez également accéder au village majestueux de Lekeitio par la route BI 2238. There aren’t many things to do and attractions to visit in this town. L’artiste est sous le choc. Seniors, young people (< 26), unemployed, handicapped: From 10 am to 7 pm (until 9 pm in summer), Guided visits to the church are offered but it is necessary to book in advance calling +34 94 625 58 92 or sending an email to, Guernica Jai Alai School (Gernika Jai Alai Eskola). The painting makes a very strong political statement and it is clear why it is now considered to be Picasso’s most famous piece. Two of the most important political symbols of the Basque Country can be found in Guernica – the Biscayan Assembly House & the Guernica Tree. It was half filed with water, and we sprawled in the mud. 2 - DÉCRIRE ET EXPLIQUER Peinture figurative en noir et blanc construite comme une mise en scène. Today, the Spanish Basque Country enjoys a certain amount of autonomous rule granted by the Spanish government. Le  conseil se réunissait près d’une chapelle avec un vieux chêne. En 2015, j’ai fait un bref séjour à Madrid, une ville qui regorge de grands musées. Interestingly enough, the bridge that was the official target of the bombing remained intact. Guernica és un famós quadre de Pablo Picasso que té com motiu el bombardeig de Guernica.El Govern de la Segona República Espanyola va encarregar a Picasso un quadre que decorés el Pavelló Espanyol durant l'Exposició Universal de 1937 a París. Les premières bombes explosent à 16 H 30. However, there is a local bus service called Bidebusa which runs between 8:15 am and 7:30 pm. The painting has gained monumental status and serves as a reminder of the tragedies of war. However, the market, which was usually packed, wasn’t too busy. Guernica is a world-famous painting by Pablo Picasso. Les casinos culturels, véritables parlements du XIXe siècle, Les grottes de l’Águila : spectaculaires et totalement accessibles. 3 days in Paris, let's go for a walk ALL THE MUST-SEES! It’s well known because it was the scene of one of the worst bombings in Spanish history, which occurred on April 26, 1937. Taxis & Shuttles. More importantly, it functions as a gathering point – a place to socialize, eat some good food and maybe even watch a game of pelota. Guernica also holds great political importance since it is home to the Guernica Tree, where underneath its branches, Basques were granted autonomy in the Middle Ages. It costs around 3 € (1.8 € with Barik card) and takes about 45 minutes. There is even a saying in town – “Lunes gernikés, golperik ez,” which means that on Mondays in Guernica, you aren’t going to get much accomplished. The space is also often used for other events such as concerts, exhibitions, etc. Le bombardement de Guernica a été fait avec des bombes au phosphore qui sont des bombes incendiaires. Il y a quatre-vingts ans, à chaud, Picasso peignait le bombardement de la ville basque. Between 1999 and 2002 the museum was renovated and it reopened its doors in 2003 as the first Peace Museum of Spain. Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina . BUS – The company Bizkaibus offers several bus lines that connect Guernica with Bilbao (lines A3513, A3514, A3515 and A3523). The bombers flew on towards Guernica but the Heinkels, out for random plunder, spotted our car, and, wheeling like a flock of homing pigeons, they lined up the road - and our car. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in January. 1 review. Guernica, a large black-and-white oil painting executed by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in 1937 following the German bombing of Guernica, a city in Spain’s Basque region. Guernica est également un nœud de communication qui relient les deux rives de la réserve naturelle de Urdaibai; Guernica mérite bien cinq jours pour l’explorer à … organizes demonstrations and other activities related to Jai Alai. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. De là, à travers Arte Kalea, vous arriverez aux jardins des foires où se trouve la fontaine Ursolo, en mémoire de ceux qui moururent lors des bombardements de 1937. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. Lieux à Visiter Franco fut fait « citoyen d’honneur » de Gernika, une des conditions pour la reconstruction. From Guernica, it takes about 1 h to get to both San Sebastian or Vitoria by car. The Biscayan Assembly and the Tree of Guernica both offer insight into the history of the Basque people and can give a deeper understanding of more recent historical events such as the Basque independence movement. În 2004 avea 15.571 de locuitori. Ce billet a été rédigé en 2016 et […] INTERVENANT.E. It is necessary to call in advance: +34 946 251 138, 10 am to 2 pm & 4 pm to 6 pm (until 7 pm in summer), The tourism office offers guided visits that give insight into how life was the day of the bombing. However, the Biscayan Assembly and the Guernica Tree survived. In April 1937, Guernica was the first city to be deliberately targeted for aerial bombing. Où Dormir Contexte historique : Guerre Civile d’Espagne (1936-1939) opposant les nationalistes (menés par Franco) aux républicains. Vous pouvez également visiter la forêt d’Oma, qui a servi d’inspiration au sculpteur basque Agustín Ibarrola. La «Casa de Juntas» (Mairie) avant le bombardement. The region’s resilient stand was punished by Franco when he allowed the unprotected city to be bombed by Hitler’s air force. Visiter Guernica vous prendra une journée. Essential Guernica. After its completion, “Guernica” traveled extensively throughout Europe where it quickly rose to fame. J’avais besoin de faire voir et pour moi faire découvrir Guernica, c’est donner à voir une autre vision du Pays Basque. Guernica de Bruno Loth, est une fenêtre ouverte sur la destinée de ceux dont la vie fut anéantie, en même temps que leur ville. Every Monday, farmers and locals from around the region gather to form one of the best markets in the entire Basque Country. It is an interactive museum with an extensive photographic and audiovisual exhibition that is a testimony of the survivors from the attack that took place in Guernica on April 26, 1937. noun Basque town in northern Spain: bombed and destroyed in 1937 by German planes helping the insurgents in the Spanish Civil War. Located within the beautiful wetlands of the Urdaibai Natural Reserve and only 10 km away from the center of Guernica, the Hotel Katxi offers individually personalized rooms with free Wi-Fi connection, air condition and minibar. Inaugurated in 1963, it was designed by Secundino Zuazo, one of the most significant architects of the 20th century in Spain. It is a very large painting (a mural) which shows the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. La salle principale est décorés par quelques-uns des plus importants artistes basques du 19e siècle, comme Anselmo Guinée et Gustavo de Maeztu. The city is proud to have the second largest active fronton in the world, called Guernica Jai Alai and considered by many professional players to also be the best fronton in the world. 22 janvier 2021. Une vision plus complexe, une vision historique, politique, symbolique. Use this information to plan your trip to Guernica Aujourd’hui, c’est un centre bien communiqué d’où vous pouvez faire de nombreuses excursions dans toutes les meilleures destinations de Vizcaya. For example, the bus A3515 runs every 30 minutes from Guernica to Bermeo (every hour during the weekend) and it costs around 1.25 € (1 € using Barik card). Et c’est aujourd’hui un symbole pour les indépendantistes basques. Geografske karakteristike. There are also the busts of W. Humboldt and G. Bähr. Guernica can be classified as a "war painting," but the painting also features many symbols--including a bull, horse, and a man with a sword--that would fit well into traditional bullfighting art, much like Picasso's own later art and sketches like Tauromaquia (1957). In general, there is at least one bus every 30 minutes from Guernica to Bilbao (every hour during the weekend) and it costs around 2.5 € (1.8 € using Barik card). We have put together a hand selected list of the most important things to do and see in Guernica. |, Guided visits for groups are offered. Sport et nature Elle semble disparaître dans les flammes. The first documented Guernica Tree dates back to the 14th century. La ville de Guernica a été officiellement fondée en 1366 par le comte don Tello, seigneur de Bizkaia demi-frère de Pedro I de Castille. The bombing, by the Condor Legion of Germany's Luftwaffe in 1937, inspired Picasso to paint the landmark cubist work Guernica, now on display at the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.. Guernica Tourism, Spain: Get yourself acquainted with Guernica and demographics of Guernica, culture, people in Guernica, currency, best attractions and more with this free travel guide. Before Hiroshima or Dresden, and long before Mosul or Aleppo, there was Guernica (the official and Basque name is Gernika). However, the oak tree that can be seen today, standing in front of the oath tribune, has been planted in 2015. En fondant la ville on cherchait à promouvoir le port qui était juste un peu au nord de la ville. Is Eusko Guide helping you plan your trip? Ce fait avait sans doute nourri le ressentiment des franquistes à l'égard de la ville. Quoi que petite ville basque, Guernica (ou Gernika-Lumo en Basque) soit tout un symbole. Deux jours plus tard, à Paris, Pablo Picasso découvre cette tragédie en une de L’Humanité: « Mille bombes incendiaires lancées par les avions de Hitler et de Mussolini réduisent en cendres la ville de Guernica ». Guernica : Une ville symbo lique. The palace was completely rebuilt in the middle of the 18th century and is characterized by its urban baroque style, with a masonry stone facade and three balconies bastioned by rails. Le 26 avril 1937, la petite ville industrielle du Pays basque, 7 000 habitants, entre la côte Cantabrique et Bilbao, se savait dans le collimateur de Franco. The sections of the article on the timing of the attacks and the particular planes and armaments used draw heavily on this source. The Guernica Jai Alai School (Gernika Jai Alai Eskola) organizes Jai Alai demonstrations for visitors. Si vous optez pour la rive droite  prenez la BI 2235 qui vous mènera à Mundaka, au petit port de pêche de Bermeo et  à la spectaculaire chapelle de San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Fórmana Alberto Aza Arias (director do gabinete da Presidencia), Carlos The Spanish Republican government asked Pablo Picasso to paint a large mural for an art exhibition in Paris. Ceramica Toscana Manigrasso. It depicts the Guernica Tree and the history of the assemblies. The last style of architecture employed in the Santa Maria Church was renaissance. Also, the, 10 am to 2 pm & 4 pm to 6 pm (from 10 am to 7 pm from March to September). Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. Le bombardement est arrivé peu de temps après celui de Durango, et, bien que le bombardement de Durango ait été plus grave, la presse internationale s’est faite écho  sentimentalement de celui de Guernica. Golf en Espagne Go Play. They even have their own president known as the lehendakari who still takes his oath under the Guernica Tree in a similar fashion as was once done by the Lords of Biscay. They wanted a review of Guernica by Picasso in format 150 x 150 cm with my own style. Il exprime alors dans ce tableau l’horreur que le bombardement de la ville basque espagnole de Guernica, pendant la guerre civile espagnole, a suscitée en lui. Understand []. Stained glass ceiling in the Biscayan Assembly, Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" – reproduction, Chillida Sculpture in the Park of the Peoples of Europe. Guernica is a basque town which was the site of the first airborne bombing attack on a civilian town during the Spanish civil war. [CE JOUR-LÀ] Le 26 avril 1937, Guernica, ville sainte basque, était rasée par l’aviation allemande qui intervenait en soutien aux troupes espagnoles du général Franco. J'ai juste changer Gernica (Ville) en Guernica (Biscaye) et amélioré la page d'homonymie, pour le reste, je suis neutre, faites ce que vous voulez tous. On a lighter note, the city is also host to the Monday Market, one of the most important markets of the Basque Country. Celles-ci brûlent aussi bien les bâtiments que les personnes qui aspergées de phosphore deviennent alors des torches humaines. Pour faire le plein de culture, un week-end à Paris est toujours le bienvenu : concerts, théâtre, opéras, vous n'aurez que l'embarras du choix ! Este trabajo es un encargo. Fresque Guernica à Sare Sortie Culturelle Consultez les Horaires Avis sur cette Sortie Culturelle et le Plan d'Accés Tél et Coordonnées Sare Fresque Guernica Ajouter un lieu sur c'est libre et c'est complètement gratuit ! Once in Guernica, you can get to of all places of interest by foot. The last two floors are dedicated to Basque culture, including information about sports, music, dance, beliefs, myths, etc. Everyone wins! This page was last changed on 11 March 2013, at 00:29. Aujourd’hui, la grotte est fermée aux visites. Although its construction started in 1418, it went through several modifications throughout the centuries and wasn't actually finished until 1715. Que faire à Guernica: les lieux les plus populaires, que visiter, que voir à Guernica, photos et vidéos Since almost all of the buildings in Guernica were destroyed, don’t expect to find an old town or many architectural gems. The room is beautifully decorated with paintings of the different Lords of Biscay and some elements from the church that stood in that same place previously, the hermitage of Santa María de la Antigua. The attack took place on a Monday – market day. Vous pouvez également aller voir l’Arbre de Guernica (l’ancien et le nouveau), dans les jardins proches .C’est là que les présidents de la communauté Basque jurent leur charge. Inaugurated in 1991 and located next to the Biscayan Assembly, the Park of the Peoples of Europe is a beautiful park that is worth taking a stroll through. Mais Guernica était aussi devenue au XXe siècle une cité industrielle de 7 000 âmes, pourvue de plusieurs usines d'armement. Everything from the Guernica Tree to visiting the Monday Market – if it deals with Guernica tourism, we’ve got you covered. C’est bien le martyre de la petite ville basque qui eut lieu en 1937 et c’est en 1949 qu’Alain Resnais et Robert Hessens consacrèrent un film à la toile inspirée par la tragédie à Picasso. View Live Map Guernica is a small town located in the Basque Country, located around a half-hour drive from the city of Bilbao. The fastest sport in the world, Jai Alai, has a long tradition in Guernica. Choisissez et profitez de l’Espagne fascinante, Avertissement Legal | Politique de Confidentialite | Politique de Cookies, Quiénes somos La disproportion entre la faiblesse des défenses de la ville et la violence de l'attaque a fait que ce raid aérien contre une population civile sans défense est considéré comme un acte terroriste et barbare. Of the town’s buildings, 85% were completely destroyed. Le plus important de l’histoire récente de Gernika a eu lieu le 26 Avril 1937, lorsque la Légion Condor a bombardé la ville causant d’innombrables victimes civiles et détruisant une grande partie de la citée. Thankfully though, the two most important symbols of Guernica, the Biscayan Assembly & the Guernica Tree, both survived. Zorion 5 février 2008 à 16:05 (CET). 14:00. 1. Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, it was common for leaders of various communities to come together under a tree to create laws and make agreements. Une ville. Guernica is a small place in Spain and can be easily explored within a day. It was this town that was bombed in 1937, the events of which inspired Picasso’s most famous piece of art – “Guernica.” The bombing almost entirely destroyed the city and many civilians perished. Un objectif stratégique militaire . În afara Țării Bascilor, Guernica este cunoscută ca una dintre primele ținte ale atacurilor efectuate de Luftwaffe în timpul Războiului Civil Spaniol, orașul fiind atacat și bombardat aerian la data de 26 aprilie 1937.

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