Standing up to the racist and often limiting strategies of white elites, whether in government or music, releasing this song was a seminal moment in the Black protest music canon. Go Down Moses Spiritual (Anglais) When Israel was in Egypt's land Let my people go. 1 of 46. 2. The devil thought he had us fast But we thought we'd break his chains at last, 4. aCobaltHero J’aime. Way down in Egypt's land Sollte eine Datei gegen Urheberrechtsbestimmungen verstoßen, wird um Mitteilung gebeten, damit diese unverzüglich entfernt werden kann. Faites vous plaisir grâce à notre sélection Go down moses pas cher ! Turl married Tennie, a female slave of Beauchamp, another plantation owner. Go down Moses. Die Orginal-Seite finden Sie hier. En effet, la captivité des hébreux en Egypte peut être transposée aux esclaves africains dans les Etats-Unis du 19ème siècle. GO DOWN, MOSES Let my people go! When they reached the other shore,Let my people go,They sang a song of triumph o'er,Let my people go. Traduction en français des paroles pour Go Down Moses par Louis Armstrong. This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 01:00. 22 Der Dekalog Orientierung für ihre neu gewonnene Frei-heit erhielten die Israeliten nach Darstellung des Pentateuch im Dekalog. Refrain: Sie wird routinemäßig aktualisiert. Go down Moses (descends Moïse) correspond au titre et au début de chaque refrain. Author sirjew2 [a] 374. Songs about Exodus from Egypt: 2. Noté /5. That practice fits well for stanzas 1-4,… Go to tune page > Eine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben kann nicht übernommen werden. Weitere Strophen ansehen. Go down Moses. GO DOWN MOSES The spiritual is in the call-and-response pattern: a leader sings the verses with some rhythmic freedom, either unaccompanied or with only light accompaniment; the entire congregation sings the phrases "Let my people go!" GO DOWN, MOSES Verse 1 When Em Israel B7 was in Em Egypt`s land, B7 let my people Em go. Go Down, Moses, a collection of seven stories by William Faulkner, first published in 1942 as a novel under the inaccurate title Go Down, Moses, and Other Stories; the title was corrected for the second printing. Poem Summary. Go Down, Moses is not only one of the most famous works of Faulkner, but also an important component of "e;Yoknapatawpha Genealogy"e;. “Go Down, Moses,” a spiritual with its origins in the slave community of the southern United States, adopts the Biblical story of Moses from the book of Exodus to express the unquenchable desire for freedom felt by the African Americans held in captivity. Historical Context. Go down moses : 187 versions par 76 artistes, Louis Armstrong, Sy Oliver Choir, The All Stars, Agnès Sarkis, Liz Mccomb, Charles Lloyd, Nana Mouskouri, The Palata Singers, Mark Whitfield, Jeane Manson, Piano Bar Orchestra, Mavis Staples, Charlie Haden, Sy Oliver Choir & All Stars, Tommy Eden En effet, la captivité des hébreux en Egypte peut être transposée aux esclaves africains dans les Etats-Unis du 19ème siècle. Oh! 2. Style. The opening verse as published by the Jubilee Singers in 1872: When Israel was in Egypt's land Technical Notes: disc has popping and swishing throughout. It describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 7:26 : "And the Lord spoke unto Moses, go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. Das kostenlose Online-LiederbuchLieder mit Text, Melodie und kostenlosen Noten. Go down, Moses, Way down in Egypt's Land. Il est idéal pour se familiariser avec le swing. Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. Retrouvez Go Down, Moses et des millions de livres en stock sur (And the Lord says) Refrain Em Go down, (Go down) Am Moses, (Moses) Em way (way) B7 down (down) in Em Egypt`s land, C tell ole (tell ole) Em Pharaoh,(Pharaoh) to B7 let my people Em go. Lizenz . 1 of 26. In one interpretation of the song, "Israel" represents enslaved African Americans, while "Egypt" and "Pharaoh" represent the slavemaster. Let my people go, The lyrics of the song represent liberation of the ancient Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. The most prominent character and unifying voice is that of Isaac McCaslin, "Uncle Ike", who will live to be an old man; "uncle to half a county and father to no one." 4. When Am Israel E7 was in Am Egypt’s land E7 Let my people Am go Op- Am ressed so E7 hard they Am could not stand E7 Let my people Am go Am Go down, Dm Moses, Am way E7 down in Am Egypt’s- Dm land Am Tell old F Pharaoh, to E7 let my people Am go.. 1. B. 1 of 26. Achat Go down moses à prix discount. Strumming . Les deux instruments sont solistes et ce partagent le thème. Often known by its refrain line, "Go down, Moses," the spiritual was also published in J. Directed by Paul Stanley. If not, I'll smite your first-born dead—Oh! roumain MariusIonescu88. Les esclaves se comparaient au peuple hébreu retenu prisonnier par le Pharaon d’Égypte, et libéré grâce à l’intervention de Moïse. Traductions de « Go down Moses » biélorusse P Max_Pragensis. Go Down Moses est un negro-spiritual, inspiré par l'Ancien Testament de la Bible, (Exode 5:1 et 8:1 : « L'Éternel dit à Moïse: Va vers Pharaon, et tu lui diras : Ainsi parle l'Éternel : Laisse aller mon peuple, afin qu'il me serve. Go Down Moses est un spiritual. Entdecken Sie Go Down, Moses von Family One Choir, The Joshua's Brothers Trio bei Amazon Music. Guitar Ukulele Piano new. " Go down Moses " zur Gitarre singen. Oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let my people go. 1 of 16. B7. « Go Down Moses » est un classique du Gospel, enregistré à New-York par Louis Armstrong et repris en France par Claude Nougaro qui rendra hommage à ce dernier en écrivant « Armstrong » . Hier soir, une élève de premier cycle m’a demandé la partition de “Go Down Moses”. Capo: 3rd fret. Addeddate 2019-07-21 02:41:11 Boxid IA1644310 Collection-catalog-number GBIA0121155B Condition Good External-identifier urn:matrix_no:30-2990 … Although usually thought of as a spiritual, the earliest recorded use of the song was as a rallying anthem for the Contrabands at Fort Monroe sometime before July 1862. ", The Golden Gate Quartet (Duration: 3:05; recorded in 1957 for their album, "Go Down Moses" was recorded by the Robert Shaw Chorale on. 1. Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said: Ainsi parla le Seigneur, l'audacieux Moïse dit : Let my people go! Go down, Moses When Israel was in Egypt's land,Let my people go,Oppressed so hard they could not stand,Let my people go. Lisez des commentaires honnêtes et non … For the book by William Faulkner, see, Lockwood, "Oh! Kiss of Fire: Commentaires. Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said,Let my people go,If not, I'll smite your first-born dead,Let my people go. [5] Sheet music was soon after published, titled "Oh! Tell ol' Pharoah, Let my people go. Am. Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said, let my people go! "Go Down Moses" is an American Negro spiritual. En enregistrant en 1958 ce negro-spiritual, Louis Armstrong rend hommage à ses ancêtres. Early authorities presumed it was composed by them. let my people go 1 of 22. Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said: Let My People Go! 3. Oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let my people go. [6] The opening verse, as recorded by Lockwood, is: The Lord, by Moses, to Pharaoh said: Oh! Finden Sie Top-Angebote für SG 7" Foc - Danny & Paul Janz - Go down Moses - Janz Team 1432 bei eBay. B. T. Marsh's The Story of the Jubilee Singers with their Songs (1876). 1 - When israêl was in Egyptland, let my people go, oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go. Allerdings sind alle Texte von brillianter Schreibkunst und bewegender Kraft. Ne manquez pas de découvrir toute l’étendue de notre offre à prix cassé. Israël représente les esclaves africains d'Amérique alors que l'Égypte et le Pharaon représentent les maîtres esclavagistes. 3 - No more shall they in bondage oil. "Oh! He made all Pharaoes understand Let my people go! "Go Down Moses" is a spiritual phrase that describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 8:1: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. Going "down" to Egypt is derived from the Bible; the Old Testament recognizes the Nile Valley as lower than Jerusalem and the Promised Land; thus, going to Egypt means going "down"[2] while going away from Egypt is "up". (Let my people go!) Negro spirituals are religious songs… Critical Overview. Am7. Go down Moses (traduction en roumain) Artiste : Louis Armstrong; Chanson : Go down Moses 5 traductions; Traductions : biélorusse, espagnol, français, portugais, roumain traduction en roumain roumain. "Thus saith the Lord", bold Moses said, "Let my people go, If not, I'll smite your first-born dead, Let my people go." Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! ", "Summary of Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman", "BLACK MUSIC MOMENT: HISTORY OF "GO DOWN MOSES" ~ THE SONG USUALLY THOUGHT OF AS A SPIRITUAL", Black Recording Artists, 1877–1926: An Annotated Discography, Sweet Chariot: The Story of the Spirituals, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park, Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center, The Railroad to Freedom: A Story of the Civil War,, Articles with trivia sections from February 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2015, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A reference is made to the song in the film, On February 7, 1958, the song was recorded in New York City and sung by, The song has since become a jazz standard, having been recorded by, It is one of the five spirituals included in the, The song, or a modified version of it, has been used in the Roger Jones musical, "Go Down Moses" has sometimes been called "Let My People Go" and performed by a variety of musical artists, including, The song heavily influences "Get Down Moses", by, The song has been performed by the Russian Interior Ministry (. let my people go 2 contributors total, last edit on Nov 15, 2020. 1. The Lord told Moses what to do, Let my people go, To lead the Hebrew children through, Let my people go. Ausdrucken oder Speichern im Frame möglich. 2fr. Ein Angebot von / s. Impressum HR-music u. Didldu Premium Mitglied seit 2011. Genre. 4. And wear these slav’ry chains forlorn Let my people go. 1. Themes. Let my people go. 1. 73,775 views, added to favorites 1,703 times. Go down Moses / Way down in Egypt land Tell all … Criticism. The book explores the history and development of the McCaslin family, which is descended from Carothers McCaslin and occupies the plantation he founded. Go Down, Moses - Paul Robeson;Burleigh;Lawrence Brown: Notes. Go Down, Moses c’est l’histoire de l’absence du personnage biblique. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Go Down Moses Lyrics: Go down Moses way down in Egypt land / Tell old Pharaoh to let My people go / When Israel was in Egypt land / Let my people go / Oppressed so hard they could not stand / Let My Der Inhalt des Frames wurde von einer externen Seite eingebunden. Go Down Moses 1) Introduction Go down moses est un chant en américain, à l'origine un negro spiritual, dont les paroles et la musique ont été créées pendant la période de l'esclavage des Africains en Amérique. Go Down Moses est un negro-spiritual, inspiré par l'Ancien Testament de la Bible, (Exode 5:1 et 8:1 : « L'Éternel dit à Moïse : Va vers Pharaon, et tu lui diras : Ainsi parle l'Éternel : Laisse aller mon peuple, afin qu'il me serve.. Les negro-spiritual étaient composés et chantés sans connaissance de la musique écrite. Cover Bild: pixel2013 (Pixabay); Go down Moses Noten / Notenschrift: Robert Häusler . and the refrain, probably in harmony. Go Down, Moses, a collection of seven stories by William Faulkner, first published in 1942 as a novel under the inaccurate title Go Down, Moses, and Other Stories; the title was corrected for the second printing.Set in Faulkner’s fictional Yoknapatawpha county, the book contains some of the author’s best writing. Go down, Moses Info-Box. Ce duo de trombones est destiné à des élèves de 2e cycle . Volksmusik / Folk. What a Wonderful World: 2. Là- bas, sur la terre d'Egypte, Tell old pharaoh to. Le texte est donc religieux et extrait de l’ancien Testament de la Bible. And tell King Pharaoh Chords. Yes the Lord said go down (go down), Moses (Moses) Alors, le Seigneur dit: descends Moïse, Way (way) down (down) in Egypt land. Go down Moses: Kostenlose Noten mit Liedtext und Gitarrenakkorden im PDF-Format. Veröffentlicht03. Yes The Lord said 'Go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all Pharaoes to Let My People Go! Collections avec « Go down Moses » 1. Quelle: Let my people go Go Down, Moses is a 1942 collection of seven related pieces of short fiction by American author William Faulkner, sometimes considered a novel. Découvrez des commentaires utiles de client et des classements de commentaires pour Go Down, Moses sur Romeo Castellucci tisse une réflexion théologique à travers une mise en scène sous forme de tableaux. We need not always weep and mourn, And wear these slav'ry chains forlorn 3. Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt's land. Ce chant est enregistré en 1958 dans un album intitulé Louis and the goog book, datant de l'époque de l'esclavage des noirs américains lors d'une révolte au nom de la liberté .. Les récits des souffrances et des peines des hébreux ont eu un impact profond chez les esclaves noirs. No more shall they in bondage toil, Let my people go, Let them come out with Egypt's spoil, Let my people go. 2. Geh runter, Moses, Ganz unten im ägyptischen Land. Any study of the body of spirituals will reveal tha… (Chorus) Go down, Moses, Way down in Egypt land. Tell ole Pharaoh, Let my people go. With Ruby Dee, Brock Peters, Ossie Davis, Ethel Waters. Jazz singer Tony Vittia released a swing version under the name "Own The Night" (2013). When Am Israel E7 was in Am Egypt’s land E7 Let my people Am go Op- Am ressed so E7 hard they Am could not stand E7 Let my people Am go Am Go down, Dm Moses, Am way E7 down in Am Egypt’s- Dm land Am Tell old F Pharaoh, to E7 let my people Am go.. 1. When Israel was in Egypt's land, Oppressed so hard they could not stand, 2. 11. 2. Then he had a son called Turl"e; with this daughter. Faulkner's technique in Go Down, Moses is to present stories whose full significance in the overall history of his characters is not apparent until later in the book. Sources. Ce chant a été plus tard réinterprété en gospel par Louis Armstrong, chanteur et trompettiste de jazz très connu de l'époque, né en 1901 et mort en 1971. 3. "When Israel Was in Egypt's Land" originally had twenty-four stanzas of which the Psalter… Go Down Moses chords by Louis Armstrong. Go down Moses Way down in egypt land Tell old Pharaoe to Let My People Go! Go down Moses: Am E7 Am When Israel was in Egypt's land E7 Am Let my people go Am E7 Am Oppressed so hard they could not stand E7 Am Let my people go Refrain: Am Dm E7 Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt's land Am E7 Am Tell old Pharaoh, Let my people go Am E7 Am So Moses went to Egypt's land E7 Am Let my people go Am E7 Am To make old Pharaoh understand E7 Am Let my people go … April 2018 + 2 4.4 Tsd. Coboară, Moise, înspre ţara Egiptului. Go down Moses. Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY DE) Noten PDF-Ansicht Beschreibung. 3. Go Down, Moses. Let my people go Their children took … Chorus Go down, Moses, ’Way down in Egypt’s land. 3. Besondere Berühmtheit erlangten hier die drei Jagd-Geschichten "The Old People", "The Bear" und "Delta Autumn". En enregistrant en 1958 ce Negro-spiritual, Louis Armstrong rend hommage à ses ancêtres. Set in Faulkner’s fictional Yoknapatawpha county, the … »). Let my people go. 'If not I'll smite, your firstborn's dead' Let My People Go! O let us all from bondage flee,Let my people go,And let us all in Christ be free,Let my people go. 6. Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said, Let my people go, If not, I'll smite your first-born dead, Let my people go. Some songs about history: Louis Armstrong: Top 3. The devil thought he had us fast Let my people go. 3. R/ Go down, moses, way down in Egypland, tell ole pharoah to let my people go. The recording on the other side of this disc: (a) I Stood on De Ribber (b) Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells. Anonymous 1800. L.C. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Bei langsamen Internetverbindungen kann die Anzeige der Datei etwas dauern. 4. Away down to Egypt's land Download Pdf. The excellent Ruby Dee plays the escaped slave Harriet Tubman and her attempts to rescue enslaved family members and friends through the pre-Civil War Underground Railroad. Für die Liedbegleitung braucht der halbwegs erfahrene Musiker keine ausgeschriebenen Noten, sondern es reichen die Symbole der Akkorde. Poem Text. 7. Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands", and arranged by Horace Waters. Go Down Moses est un classique de gospel. Go Down, Moses by Homer Quincy Smith "Here, in Go Down, Moses, Faulkner comes most passionately to grips with the moral implications of slavery, the American land, process and materialism, tradition and moral identity--all major themes of the American novel. No more shall they in bondage toil,Let my people go,Let them come out with Egypt's spoil,Let my people go. As Israel stood by the waterside,Let my people go,At God's command it did divide,Let my people go. go down, Moses Go Down, Moses When Israel was in Egypt’s land, Let my people go. Go Down Moses Lyrics: When Israel was in Egypt land / Let my people go / Oppressed so hard they could not stand / Let my people go / Go down Moses / Way down … Tell ol' Pharoah, Let my people go. Jordan shall stand up like a wall,Let my people go,And the walls of Jericho shall fall,Let my people go. Em. Auch von die-ser „Urkunde“ des Bundes zwischen Jahwe und Israel gab es zwei Fassungen; die Redaktoren haben wieder beide erhalten und sie an zwei verschiedenen Stellen ihres Werkes überliefert (Ex 20; Dtn 5). What is scrobbling? Oppressed so B7 hard they Em could not stand, B7 let my people Em go. Louis Armstrong’s 1956 recording and release of the song, “Go Down, Moses” builds upon hundreds of years of Black protest. Tell ol' Pharaoh, Let my people go. Hinweis: Diese Seite stellt eine Basisinformation dar. 5. Aufrufe Noten. Yes the Lord said, go down (go down) Moses (Moses) Way (way) down (down) in Egypt land Tell all Pharaoes To let my people go (let my people go) Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said Let my people go! [1] Inspiré par l'Ancien Testament de la Bible, (Exode 5:1 et 8:1: "L'Éternel dit à Moïse : Va vers Pharaon, et tu lui diras : Ainsi parle l'Éternel : Laisse aller mon peuple, afin qu'il me serve."). Go Down Moses 1) Introduction Go down moses est un chant en américain, à l'origine un negro spiritual, dont les paroles et la musique ont été créées pendant la période de l'esclavage des Africains en Amérique. Laisser partir mon peuple ! 8. McCaslin, a plantation owner in Southern America, had a daughter with a female slave. Go down Moses a été créé lors d’un mouvement de révolte des esclaves qui réclamaient leur liberté. 1. Go down Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all Pharaoes To let my people go! 2. If not, I'll smite your first born dead, let my people go! Go down Moses - meinUnterricht Arbeitsblätter für Unterrichtsmaterial online für Religion und Ethik: Go down Moses meinUnterricht ist ein fächerübergreifendes Online-Portal für Lehrkräfte, auf dem du hochwertiges Unterrichtsmaterial ganz einfach herunterladen und ohne rechtliche Bedenken für deinen Unterricht verwenden kannst. Go Down Moses est un Negro Spiritual. portugais Shirley Viana. Let My People Go", p. 5: "This Song has been sung for about nine years by the Slaves of Virginia. Watch the video for Go Down Moses from Louis Armstrong's Pure Gold for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. God-The Lord said 'Go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all Pharaoes to Let My People Go!' When Israel was in Egypt’s land Let my people go Opressed so hard they could not stand Let my people go Go down, Moses… The Lord told Moses what to do,Let my people go,To lead the Hebrew children through,Let my people go. To let my people go, Sarah Bradford's authorized biography of Harriet Tubman, Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman (1869), quotes Tubman as saying she used "Go Down Moses" as one of two code songs fugitive slaves used to communicate when fleeing Maryland. Eine kürzere Textversion mit deutscher Übersetzung finden Sie >> hier. français Marcoz. [3] In the context of American slavery, this ancient sense of "down" converged with the concept of "down the river" (the Mississippi), where slaves' conditions were notoriously worse, a situation which led to the idiom "sell [someone] down the river" in present-day English.[4]. "Go Down Moses" is a spiritual phrase that describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 5:1: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. When Israel was in Egypt land... Let My People Go! La vie en rose: 3. Refrain: Go down, Moses, Way down in Egypt's land. [7] Tubman began her underground railroad work in 1850 and continued until the beginning of the Civil War, so it's possible Tubman's use of the song predates the origin claimed by Lockwood. Let My people go So the God sayeth, “Go down, Moses way down in Egypt land Tell old Pharaoh to let My people go” So Moses went to Egypt land Let My people go He made old Pharaoh understand Let My people go Yes The Lord said, “Go down, Moses way down in Egypt land Tell old Pharaoh to let My people go” Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said Let My people go “If not I'll smite your firstb We need not always weep and mourn,Let my people go,And wear these slavery chains forlorn,Let my people go. Opposed so hard They … View full lyrics Scrobble Stats ? Sag dem alten Pharao, Lass meine Leute gehen. Notenblatt mit Text und Gitarrenakkorden (G). Let My People Go! Dis au vieux pharaon de. Tell ol' Pharoah, Let my people go. "Go Down, Moses" besteht aus 7 Texten, die je nach Ansicht eigenständige Kurzgeschichten und Novellen bilden oder zusammenfassend einen Roman ergeben. When Israel was in Egypt's land - let my people go - oppressed so hard they could not stand, - let my people go -. 9. The phrase "Go Down Moses" is featured in the chorus of the, Avant-garde singer-songwriter and composer, The song, All You Zombies, by the Hooters, begins with these familiar words: "Holy Moses met the Pharaoh, Yeah, he tried to set him straight, Looked him in the eye, 'Let my people go.' Schau das Video für Go Down Moses von Louis Armstrong's Pure Gold kostenlos und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an. Go down, Moses, Way down in Egypt's Land. Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands". Go Down Moses Lyrics Übersetzung Als Israel im ägyptischen Land war, Lass meine Leute gehen, So stark unterdrückt, dass sie nicht stehen konnten, Lass meine Leute gehen. Go down Moses est un gospel chanté par Louis Armstrong, chanteur et trompettiste de jazz très célèbre. Le texte est donc religieux et extrait de l’ancien Testament de la Bible. 1. Learn more Recent Listening Trend. Lockwood, chaplain of the Contrabands, stated in the sheet music the song was from Virginia, dating from about 1853. Pharaoh said he'd go across,Let my people go,But Pharaoh and his host were lost,Let my people go. Lockwood, L.C. Go down Moses Way down in egypt land Tell all Pharaoes to Let My People Go! espagnol aCobaltHero. So Moses went to Egypt land Let my people go! Go Down Moses est un chant inspiré par l'Ancien Testament de la Bible, (Exode 5:1 et 8:1 : « L'Éternel dit à Moïse : Va vers Pharaon, et tu lui diras : Ainsi parle l'Éternel : Laisse aller mon peuple, afin qu'il me serve. Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go. 2. 1. No more shall they in bondage toil, Let my people go, Let them come out with Egypt's spoil, Let my people go. Dans ce gospel, La liberté est une idée fixe. The opening verse as published by the Jubilee Singers in 1872: We need not always weep and mourn, Let my people go. Go Down Moses. O come along Moses, you'll not get lost,Let my people go,Stretch out your rod and come across,Let my people go. Let my people go! 2 - Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said Let my people go If not I'll smite your first-born dead; Let my people go . [8], This article is about the song. 2. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Oppress'd so hard they could not stand New York: Horace Waters (1862). Tell all Pharaoes To Let My People Go. Let my people go. 4. Israël représente les esclaves africains d'Amérique alors que l'Égypte et le Pharaon représentent les maîtres esclavagistes. 10. Refrain: Go down, Moses,Way down in Egypt's land.Tell ol' Pharoah,Let my people go. Dafür kommt meistens eine Gitarre in Frage, manchmal auch ein Piano oder ein Keyboard, oder auch ein Akkordeon. Tell old Pharaoh Am schönsten wird's beim Singen, wenn sich einer oder mehrere auf Liedbegleitung verstehen. A A. Coboară, Moise.

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