Eurofins Scientific is a leading international group of laboratories with over EUR 4.56 billion annual sales and over 50,000 employees in 800 laboratories across 45 countries. w10.0.27 | c9.0.90.09 PROD | u7.5.14 Si vous souhaitez plutôt contacter les conseillers Eurofins par voie téléphonique, nous vous conseillons de composer le numéro de téléphone de contact général de l'entreprise, le numéro 02 51 83 21 00. France. Please click and drag your mouse over the map canvas to navigate and find laboratories. Prendre rendez-vous. The Eurofins gateway allows you to order in 5 simple steps, from our most popular testing packages. Country. Lundi au Vendredi 7h - 19h Samedi 7h - 12h . Veuillez adresser à l’adresse suivante une copie de l’ordonnance et si possible la fiche de renseignements cliniques (format .pdf, .jpeg, .png) en indiquant dans votre message: DEMANDE DE TEST COVID-19 et en précisant impérativement votre numéro de téléphone. Industries. Homepage | Country: Country: Contact Us. Kontaktinformation til Eurofins i Danmark, kan findes her. Eurofins | 181,901 followers on LinkedIn. Contact a customer support team member with your general or technical questions about all Eurofins Genomics' services and products. Eurofins Scientific on kansainvälinen biotieteiden alalla toimiva yhtiö, joka tarjoaa poikkeuksellisen laajan valikoiman analyysi- ja testauspalveluita useilla eri aloilla toimiville asiakkailleen. If you have specific requirements or regular orders, please contact us on 0845 604 6740. Laboratories: Agro Testing. Contact Us | Ontario - Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care Product testing Canada Inc. Guangzhou - Eurofins Consumer Product Testing (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd. Shenzhen - Eurofins Product Testing China. Eurofins Suomi >> ExpertServices >> EN Eurofins Expert Services. Request a quote. For agricultural testing, please visit All Industries > We provide confidential, independent and neutral expert services for all contruction branch. Toronto, ON M5X1C7. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Eurofins Labazur Provence Istres Coordonnées 4 rue Roger Carpentier Clinique de l’Etang de l’Olivier 13800 ISTRES Tél : 04 88 60 25 85 | Fax : 04 88 60 52 17 Email: Eurofins is a leading international group of laboratories providing an unparalleled range of testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food and consumer products industries and to governments. EUROFINS LCDI, SA par action simplifiée à associé unique au capital de 46 768€, a débuté son activité en février 1991. Contact information for Eurofins Scientific Laboratories. 6600 Vejen. Homepage | Bestilling / Resultater / Rapporter. 150 Rickit St, Taupo 3330, New Zealand. Cookie Notice | J'accepte les conditions générales de vente. Nedenunder finder du relevante links. Eurofins Online Service Manager Auckland: Eurofins Online Service Manager Christchurch: Eurofins Malaysia possesses an experienced team, a new service model, and a philosophy that will provide you with high quality, trustworthy, and efficient testing and consultation services. Eurofins Scientific has a network of sites in Ireland offering a portfolio of over 200,000 reliable and validated laboratory services. BESbswy. Tel: 1-800-688-2248. 1987-1997: Phase de lancement; 1997-2001: Elargissement du portefeuille technologique; 2002-2004: Développement de l'infrastructure; A partir de 2005: Vers un acteur global de référence; Carrière; Contacts; COVID-19. Contact our team of experts at Eurofins USA today. Terms and Conditions | Eurofins Global, Saint-Priest - Eurofins Cosmetics Microbiology France, Rome - Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care Italy, Milan - Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care Italy, Barcelona - Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care Spain, Manchester - Eurofins Product Testing Services UK, Quatre Bornes - Eurofins Insight Research. Please send feedback to Politique de Confidentialité du Site; Eurofins dans le monde; Vision, Mission, Valeurs; Historique. 10/2011 amended by (EU) no. Careers | Search | Rechercher. Également dans le suivi de biovigila Eurofins Prélèvement Pour Le Bâtiment Ouest à Gouesnou Contrôles de fabrication industriels Laboratoires de contrôle sanitaire, environnemental : adresse, photos, retrouvez les coordonnées et informations sur le professionnel Eurofins Optimed - 1 rue des Essarts, 38610 Gières - Organismes de recherches scientifiques et techniques - 0438372740 - adresse - numéro de téléphone - avis - plan - téléphone - avec le 118 712 annuaire sur internet, mobile et tablette. Investors, Sitemap | Prélèvements COVID sur rdv via Eurofins launches Europe’s first validated test method to evaluate filtration capacity of masks for SARS-CoV-2 Material Exchange and Eurofins Softlines & Leather Form a New Collaborative Partnership to Support Material Compliance in Footwear and Apparel Terms and Conditions | Eurofins Global, Contact form | Attestation of conformity of drinking water hygienic suitability of products, Detergents, Maintenance Chemicals, Biocides, HENZ: REACH Compliance & Chemical Assessment Tool, Eurofins Product Testing Service (Shanghai), Danish market surveillance with drinking water (GDV), VOC emissions testing - validation study now is available, My Eye Media. IC – July 2018| Announcement: VTT Expert Services becomes “Eurofins Expert Services”, Eurofins | Newsflash - August 2018 | ATEX, PPE, Machinery, Lift, Construction materials, Eurofins | Newsflash - August 2018 | Cosmetics, Eurofins | Newsflash - August 2018 | Food Contact Materials, Eurofins | Newsflash - August 2018 | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | Newsletter - August 2018 | Chemicals, Eurofins | Newsflash - August 2018 | Electrical & Electronic products, New AgBB Evaluation Scheme 2018 published including new NIK/LCI values, Eurofins Product Testing expands the scope of its chemical permeation tests, Announcement: Clinical Research Laboratories, LLC joins Eurofins, Electrical & Electronic products Nov 2018, BREXIT Impact on regulations and product compliance, Eurofins MET Labs Announces Change in Senior Leadership, China market | The Second Step of China’s RoHS will enter into effect on March 12, 2019 for selected EEPs in first Batch, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Construction Products, Machinery and Lifts, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Consumer products, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Softlines & Leather, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Food Contact Materials, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Electrical & Electronics, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Chemical, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Brexit: Construction products, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Brexit: Medical Devices, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Brexit: Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | Newsflash - March 2019 | Brexit: Cosmetics & Chemicals, Eurofins Consumer Product Testing Hong Kong is now accredited to HOKLAS, Newsflash | Europe | ECHA’s active projects for 2019, Newsflash | Europe | Microplastics in the textile industry – Cross Industry Agreement developments, Newsflash | Europe | Final version of guidance on poison centres notifications- CLP, Newsflash | US | More Safety for clothing storage units, Newsflash | Europe | Annulment of energy labelling Regulation for vacuum cleaners, Newsflash | Europe | Soft-filled toy with sequins intended for all ages, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Chemicals, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Electrical & Electronics, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Medical Device, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | PPE, Construction Products, Machinery, ATEX & Lifts, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Softlines & Leather, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Consumer products, Eurofins | April 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Food Contact Materials, More safety and efficiency in the textile chain, Eurofins Textile Testing Spain expands its Accreditation Certificate, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Chemicals, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Consumer products, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Electrical & Electronics, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | PPE, Construction Products, Machinery, ATEX & Lifts, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Food Contact Materials, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Softlines & Leather, Eurofins | May 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Toys & Childcare, Announcement: Opening Ceremony | Eurofins E&E Shenzhen Laboratory, China, Newsflash | Europe | New version of Toy Safety Standard EN 71-3:2019 on migration of certain elements, Eurofins Consumer Product Testing will hold a webinar to present recent developments on MOSH and MOAH, Eurofins ATS is now EU Notified Body for Safety of Toys, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | ATEX, Construction Products, Machinery & Pressure Equipments, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Medical Devices, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Consumer Products, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Food Contact Materials, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Softlines & Leather, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Electrical & Electronic products, Eurofins | June 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Chemicals, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Medical Devices, Newsflash | Europe | “Small parts” testing on children’s garments, Newsflash | Europe | Safety of Children’s clothing -“CORDS AND DRAWSTRINGS”- under review, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Electrical & Electronic products, Eurofins Consumer Product Testing Services UK New Location, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Chemicals, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Construction Products & Pressure Equipment, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Consumer Products, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Food contact materials, Eurofins | July 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Softlines & Leather, Newsflash | Europe - REACH | A new substance of very high (SVHC) concern in candidate list, Newsflash | Europe | New update of Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs)-1, Newsflash | Europe | EN 71-14:2018 for trampolines listed as harmonised standard under Toy Safety Directive, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | ATEX, Construction Products, Machinery, PPE, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Chemicals, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Consumer Products, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Electrical & Electronic products, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Toys & Childcare, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Cosmetics & Personal Care, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Food Contact Materials, Eurofins | August 2019 regulatory Newsflash compilation | Softlines & Leather, Newsflash | Europe | Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on food contact plastic materials, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | September 2019, Newsflash | Europe | Proposal for the restriction of skin sensitizing substances in textile, leather, fur and hide, Newsflash | China | Standards updates list 2019, Newsflash | US | New Hampshire | Flame retardants ban in furniture and carpeting, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Newsflash | Europe | Update of toy guidance document for Soother holders, Newsflash | Taiwan | Mandatory inspection standard of children’s raincoat, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | October 2019, Newsflash | Europe | 18 Substances are proposed to enter in the REACH Authorisation list, Newsflash | Saudi Arabia | New process to import product to Saudi Arabia, Newsflash | Europe | Publication of harmonised standards list for toys, Newsflash | Europe | Update of harmonised standards list under General Product Safety, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | November 2019, Newsflash | Europe | Amending Annex V and VI of Cosmetics Regulation, Newsflash | Europe | Amending and correcting on Decision (EU) 2019/436 on Machinery, Newsflash | Europe | New amendments of EU Toy Safety Directive, Opening of a new Consumer Product Testing laboratory in Tirupur (South India), Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | December 2019, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | January 2020, Newsflash | Europe | New update of Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), Newsflash | UK | Brexit update | Softlines and Leather, Newsflash | UK | Brexit update | Electrical and Electronics, Newsflash | UK | Brexit update | Toys and Childcare products, Newsflash | UK | Brexit update | Consumer products, Eurofins Consumer Product Testing has achieved recognition by DIN CERTCO, Coronavirus Outbreak in China | Impact on service provision, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | February 2020, Service provision in China | Last update February 2020, Newsflash | Europe | New statements for Titanium Dioxide mixtures, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Brexit update | Electrical and Electronics, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | March 2020, Eurofins Scientific Supports SARS-CoV-2 Analyses, Chemicals | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Eurofins Softlines and Leather expands testing capabilities in China, Newsflash | Europe/US | Lack of personal protective equipment a great difficulty in fight against Coronavirus, Newsflash | Europe | Proposal to postpone the application date of medical device regulation, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Industrial | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | April 2020, Newsflash | Europe | European Commission postpones application of the Medical Devices Regulation, Toys & Childcare | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Softlines & Leather | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Personal Protective Equipment | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Food Contact Materials | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Eurofins Textile & Footwear Testing Spain receives EU Notified Body accreditation for Personal Protective Equipment, Construction Products and Machinery | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Consumer Products | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Medical Devices | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Monthly bulletin | May 2020, Food Contact Materials | Summer Recap 2020, Personal Protective Equipment | Summer Recap 2020, Europe | New update of Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), Europe | General Product Safety Directive’s review, Cosmetics & Personal Care | Summer Recap 2020, Electrical & Electronic products | Summer Recap 2020, Construction Products and Machinery | Summer Recap 2020, Eurofins CPT scope expansion for COVID-19 product testing in India, Attestation of conformity of drinking water hygienic suitability of products, Eurofins launches Europe’s first validated test method to evaluate filtration capacity of masks for SARS-CoV-2, Material Exchange and Eurofins Softlines & Leather Form a New Collaborative Partnership to Support Material Compliance in Footwear and Apparel, Eurofins expands its scope of COVID-19 services with new accreditations in India, Eurofins launches China Compulsory Certification Services for Toys Products, Eurofins Expands Testing Capabilities with New CNAS Accreditation in China for Textiles and Leather Industry, Europe | Amending Annex I of General Product Safety Directive, Europe | Ecolabel criteria for electronic displays, Europe | Ecolabel criteria for printed paper, stationery paper, and paper carrier bag products, Europe | Extending the period of validity of the ecological criteria for textile and footwear products, Europe | Amending Annex II, III and VI of Cosmetics Regulation, UK | Brexit transition: new rules for 2021, Europe | New allergenic substances prohibited on toys, Eurofins expands ZDHC MRSL V2.0 Level 1, 2 and 3 Conformance Services, Subscribe to Newsletters & Informative Circulars.
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