Lasserre, France's chief antitrust... Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images In the second (...), Prosecuting Cartels in France and in Germany, Introductory papers : The Bundeskartellamt’s New Organization and Policies Cecilio Madero (...), This fourth roundtable of the conference "New frontiers of Antitrust", Paris, 11 February 2011, is dedicated to the procedural fairness. Mais, deux mois et demi plus tard, un nouveau CHSCT est convoqué. Navigating merger regimes across the globe: What are the new challenges? Professor, Universtité Paris II, European College Lundi après-midi, Bruno Lasserre, vice-président du Conseil d’État, était en visite au tribunal administratif de Dijon. Ex-patron de la Ligue de football professionnel, ancien du Conseil d'Etat, l'avocat Frédéric Thiriez a été choisi par Emmanuel Macron pour casser le moule énarchique dont lui et le locataire de l'Elysée sont issus. Modernization: (...), See the "avant-propos" of Laurence Idot, Frédéric Jenny et Nicolas Charbit the Foreword of Martine Béhar-Touchais The full list of contributors and the Table of Contents Bruno Lasserre, alors président de l’Autorité de la concurrence, à Paris, le 9 juin 2016. The objectives for the authors of this roundtable (...), Competition authorities in Europe have strived to preserve the stigma attached to cartel behavior, notwithstanding recurring calls to carve out an exception for a specific sector, while making sure competition policy is in tune with evolving commercial strategies and provides answers to (...), This second roundtable of the conference “New frontiers of Antitrust” (Paris, 22th of February 2013) was dedicated to « Personal data: Will competition law collide with privacy?». This article presents the pioneering role played by the French Competition Authority in the use of (...), This first roundtable of the conference “New frontiers of Antitrust”, Paris, 10 February 2012, was dedicated to the compliance programs and how efficient are they really. 21st St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum ICF, May 2014, Available at SSRN: Bruno Lasserre regrette le manque de popularité de la concurrence. He joined the Conseil d’Etat - the French supreme administration court - in 1978 after the ENA. Bruno Lasserre, president of the Conseil de la Concurence, the French Competition Council, poses in his office in Paris, France, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007. Conduite par Monsieur Bruno LASSERRE, Vice-président du Conseil d’État, la délégation française était composée de : - Monsieur Bernard STIRN, président de… Some 600 guests joined this landmark celebration, which took place in Bonn. This compilation does not attempt to be exhaustive but rather a survey of themes important in the area. "The Competition Council in the Community network" is a (...), The entry into force on 1 May 2004 of Regulation 1/2003 brings about profound changes for national competition authorities. Marié le 30 avril 1988 à Marie-Laure Sergent. (New Frontiers of Antitrust, Paris, 13 June 2016). Andreas MUNDT President of the Bundeskartellamt TR I - Compliance Programs: How efficient are they really? [...], L'absence de Christophe Sirugue dans l'équipe de dirigeants du cabinet Tilder sur le site de la Haute autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique peut surprendre. European Competition Network: 10 years after & EC Regulation 1/2003: Can cooperation be extended to merger control and advocacy? During this tenure, he developed and implemented a comprehensive reform of the regulatory framework of the French telecoms sector, culminating in full liberalisation and establishment of an independent regulatory authority. [...], Le Medef n'est pas un lobby mais la FNSEA oui… Voilà l'étrange conclusion à laquelle aboutira le projet de loi de Michel Sapin sur la lutte contre la corruption, au grand dam des lobbyistes français. Between 1989 and 1997, he served as Director-general of posts and telecoms. Exchange of confidential information in private competition law enforcement. Cet homme, que tout semblait devoir conduire à la retraite - il a tout de même 64 ans ! 1 Position : In the first contribution, Nils Wahl, Judge of the General Court of the European Union examines the judge’s role in the competition proceedings. Introduction générale Bruno Lasserre, vice-président du conseil d’Etat, est en visite officielle pour 48 heures. Un e-mail vous est envoyé lorsqu’un article correspondant à vos centres d’intérêt est publié sur l’un des sites d’Indigo Publications. The number (...), Introduction: In the opening speech at the second French German day of competition, Dr. Ulf Böge, president of the Bundeskartellamt (or German competition authority) insisted on the state of exchanges and on the cooperation between the two French competition authorities. Deux enfants : Clémence, Charlotte. Bruno Lasserre Team Manager - CPM France pour Orange Issy-les-Moulineaux, Île-de-France, France 500+ connections Bruno has 1 job listed on their profile. Le vice-président du Conseil d’Etat a été mis en examen, vendredi 27 septembre, pour « complicité de harcèlement moral » par les deux juges d’instruction chargés de l’enquête sur le suicide d’Alain Mouzon, un agent de l’Autorité de la concurrence. Bruno Lasserre, ancien président de l'Autorité de la concurrence, a été mis en examen dans le cadre d'une enquête sur le suicide en 2014 de l'un de ses ex-subordonnés. Dans son avis du 8 décembre, l'instance préconise que ces rendez-vous soient validés en amont, puis rendus publics. Mr. Bruno Lasserre, (...), Bruno Lasserre presents David Bosco’s work on exclusivity obligation. Lasserre’s time in antitrust coincides closely with the existence of Global Competition Review itself, which began publishing in 1997. Ne manquez aucune information sur Bruno Lasserre: biographie, actualités, émissions sur France Inter. Laurence Idot II, Nicolas Charbit, Anna Pavlik, Jessica Rebarber, Competition news from the French Supreme Administrative Court, Bruno Lasserre (State Council) : Looking back… and forward on competition regulation in France, Disruptive innovation, law and competition (Paris, 29 January 2016), “Free” goods and services: Is there such a thing? 1. Bruno Lasserre a été mis en examen pour « complicité de harcèlement moral ». Director of the Scientific Committee of Concurrences He joined the Conseil d’Etat - the French supreme administration court - in 1978 after the ENA. What do you expect from these changes? THOMAS SAMSON / AFP. Commitment decisions: Tool of choice or poison for antitrust enforcement? Informations complémentaires : Bureau du greffe et de l'accueil du public, téléphone : 01 40 20 81 00. Décryptage des circuits de décision et des luttes d'influence dans la vie politique, les entreprises et les médias en France. President of the International board of the Review Concurrences I. Vous pouvez créer vos veilles par e-mail de 3 manières différentes : N’hésitez pas à créer plusieurs veilles en fonction de vos centres d’intérêt : plus les critères seront définis, plus les résultats seront précis. Procedural fairness: How much remains to be done? Prosecuting cartels in France and Germany, French competition regulation, one year after the reform: A point of view of authority (II), French competition regulation, one year after the reform: A point of view of authority (I), Conference - Public authorities : Mitigating competition concerns and other public interests for MPs. Please note that these papers are also freely available for non-subscribers at the "Conference" section of the (...), INSTITUTIONAL Bruno Lasserre is the Vice-President of the French State Council and former President of the Competition Authority. Bruno Lasserre is a member of the Conseil d’État, the French supreme administrative court, which he joined in 1978 after graduating from École Nationale d’Administration (ENA), … Le Bordelais Bruno Lasserre est sous le coup d’une enquête concernant la mort en 2014 d’un de ses ex-subordonnés à l’Autorité de la concurrence. The ECN still has to deepen the link between the (...), This collection of articles broaches the sensitive topic regarding exchange of confidential information in private competition law enforcement. [...], Dans l'ombre du Medef, le Groupement des professions de services constitue un puissant levier de lobbying pour contrebalancer le pouvoir des métallos au sein de la galaxie patronale. In an increasingly international environment where it is standard practice for businesses to operate not in several (...), The second part of the article on the Autorité’s first year of activity comes back on antitrust enforcement and on a few general issues. Trouvez facilement le numéro de téléphone ou l'adresse de Bruno Lasserre avec le service PagesBlanches. Several strokes of black and a palette of grays: Competitor agreements through the eyes of an enforcement agency. Site web : Un problème ?Contacter le service client. "addresses an original and relatively undeveloped theme, that of the relationship between competition policy and other public policies. Famille : Fils de Jacques Lasserre, Directeur de services médicaux, et de Marie Garrigou-Lagrange de David de Lastours. Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique, Union française des industries pétrolières. Frédéric JENNY President, OECD Competition Committee (...), Enquêtes sectorielles : Complément ou substitut de l’action des autorités de concurrence ? La présidence du Conseil d'État français a été successivement confiée à différentes autorités. [...], Le haut fonctionnaire a favorisé la nomination de son bras-droit au SGG, Thierry-Xavier Girardot, comme nouveau secrétaire général de l'institution de la Place du Palais-Royal. The past year has seen the Autorité implement its new power of market surveillance, which is the last step of a decade of modernization undertaken by the (...), The Act of Economic Modernization of 4 August 2008 has deeply modernized the French competition enforcement framework. After serving as a member of the French Conseil de la concurrence (1998-2004), and then as President of the institution (2004-2009), he pushed through a fundamental reform that transformed it into the Autorité de la concurrence, in charge of merger review and competition advocacy in addition to antitrust. «Je me suis retrouvée pendant trois mois et demi à Mogadiscio pour gérer l'opération Du riz pour la Somalie. The competitive analysis of the provision of free goods and/or services, in particular when they are offered by companies holding a significant market power, is (...), This first roundtable of the “New frontiers of Antitrust” conference, Paris, 15 June 2015, was dedicated to the commitment decisions as « tool of choice or poison » for antitrust enforcement. Fax : 01 40 20 80 08. 1. Une visite pour toucher du doigt la réalité d’un des tribunaux administ Quant à Bruno Lasserre, il rappelle simplement à ses interlocuteurs que son poulain « a toute [sa] confiance ». "She has just left us and we are already aware of the place she occupied among us, the imprint she leaves, the example she gives us. A balanced and pragmatic practice has emerged, but the Autorité also demonstrated viligance regarding compliance with (...), As early as 1986, it appeared necessary to endow the French Competition Authority with the power to remedy situations of urgency and to restore quickly the conditions of competition on the merits. Do you envisage (...), The settlement procedure, introduced in French antitrust law in 2001, is a key component of the enforcement toolbox of the Conseil de la concurrence. Bruno Lasserre est mis en examen dans le cadre d'une enquête sur la mort en 2014 d'un de ses ex-subordonnés lorsqu'il présidait l'Autorité de la concurrence. Three years of merger control by the French Competition Authority: Status report and prospects, Interim mesures: Assessment and new challenges for the French Competition Authority. Bruno Lasserre va quitter l'Autorité de la concurrence. 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