It defines three sets of country codes: Ísland (1) Iceland: Iceland: IS: Северна Македонија (2) North Macedonia (3) Republic of North Macedonia (3) MK: Shqipëria: Albania: Republic of Albania: AL: Srbija/Сpбија: Serbia: Republic of Serbia: RS: Türkiye: Turkey: Republic of Turkey: TR ISO 3166-1 (Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 1: Country codes) is a standard defining codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.It is the first part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.. All FIPS codes in this document are deprecated. GB - United Kingdom 13. ES - Spain 10. And for you, too. These rules were taken from the Interinstitutional style guide and should be applied to all publications, namely Statistics Explained articles, statistical books and statistical working papers.. BE - Belgium 3. The list of countries or areas contains the names of countries or areas in alphabetical order, their three-digit numerical codes used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat, and their three-digit alphabetical codes assigned by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Member States of the European Union (EU) and other countries have been assigned a two-letter country code, always written in capital letters, and often used as an abbreviation in statistical analyses, tables, figures or maps. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) publishes these codes, which come in 2-letter and 3-letter formats. Get the most popular abbreviation for Europe updated in 2021 The most common place where you will encounter abbreviations in the European Union (EU) is with the names of the countries themselves. CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic EE Estonia H Hungary LV Latvia LT Lithuania MT Malta PL Poland SK Slovakia SI Slovenia BG Bulgaria RO Romania CH Switzerland N Norway U.S. United States JAP Japan. HR - Croatia 15. Generally speaking, abbreviations such as Eur. If you live in the US, you might know your state abbreviation or state code. You even find the country calling codes for Europe. LU - Luxembourg 20. Looking for the abbreviation of Europe? Luminary is a podcast streaming platform that gives you access to 500k+ shows, when and where you want. Potential candidates (all other Western Balkan countries). FR - France 12. Arranged in alphabetical order by country, the rest of the European country and calling codes are here. I made this country name abbreviation list because, simply, I got tired of doing a search for one the infrequent times I needed it. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. There is a worldwide standard that gives each country a 2 letter code. BG - Bulgaria 4. IE - Ireland 17. Country Names, ISO Country Codes, 2 Letter Country Codes, Country Abbreviations LT - Lithuania 19. Learn what all of the country codes are for Europe. Since the EU isn’t all there is to Europe, it’s important to know the other country codes of Europe as well. GR Greece I Italy IRL Ireland N-IRL Northern Ireland6. Review the 2-letter and 3-letter country codes for the EU in alphabetical order by country. positions of the Member States on this issue. Try the new automatic translation by clicking on the blue icon “Translate” up in the right corner of the article! Unique “3-letter” country codes published in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes' list to be used within the NATO Codification System (NCS) to distinguish geographical entities, nations and countries, whenever necessary. They are also great when it comes to large statistics for the European continent or the world at large. Just like North America, the continent of Europe is full of country codes. Tables des codes de pays (ISO 3166). AT - Austria 2. En complément des deux cent six « codes pays » des comités nationaux olympiques , trois « pseudo-codes » sont définis : FI - Finland 11. This designation shall not be While the European Union might commonly use the ISO alpha-2 codes, it’s important to look at both types when discussing EU country codes. But, did you know that countries have two-letter codes that are recognized internationally too? Liste des pays - Union européenne (UE) 2013 - Structure de la classification; Code Pays Alpha-2 Alpha-3; 040: Autriche: AT: AUT: 056: Belgique: BE: BEL: 100: Bulgarie: BG: BGR: 191: Croatie: HR: HRV: 196: Chypre: CY: CYP: 203: Tchèque, République: CZ: CZE: 208: Danemark: DK: DNK: 233: Estonie: EE: EST: 246: Finlande: FI: FIN: 250: France: FR: FRA: 276: Allemagne: DE: DEU: 300: Grèce: GR: GRC: 348: … European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)-East countries: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)-South countries: (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. L Luxembourg NL The Netherlands P Portugal S Sweden UK United Kingdom6. Find out what is the most common shorthand of Europe on! European country codes have a plethora of purposes that go beyond government paperwork. The order in the tables below is first column down, then second column down, etc.. (3 Letter Country Code) ccTLD. 1. GR - Greece 14. The two-letter codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) abbreviate the country name into two easy-to-identify letters. CY - Cyprus 5. Looking for the abbreviation of France? The 2-letter codes shown above are supplied by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Country codes present in ISO 3166-1 but not listed in this table are valid country codes and must be accepted. construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual Country / Territory. Please use the follow table to identify the countries in Europe, as well as the country ISO codes and ccTLDs. The word Europe has one common abbreviation. These codes work to make paperwork a lot easier, since you don’t have to write out the full name for every country. Now that you know how the codes are broken down, we will look at the different codes for countries in the 27 countries of the European Union along with other countries on the European continent. Code (1) Former abbreviation (1) Belgique/België: Belgium: Kingdom of Belgium: BE: B: България (*) Bulgaria: Republic of Bulgaria: BG — Česko: Czechia: Czech Republic: CZ — Danmark: Denmark: Kingdom of Denmark: DK: DK: Deutschland: Germany: Federal Republic of Germany: DE: D: Eesti: Estonia: Republic of Estonia: EE — Éire/Ireland: Ireland: Ireland: IE: IRL: Ελλάδα (*) Greece While only the codes for Europe are covered here, these country code abbreviations are designated for every continent. (2 Letter Country Code) ISO-3166-3. (with asterisk and footnote in written documents, only the first time that Kosovo is mentioned). The country code standard makes it easy for developers to combine different API’s consistently (standards are good). EE - Estonia 9. LV - Latvia 21. will not appear in prose or similarly written texts. Find out what is the most common shorthand of France on! Member States of the European Union (EU) and other countries have been assigned a two-letter country code, always written in capital letters, and often used as an abbreviation in statistical analyses, tables, figures or maps.. You might know the United States’ country code is US, but did you know the country code for the United Kingdom was GB? There is no pluralized version of Europe since it is a proper noun. Find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stands for. EU Member States come first, followed by European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States, candidate countries for EU membership, potential candidates and, finally, other countries. ISO-3166-2. 'XK' is a code used for practical reasons and not an official ISO country code. This page has been accessed 332,660 times. Browse the list of 3.8k Europe abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Rechercher une abréviation. 7 ways to abbreviate Europe. Trying to fit the entire country’s name on a map could be a mess. Below is a list of two-letter codes (ISO alpha-2), and the three letter codes (ISO alpha-3), as well as the United Nations, used numerical code M49 for countries, dependencies, and other areas. It also listed primary subdivisions, with their ISO 3166-2 and FIPS 10-4 codes. They are reserved for maps, headlines, or other areas where space is a concern. (Dependencies marked in Italic writing) La table des codes alphabétiques sur 2 caractères pour les noms de pays, en usage dans le Sudoc, s'appuie sur la liste des codes de pays ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Europe (change continent) The continent code for Europe is EU. List: The two-letter country code / country abbreviation ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 These organization abbreviations actually create a new word. These include partially recognized countries that have a code, like Kosovo, and border countries, like Turkey and Armenia. Knowing the European country code can make the relevant numbers a breeze to find. DK - Denmark 8. Here's a list of codes for the countries Since it wouldn’t make much sense to let everyone just pick their own country codes, the creation of these codes is regulated and created by the ISO to be nationally recognized. It bases its list of country names and abbreviations on the list of names published by the United Nations. For every country or partial country that is recognized in Europe, there is a code. And, just so all your country codes are covered, you’ll find the country calling codes too! Sometimes (in menu descriptions and article titles), when spelling out a number of countries would make the description or title too long, we use the internationally accepted two-letter codes for countries -- similar to the three-letter codes for airports. DE - Germany 7. The two-letter codes are what is commonly used by the European Union (EU). This page describes the rules for the abbreviations, codes and protocol order to use for countries. The protocol order in which countries are often listed is based on the alphabetical list of countries in their national language for EU and EFTA Member States and for candidate countries; for potential candidates, it is based on the alphabetical order of their country code. The three-letter codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) break each country down into three letters. However there’s loads of country codes – and in order to fulfil our legal obligations I needed a list of 2 letter country codes applicable to Europe only. IT - Italy 18. In cases where a person was born in one country and conducted the work that made them famous in another, the continent and ethnic/cultural group or country where the person became famous is recorded in the gazetteer. Sign up today and be the first to try @hearluminary! Toute modification apportée à cette table est mentionnée à la rubrique Evolution des codes de pays. EH pour le Pays basque (Euskal Herria en basque) G / GZ pour la Galice (Galiza en galicien) France. This page was last modified on 14 October 2020, at 14:18. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. HU - Hungary 16. Abréviations anglaises : la liste complète Now that you’ve explored European country codes, check out government acronyms. Ajouter une abréviation Sigles français Sigles courants Sigles de pays Sigles juridiques Sigles scientifiques Sigles anglais Sigles littéraires Sigles économiques Sigles médicaux. It is, Eur. These codes can be used in mapping and geographic information systems. Interinstitutional style guide (Publications Office). This 2-letter country name abbreviation table is for me. Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups. How to abbreviate Europe? The most recognized country code is just two letters, but there are other codes available. ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets - lukes/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes Well, they do. There are also three-letter codes used by the UN, but we prefer the shorter ones. can sign up for notifications to be informed when changes are made by clicking on the follow function in the top right hand corner With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. 2-Letter Country Name Abbreviations. ARP pour l'Arpitanie; BZH pour la Bretagne (Breizh en breton) GRD pour l'état fictif du Groland, de l'émission de télévision du même nom. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Les codes ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 correspondants sont également indiqués ; ils sont en gras lorsqu'ils sont différents. List of most popular Europe terms updated in January 2021 The eighth edition added ISO two- and three-letter country codes. All Rights Reserved. The UN also uses 3-letter codes, and numerical codes to identify nations, and those are shown above. (The two-letter codes are based on ISO 3166‑1, the codes generally used for internet URLs.) CZ - Czech Republic 6. For example, a letter weighing less than 2 ounces can still be mailed to Canada for $1.15, but the price increases to $1.72 if mailing to Mexico, to $2.13 if mailing to a country in price groups 3 to 5, and $1.98 if mailing to a country in price groups 6 to 9. Pays; AF: Afghanistan: AX: Îles Aland: AL: Albanie: DZ: Algérie: AS: Samoa américaines: AD: Andorre: AO: Angola: AI: Anguilla: AQ: Antarctique: AG: Antigua-et-Barbuda: AR: Argentine: AM: Arménie: AW: Aruba: AU: Australie: AT: Autriche: AZ: Azerbaïdjan: BS: Bahamas: BH: Bahreïn: BD: Bangladesh: BB: Barbades: BY: Biélorussie: BE: Belgique: BZ: Belize: BJ: Bénin: BM: Bermudes: BT: Bhoutan: BO: Bolivie: BQ: Saba, …

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