... Paris 20. Pull follower into inside turn, lifting arm to neck level so that follower's neck presses against our forearm. Sidestep behind followers back, switch hands so that our right arm is now in front of follower and holding her right hand, which continues to rest on her left shoulder (almost like a choke hold). Son 4 . Open break into double open hold, then pull follower into inside turn, lifting right arm (follower's left arm) and depressing and twisting left arm (follower's right arm) so it bends behind follower's back in hammerlock hold. C’est ce style de salsa qui permet de danser la “Rueda” (une danse où les couples forment un cercle, font les passes de manière synchronisée et où les danseuses passent d’un danseur à l’autre). Check follower's turn with right arm, then gently push to cause her to reverse turn. Lundi : SALSA CUBAINE 20h15 à 21h15 Intermédiaire; Mardi : SALSA CUBAINE 19h15 à 20h15 Débutant; Mercredi : SALSA PORTO RICAINE 20h15 à 21h15 Débutant . No hay comentarios: Publicar un comentario. Waka waka francescana. Il faut également savoir que quasiement toutes les figures de Rock, de ChaChaCha, de West Coast Swing, se tranfèrent assez facilement sur la salsa portoricaine selon des adaptations techniques et rythmiques que vous pourrez découvrir et mettre en application. On step 5, pull the right hand back and to the right, throwing follower into free inside turn. CLASES DE BACHATA MADRID . 20.-/pers. Salsa débutant Tous les Vendredis de 20h15 à 21h30 – MJC du Grand Cordel à Rennes, 18 rue des Plantes 35700 Rennes. WILD STALLION: 4. INTERMEDIAIRES (et NOVICES/INTER et DEBUTANTS/INTER) 1. Open break into single crossed hold (leader's right to follower's right). Cross-body . During turn, bring both of followers hands together and held by our right hand. 20 figures of SALSA PORTORICAINE in this collection. Salsa 2 Capacités : Inters 1 ou Inters 2, Confirmés Programme : figures ludiques. 32, rue du Capitaine Marchal Paris, 75020. Back on right foot, then half of inside turn (to left). Lieu : 20 rue Jean Mermoz 74100 Annemasse (anciennement Maison de la Literie, en dessous de Géant). ... la bachata ou le merengue grâce à nos cours de danse gratuits. Perform half turn to right to enter cuddle, with leader to right of follower. #Les leçons suivantes détaillent en plan serré et en plan large les pas du danseur et de la danseuse pour une meilleur compréhension. Rueda de Casino - Salsa Cookies auf der Sommernach... 20 figures of SALSA PORTORICAINE in this collection, 18 figures of cuban salsa in this collection. Devant une demande accrue lors de ses déplacements en Europe, il a réalisé … Elle permet également de s’exprimer en solo notamment au travers des shines (jeux de jambes) lorsque le couple se détache. Need a reminder of the moves taught in your salsa dance class? Open break, then pull follower into inside turn, using single hand hold: leader's left or right to follower's right. En danse, la salsa de style portoricain (l'appellation « salsa portoricaine » ou « porto » étant plus fréquente) est un type de salsa.Ce style ne vient absolument pas de Porto Rico mais dérive du Mambo (d'où son appellation de « salsa-mambo » aux États-Unis), type de salsa inventé par la communauté latino-américaine des États-Unis. Salsa portoricaine 6. Circle leader, keeping right hand against his neck. Farid Ferchach est le directeur de l'école Salsa Conga, située a Toulon (France). Apprenez à danser la salsa, la bachata ou le merengue grâce à nos cours de danse gratuits. Forward on right foot, checking follower's turn, then step back and lead follower to return to closed position. Elle se danse en ligne et de manière plus chorégraphiée. Salsa Lust is just for you! Et ce n'est pas moins de 4 personnes et près de 20 minutes (!) On step 3, leader dips deeply to left, bending left leg and keeping right leg straight. Be careful to keep follower's bent arm low, otherwise you may cause pain and injury to her shoulder. Move of the day. Lift right arm over follower's right arm (which is held by our left arm), then use it as lever to cause her to continue circling, Use left hand against follower's left hip to lead her into outside turn. On step 3, take hold of follower's right wrist with our left hand, in preparation for turning her. FOOTLOOSE: 5. 1,2,3 . Here's a very flashy enhancement to the multiple checked inside turns. Plus de détails. Cours de salsa portoricaine - le milles-pattes. Dans ses grandes lignes, la Salsa Portoricaine repose sur ces 3 figures. In-place basic. Diana is the most enjoyable female Salsa teacher on the market. Tutorial Bachata - YouTube. See more ideas about salsa lessons, salsa, salsa dancing. Semba 1. A variation is to push follower with left arm on steps 1-3, then extend our right hand across our body to the left on step 4. It helps to precede a double inside turn by one or more peek-a-boos, to give the follower some turning momentum. SECUENCIA MUY FACIL DE BACHATANGO EXPLICADA. Basic . Turn follower. Salsa Rock Paris: Toute la danse Salsa et Rock en France, DVD Salsa et rock 6 temps, DVD Valse, Vidéos Tango, Paso Doble, DVD salsa cubaine, DVD Kizomba, DVD Bachata, DVD Merengue, DVD cha cha, Musique salsa, figures de salsa, DVD danse de salon, Formations professeurs salsa, articles danse, concerts danse, actualités salsa, chaussures salsa …. 20 figures of SALSA PORTORICAINE in this collection - YouTube. Check follower's turn with left arm, then gently push to cause her to turn again. D’origine cubaine, la salsa a connu de nombreux changements et codifications qui sont à l’origine de la naissance de plusieurs styles de Cours de salsa Portoricaine - Réserve tout de suite sur ActivCorner ... de Salsa Portoricaine intermédiaires qui souhaitent perfectionner leur style ou approfondir leur connaissance de la Salsa: guidage, figures, passes, musicalité ! Release hold as follower completes turn. Conclude with leader haircomb. PROMOTION ACHETER / OFFRIR DES COURS DÉCOUVERTE. Néanmoins, sa renommée sur la scene internationale interviendra rapidement notamment grâce aux fameux shows X-MEN et BRAVEHEART. The most comprehensive salsa moves list offered on the web. On step 6, use her stiff right arm as lever to pull her forward, using our right hand against her right elbow. End result is that follower is standing to left of leader, in side-by-side cuddle hold, with leader's left arm behind her back and his right arm across his front, Sidestep to left, so follower is to right of leader, while maintaining both right and left hand holds, Release left hand, sidestep to right, turn follower with right hand. El Blog de la Salsa está en twitter ¡Síguenos! Stages associés. Gently but firmly push follower's right arm down and to our left, causing her to turn (if you push up, she may hit other dancers in the face). 22 oct. 2018 - Découvrez le tableau "DANSE SALSA" de Marie Flora sur Pinterest. FINAL DEL BACHATA STARS 2011 MVI_0009.MOV. In-place basic. To reduce the amount she has to turn, use left arm to gently push her on step 3 of the preceding measure and then sidestep to right and turn a quarter turn to left. I actually think the 360 is one of the most difficult leading moves in whole salsa. A lovely young couple who love to dance & teach. Leader can assist by circling follower in the clockwise direction, going against the direction of her turning and thus reducing the distance she has to travel. Publicidad Brahma "Instructores de Baile" 2010. Organisatrice : Laurence SalsAlianz Lift follower's hand and make right turn underneath. Enfin les noms des mouvements et des figures de salsa cubaine sont en général espagnol, ceux de la salsa portoricaine sont, pour la plupart, en anglais (en raison des origines nord-américaines). Libro-Juego Trivial Salsero: Preguntas y respuestas sobre salsa. TOES: 2. Gently push follower forward on step 3 with left arm, to initiate outside turn, Basic (forward with right foot on step 1), Sidestep to right, turning follower with right hand and performing 1/4 left turn of our own, Cross-body, leading follower to continue turning to left, while starting to turn to left ourselves, Cross-body, then continue turning to left, Turn to left, circling follower counter-clockwise, and continuing to turn her, Turn to left, circling follower counter-clockwise, and continuing to turn her. Salsa Portoricaine Style L.A. - Débutants 1, 1 DVD, 120 minutes Synopsis. Sideways basic, lead follower into partial outside turn then check turn, by pulling her back to closed position. Il est également adapté pour ceux qui souhaitent perfectionner les bases de la salsa portoricaine. Entrée à la soirée de samedi Fr. Le 20/05/2013; Cuban Salsa dance figure: Enchufla Complicado, Rock Latin Dance 60 Clermont, www.rocklatindansecountry.e-monsite.com" ... Salsa Portoricaine - figures débutant/intermédiaire. Le cours aura lieu tous les mercredis à partir du 20 janvier 2021, de 18h15 à 19h15. #La première leçon souligne les fondements de la salsa portoricaine : Basic Step, Cross Body Lead et Cross Body Lead Inside roll. Be careful to keep follower's bent arm low, otherwise you may cause pain and injury to her shoulder. See Hombres El Centro for further details. Steps. 5,6,7 . Open break, then pull follower forward into inside turn while stepping forward so as to change places, Switch hands (right to right hold), then step forward, turning to left, Change places, lifting follower's hand over our head. Back on right foot, then inside turn (to left), Change places with follower as she continues turning. Push follower with left arm into outside turn, but keep arm down at neck level so she turns into a neck wrap. Ce programme comprend 5 leçons, 3 figures de bases, 26 figures et de nombreuses routines... La première leçon souligne les fondements de la Salsa Portoricaine : Basic Step, Cross Body Lead, et Cross Body Lead Inside Roll. Open break, then pull follower into inside turn. Stage Salsa Portoricaine; Salsa Portoricaine - figures débutant/intermédiaire; KUDURO Dance; Salsa; Rock Danse Rock - enchainement 1; Danse Rock'n Roll ... 20. Follower's arm must be relaxed in order for leader to have time to grab her elbow before she turns again. These two movements give the follower turning momentum. The teachers have fun & enjoy what they are showing you. 2ème démonstration de Salsa portoricaine par Tropical Gem . Débutant ou avancé, retrouvez nos DVD et figures de salsa cubaines et portoricaines: Shines à 2, sexy salsa,... titounes insight: ... le vendredi 20/12/2013 @ Salsa Night 'Péniche Touta'. On step 4, he checks followers turn by using his hand against her thigh. Check follower's turn with left hand, Basic. Great sense of humor. Check follower's turn with right arm, then gently push to cause her to reverse turn. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Danse salsa, Salsa cubaine, Danse latine. Continue walking, lift right arm from behind follower's head, move it behind ours, while maintaining hold on follower's right elbow. Leader will be holding follower's right hand against her left shoulder. Salsa 3 Capacités : Inters 2, Confirmés ou Avancés Programme : … Enviar por correo electrónico Escribe un blog Compartir con Twitter Compartir con Facebook Compartir en Pinterest. Bienvenidos a Salsa-Style Aprenderan Rápido y Fácil a bailar salsa! It requires a perfect understanding of the CBL for it to be executed very smoothly from the core, and that is (as most people know) easier said than done. Cours de SALSA PORTORICAINE Niveaux Intermédiaire. Formation professeur Salsa Portoricaine Porto1. Turn follower, while changing places, so that she performs 1 and 1/2 turns. FIGURA DE BACHATA EXPLICADA Lio de brazos . Cross-body with extra inside turn (to left). Pull follower into inside turn, depressing and twisting arm so that it bends behind follower's back in hammerlock hold. D'origine Marocaine, il est initialement chanteur et musicien et découvre la salsa tardivement. Forward on right foot, checking follower's turn, then step back and lead follower to return to closed position. Single hand hold: leader's left or right to follower's right. Follower may have difficulty completing this turn in time. Semba 1. I think a 360 for a real beginner is way too hard. BROKEN HEART: 2. SALSA TOOLS / SALSA PORTORICAINE SALSA PORTORICAINE ... LES FIGURES DE PORTORICAINE CrossBody , change main . Back on right foot, then half of inside turn (to left), Forward on right foot, checking follower's turn with free arm, then step back and lead follower to return to closed position. Nouveauté : cours de danses Caribéennes [débutants] avec Alessia Nous avons fait le choix de ne pas choisir : ne restez plus assis pendant les soirées latines Nous vous proposons de découvrir les 3 danses du soleil : Salsa Cubaine, Salsa Portoricaine et Bachata. Very enjoyable. Vida de Pobres, Kuko Sanchez & Su Orquesta 45rpm Sello Internacional!!! La Salsa Portoricaine se distingue par des figures très stylisées, qui mettent l’accent sur la beauté des attitudes des danseurs. Hold onto follower's right hand with our right hand, so that it stays against our neck. In-place basic. Lead follower into cross-body, then grab her right shoulder with left arm and lead her to perform full turn, releasing hold as she turns. Cross-body, except lead follower to perform extra inside turn. Fiche du stage. Basic, while bringing follower's hands over our head in a leader haircomb. To make the 1 and 1/2 outside turns easier: release left hand on step 2 and use it to gently push follower forward on step 3, so she starts the outside turn early. On steps 5 and 6 he raises himself and, optionally, performs some sort of turn or spin as a followup. GALWAYS GIRLS: 3. Open break to single hold (right hand to right hand), then pull follower forward into inside turn, lifting right hand so our right forearm rests against back of follower's neck, check her turn by grabbing her right elbow (which is sticking out towards us) with left hand, Back on right foot, then half inside turn (to left). Tutorial Bachata #Tutorial #Bachata #Clases #Dance #Aprender #Gratis #Academia #classes #learn. When she returns to closed position, take hold of her right arm and lead her into changes places with inside turn or some other pattern. Sideways basic, turning follower with both hands, Turn to left (half turn and change places, or full turn and no change places), maintaining double hand hold so that hands will be crossed with right over left, Basic, with follower haircomb using right hand (her left hand will be caught in the crook of her bending right elbow as we begin the haircomb), Using hands on follower's elbows, turn her, Turn follower, maintaining double hand hold, which is now crossed, Step forward, turning to left, thus changing places with follower, maintaining double hand hold, which becomes uncrossed, Enter cuddle with leader on right side of follower, Step to left side of follower, maintaining cuddle, Release left hand and turn follower with right arm, Turn follower with both hands.

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